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Posts posted by alexandrov

  1. i suggest you read more AYP Lessons


    its obvious you haven't at all lol, since the 2nd main practice of AYP is Spinal Breathing is exactly "clearing channels or moving chi around"



    and you know they have a forum on that site, right?


    actually i read the deep meditation book and the info on deep meditation on the site. Otherwise I would not be asking this question. In the book it does not throughly talk about possible contraindications with more energetic based practices. I have not read about the pranayama practices because im not interested in them at this time. I posted on their forum, I just wanted your inputs as well. From what I understand spinal breathing pranayama deals mainly with the back channels, while the chigung I do focuses on dan tien and the front ones, so yes there is a difference.


    Thank you all for your contributions

  2. Hi all


    I was just wondering if anyone knows what practices the ayp deep meditation practice (which involves the mental repitition of a single mantra) should not be done with. I know this type of meditation supossibly has energetic effects which can interfere with certain other practices which involve clearing channels or moving chi around.



  3. What is your current practice? What kinds of meditations or qigongs or diet or what-have-you are you doing now?


    the only kind of chigung i do, is specifically one for prostatitis which I posted a thread about a while back here



    other then that i also do concentration meditation focusing on the breath occasionally


    and as far as diet I am on a very bland one, no spices, no irritating or overly "hot" foods, no baked meats or


    other high protein foods that are baked, a lot of boiled legumes, whole grains, and vegetables



    I do not practice retention any longer



    also if you can explain the spontaneous chi-gung a bit it would be appreciated, thanks

  4. Running the orbit" with mind~intent can sometimes be problematic (regardless of which direction). My suggestion was specifically towards the physical activation of acupoints (and channels) through self-massage, "twiddling" in this case. Physical massage is much more likely to get to the physical level of difficulty that you're experiencing, imo. And that by-passes the "which direction?" question altogether.


    ok, i see thank you for this clarification on this issue



    I'm sorry I didn't post the answer to this question as you seemed that you wanted an answer to this question when you first addressed it. I really meant to immediately answer you but for many reasons it kind of slipped my mind... Inability to address this issue even though I wanted to.


    If I were you, I think the choice is ultimately up to you. You choose which you want. Go around asking for what you want to as many people as you can find and so forth... express these problems with people close to you that know about them (that you feel comfortable expressing you need help, maybe they know people, hopefully they may know someone) If this was ME, I wouldn't take no or alternative methods for an answer. (but I'm not saying the way I would go about it is the smartest way to do it... maybe someone else should try and address this issue... hopefully someone will)


    I really hope that whatever you find or get will ease your problem and your mental suffering of the issue stops. (As well ask fixing the physical problem in hopefully the near future.)



    no need to apologize for anything, thank you for your advice and good wishes

  5. Its good to give out more information if your seeking for someone (whom may or may not be knowledgable enough to help out, or help identify what could be the root causes of such a problem). :applaud:


    Although I in no way am claiming I'm very knowledgeable in such an area... but I think answering a little more specifically relevant questions could help you determine a better plan of action to deal with the problem.


    (So if you don't know the answer to the question... it would benefit you to figure out the answer and maybe share it with the rest of us, in an open domain like this where multipule people with different backrounds may or may not be able to help you. You also ARE FREE to seek more private places to talk to more professionals in this field, which is highly advised... but in the mean time... figuring out answers to question I'm sure couldn't hurt if you have the time)


    I did a quick search to find out what Prostatitis, found on wiki (their definition of it) which claimed "Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, in men." It also claimed

    "The term prostatitis refers, in its strictest sense, to histological (microscopic) inflammation of the tissue of the prostate gland, although it is loosely (and confusingly) used to describe several completely different conditions. To remedy this, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) devised a new classification system in 1999" (wiki defined Prostatitis Link)


    So I'm wondering which classification do you have?


    thank you for your input and advice whitetiger


    sorry for not making myself more clear earlier. I know about prostatitis, prostate problems, and many of the suggested remedies or things to help them.


    My main question for you all is...... that since seemingly any prolonged arousel causes a worsening of my symptoms, do you all think I should just cut out any activities that cause such prolonged arousal? I am especially referring to when i see my girlfriend.......i become aroused at the slightest most seemingly harmless physical contact. Or do you guys think that I should try to somehow detrain this response?



    Within the last 2 to 3 weeks what are the symptoms are you having?


    the specific symptoms that worsen with prolonged arousal are testicular pain, pain shooting into the legs and semen in urine in large quantities (the last symptom only occurs after long arousal periods with no ejaculation)




    Not surprised that western dr.s couldn't help you. Also not surprised re: the source of the trouble. This kind of situation shows up here from time to time. Not uncommon, to varying degrees.


    Basically, you're all jammed up in the lower abdomenal area. "Stagnation" is the word that Chinese medicine uses.


    Recovery plan (follow links below)

    1. A couple of supplements

    2. Variety of self-massage.

    3. Exercises that promote blood circulation in the lower abdomen.



    Serra-Gold or Natto-K (either one, take your choice) from Enzymedica (might be sold at your local health-food-store). These are pricey compared to other brands, but it's way worth it - they're much stronger and other brand just won't give you the results that you need. Start with really low doses. One capsule in the morning. Maybe not even every day. Either of these products will help a great deal to break up the stagnation that is centered in your lower abdomen. Critical. This plan won't work sufficiently without 'em.


    The other thing that you should take is any of the "friendly oils". Olive oil, hemp oil, fish oil, whatever. Mild doses.



    Homedics gizmo, S wand. Most importantly, activate acupoints and open the channels: The first most obvious places are the Liver channel and twiddling the little orbit, but you'll need to explore channel self-massage more than that because a lot goes through the lower abdomen and you'll need to self-massage channels balanced and somewhat comprehensively. Explore the self-massage section at



    Any aerobic exercise (jogging, biking, etc) to promote general blood circulation. Specifics to promote lower abdomenal circulation: See dealing with the force essay. Also stretching.


    You should see some change nearly immediately, but it will take a while to really solve the situation. Gradual progress.






    All of the above is to address your more basic problem of lower abdominal stagnation.



    thank you for the advice trunk, I will definitely try some of the stuff when i get a chance especially the nattokinase


    I always enjoy your creative work, and the vibration platform stuff has already helped me a lot.



    I have always wanted to try the crystal wand stuff just have not got around to it.


    Also I do a kind of chigung that includes the little orbit, but it is done in the reverse direction. I do not know


    what significance this has. I wonder what the differences are as far as effects of runnig it forwards as opposed to reverse?



    Hi Alexandrov, men lose energy through the loss of sperm so, considering the condition you have,

    you really should not be masturbating so as to try to conserve energy. It sounds like due to your condition

    you are regularly losing a fair amount of sperm which will may aggravate your condition, and will likely

    weaken you further at any rate. For now you really should do your best to keep your mind completely off sex

    as well, to not aggravate your condition further. A TCM practitioner might well be able to help you, especially

    acupuncture or acupressure treatments . This can get expensive if you get regular treatments

    though, which will likely be required for treating your condition. If you have medical coverage, does it cover acupuncture treatments or the like? You may need to get treatments over a long period of time

    for this type of condition.


    Generally some of the symptoms you described sound like symptoms related to

    very weak kidneys (from the chinese medicine perspective). You can do some research

    on qigong exercises that help strengthen the kidneys, as some of these type of qigong exercises

    might bring some relief in your situation. As an example, exercises such as rotating the upper torso

    in a wide circular motion while sitting or standing are supposed to help strengthen the kidneys.

    You bend the upper torso down and forward as you circle to the front and lean the upper torso back

    a little when circling the upper torso to the back. Keep the circling motion of the upper torso relaxed and continuous, and do not strain the movements. You can place the palms of your hands over the kidneys

    while you are doing the upper body rotating movements. You can also rub your palms together till

    they get hot before placing the palms over the kidneys.


    Another exercise is to sit with your legs stretched out straight in front of you on the floor.

    You lean forward and stretch out your arms and touch your toes with your fingers. You don't

    have to actually touch your toes if you can't reach that far without straining. You will become more

    flexible over time. Keep the exercises relaxed and do not try to over stretch or strain.

    If you do multiple repetitions of these types of exercises every morning and evening,

    you may find it provides some relief to some of your symptoms over time. You should

    however check with your doctor first though before starting any such exercises to make sure the

    doctor does not see any problem with such exercises based on your condition.

    Others here may be able to suggest other qigong exercises to help strengthen the kidneys,

    and to help heal the prostate. I wish you a speedy recovery.


    Thanks for this Iskote


    I feel a need to masturbate once every 1-2 weeks because I have a lot of semen built up then, that seems to cause more congestion if I dont.


    Masturbation per say does not seem to be so bad if done infrequently, it is when i start loosing semen in my urine due to prolonged arousal that really makes things bad for some reason. Maybe it jams things up more


    As soon as I get the money I will be going to a tcm practitioner.



    thank you everyone



    been to multiple urologists, no help whatsoever, tried many different treatments, some helped most didnt do a thing.


    I am saving up to see a tcm practitioner. The western medical term for my condition is prostatitis


    Being aroused is completely natural, you should be able to enjoy it.


    thats the thing.......I simply can not have prolonged or frequent sexual activity without running into problems. Thats why i only mastrbare once every 1-2 weeks. I am perfectly fine with this. Even if I have to be this way for a long time its ok. I dont mind not being able to enjoy it because to me fixing this condition or at least dealing with it is far more important to me. Honestly I dont feel much at orgasm anymore so sexual activity does not give me much pleasure or fellings of release anyways.


    Saw palmetto and pygeum tried those no help. As far as prostate problems go I used to be pretty severe, and things are still pretty bad. These things usually so not help in severe prostatitis



    why don't you just fuck her and stop fighting your feelings


    well honestly I dont have much sexual attraction for her. Its more like a response that is just automatic, and has happened with every girl i start touching. I am not even thinking about having sex with her or anything related when it happens, it is something i can not control.



    maybe there is a connection between this and your prostate issues?

    could be wrong, but I think you are blocking some tubes or something. masturbating isn't that bad for you at your age, not like every day.. but couple times a week won't hurt. and you have a girlfriend so get in that! explore that sexuality


    well the problems started when I was not around any women and I attribute them to chia excercises mostly



    What prostate problems?


    pain in testicles, pain in lower back, white cloudy urine, semen in urine after prolonged arousal, pains shooting down legs, weak urine stream, dribbling and leaking after finnishing urination, urinary hesitancy, weak erections (cant hold for very long), little to no pleasure at orgasm, pelvic muscle spasms,


    however i do not have all of these symptoms anymore and not all of them occur at the same time, but I have experienced all of them at some point, they are all typical prostatitis symptoms







    Basically at this point the way I see it I have 3 options. 1 Do not have any girlfriends until the issue is dealt with. Have a girl but do not have any physical contact with her (im not joking). 3 have a girl, have a physical relationship and learn how to detrain/control my arousal response so I wont get an extreme worsening of some of the symptoms mentioned above, when i touch her.

  7. Ok so I have this problem where I am almost always aroused around my girlfriend. I masturbate like once


    every 1-2 weeks. Now this would not really be a problem if i didnt have prostate problems. What happens is


    when I see her and when i start touching her , even if its just holding hands i get hard or semi hard for usually


    a few hours straight (that is the amount of time i usually spend with her), then semen will leak into my urine,


    and I get really tired. Also I get blue balls and all sorts of pelvic pain. Its really annoying. I dont have any


    sexual relations with her. I have been this way with every girl i have ever been with since i got prostate


    problems (19) and I am 23 now. I also dont see her too often (like once a week). The thing is that i am not


    thinking about anything sexual when this happens at all, her body is not even very arousing to me. It is just an


    automatic response I guess. I suppose I am looking for advice. Is there any way i can detrain this response?


    Should I just completely forget about girls until i fix my prostate problems? I feel if I keep this up I will just ruin my health more. Maybe a relationship without any physical contact?


    thanks in advance

  8. I honestly do not know much of anything about sungazing but I came across this video which is related



    prahlad Jani is an 80 year old man who has not eaten since he was 12


    scientists tested him in isolation for 10 days he did not eat, drink, or urinate


    one of the doctors has a theory that because of his sungazing practice he does not have to eat or drink.....


  9. Diet is a bigger issue than "meat versus not-meat". Healthwise, I'd say it's definitely possible to get by without eating "meat", per se, if you are willing to eat other animal products that have the same or similar nutritional factors.




    As far as Dr. Price's work goes, yes, it is outdated...but he showed that crooked teeth are mostly caused by poor nutrition, and he was the very first person (and pretty much the only, for many decades) to say that. If you doubt that particular conclusion, you haven't read his book. If anyone wonders if they should read his book, here are 3 reasons to think his basic conclusion is worth investigating (assuming you doubt his thoughts on crooked teeth):


    1. Rickets, the curving/weakening/softening of the lower leg bones, is caused by deficiencies of Vitamin D and calcium. Rickets can be cured by supplementing with these two substances.


    2. Native tribes have much less problem with crooked teeth (and cavities) than people on a modern diet. If you are unsure of this, Google search about evolutionary changes in jaw size in humans. Our jaws have suddenly gotten smaller since we started eating lots of grains, around 10 thousand years ago, but our teeth haven't gotten smaller, and we still, in most cases, have 32 adult teeth, which have not changed size at all, unlike our jaws. Anthropologists think the change is a result of our evolution, but Dr. Price's work shows otherwise. So does common sense. Nature wouldn't try to shove the same number of the same sized teeth into a smaller jaw. We are simply forced, by our poor diets, to have smaller jaws.


    3. Native diets have much more calcium and Vitamin D than "modern" diets, up to 10 times more.


    The real question is, exactly what is the ideal human diet, healthwise? After reading Dr. Price's book, it's clear that eating a little seafood/meat and maybe some shellfish/roe is a pretty safe bet, in terms of health. The healthiest tribes he found were the ones that ate either lots of organ meats, lots of fish/shellfish, or both. These groups were much healthier, in terms of bone structure and dental health, than the groups that were less able to get access to lots of meat and seafoods. You should be careful about your sources, but, in general, the fears about mercury in seafood are overblown, as long as you are careful about which fish and which body parts you eat. Ask me, if you don't know which fish and body parts to eat. Most meat is pretty OK, too, as long as the animal is raised on something very close to its natural diet.


    I'm not saying you HAVE to eat meat to be healthy...but I suggest to ANYONE to read Dr. Price's book and consider it CAREFULLY before making grand pronouncements and sweeping generalizations about health and diet. Seriously. I majorly fucked up my health with a low-fat raw fruits-and-greens chimpanzee-style diet. It screwed up my brain big-time, and it took a couple of years of a high-fat diet with lots of good-quality fish, meat, and animal fats (mostly raw) to get rid of the panic attacks and the constant low-grade fear/worry/dread. That's not even mentioning the terrible tooth sensitivity that I developed, and am still getting over through mineral supplements and good quality fats. We really are meant to eat some animal products to achieve our best health, and the more you limit your personal diet for moral/religious/ethical/emotional reasons, the smarter you had better be in getting the necessary nutrients. I know a LOT of long-term vegans whose brains will probably never recover. Don't believe the anti-animal-fat hype. The raw fat of a healthy animal is a healthy food. The Eskimos had excellent health on their blubber-and-oil diet, They believed that seal oil is a health food, and it is incredibly high in Vitamin A. They didn't know that, but their dietary intuition told them they needed to eat it. Also, you don't have to live in a cold climate to eat a lot of raw animal fat. They Masai of East Africa had excellent health on their meat and milk diet. Their diet was very high-fat, and they had much better teeth and skeletal health on their diet than the Bantu, who ate a lower-fat, mostly-vegetarian diet. The Bantu had 13 times the rate of cavities as the Masai. not 13%. 1300%. People, this is why your teeth suck. You have no idea how to eat.


    After listening to the Buddhists about eating meat, and listening to the fruitarians about their diet, and the raw foodists, and getting my brain and teeth seriously fucked up, I am WAY TOO FUCKING SMART to follow any dietary ideology too closely. (Experience is a good teacher, but the tuition is high.) I study constantly, and I suggest that anybody who changes their diet better know their shit beforehand, and ask those more knowledgable about what to do and what to read. Go ahead, read the China Study...and then read Dr. Price's book. Particularly, chapters 15-20. Here is a link:


    Dr. Price's book, the first 20 chapters. Take a long, loooooong look at chapters 15-20. If you want to actually know something about food and health, you need to know chapters 15-20 as well as a bicyclist knows how to pedal a bike. Seriously. It's not the only book you'll need to read carefully about diet, but none of the others make as much sense without it. Again, I'm not an ideologue. I do what works. You want to get a good, basic idea of what works, in terms diet and health? That's one of the best places to to start.


    I don't want much blowback on this, right now. IF you disagree with me, read those 5 chapters about 3 times. Take a month to think it over, then read it again. If you STILL disagree with me, then post. Otherwise, I'm quite likely to place you firmly in the "might get it right in 10 years" category, and will quite likely ignore anything you say about this. Like I said, read it, give a few weeks or a month, read it again, THEN post. Also, if I get dogpiled by a bunch of vegetarians over this, I'll probably never post about diet here again. I've already had my one-man battle about these issues on another message board, and feelings are still pretty hurt about it, years later. I find that even the fairly idiotic among you has some quality of genius in some cases, and I don't feel like making angry those who might casually teach me a precious thing that I can use for many years hence. I've learned some awesome stuff from you guys, and I don't want to cause a bunch of hurt feelings here, OK? I waited several days before I posted on this thread, so my response would be calmer and cooler, and I think we could all take a page from that book, if we want productive discussions, mmkay? LOL




    Hits the nail dead on. It is very hard to argue with evidence that has been consistantly produced from peoples that were/are physically isolated from each other. The problem with many modern studies that bash animal products is that they do not take into account the quality of the animal products.








    Jedi, why dont you try to give us a little more thought as to why you do not agree with some of the above statements made by Agarthi. Did you look over the book nutrition and physical degeneration? Did you read over the sections agharte mentioned as particularly important? If not I would recommend that you do so, this book contains some very good information that is of interest to even those who might disagree with it. Taking a look at it could not hurt especially since Agartta recommended that those who wished to engage him in debate do so as a prerequisite. Agartha made a valid point using arguments based mostly on logic. Also he obviously put a lot of thought and time into his post, to ridicule what he said without using any form of logic whatsoever seems pointless to me. Why not provide an argument against what he said with some kind of logic or other method of portraying ideas/thoughts that involves a little bit more cerebral activity. How about write an equally thourough post as to why you disagree with some of his points. It would be nice if you shared your personal opinion supported by facts you researched with us on the matter rather then just posting links to information you agree with. You must know a lot of information on this topic to bring it up in the first place, so please share it with us.

  10. Hi all

    I am looking for a really really good chinese medicine specialist/acupuncturist/chigung healer in the washington dc area


    most of the acupuncturists I have been to really do not understand my condition and many of them tell me completely different contradicting things


    I went to an acupuncturist today and I felt like i was just educating her about the tcm protoca lfor prostate problems,

    and she only seemed interested in making me COMPLETELY understand that acupuncture may not work for me and I also had to ask many many many many times for her to disclose to me my tongue and pulse readings



  11. if you look at the healthiest normal (and by normal I mean having no advanced cultivation abilities to reduce


    food intake needs) peoples by (bone structure)


    you find that they had diets high in animal products


    that article is loaded with bias trying to prove a point and unscientific nonsense using statements such as


    However, eating raw or bloody meat disgust us as humans. Therefore, we must cook it and season it to buffer the taste of flesh


    that is total nonsense, just because some vegan hippies are disgusted at eating raw meat does not mean all


    humans are. the inuit routinely ate raw fish and game. in fact they let fish putrify for months and then


    consumed it, this was considered a delicacy. The inuit even up until the early 20th century when on their natural diet which consisted almost entirely of meat in the winter had a tooth decay rate where only .09 percent of the population had ever had any dental decay. They also had almost no facial or dental deformities, a high resistance to TB and other pathogens, no pain giving birth to children etc.


    all of these thigs were clearly documented by weston a price a dentist who went around the world studying nonindustrialized peoples in the 1930's


    I don't know how some people can claim veganism is the ideal diet for humans across the globe when vegetable food is not found in higher latitudes and colder climates during the cooler months. Do you expect the inuit to live off of grass in the winter?


    I love how this article picks and chooses it's "evidence" and omits facts that can be used as an argument against veganism. Why didnt the article explain that ruminant animals have up to 4 stomachs so that they can better digest plant foods?



    more bs quotes from the "factual article"


    If we are true carnivores or omnivores, cooking our meat and seasoning it with salt, ketchup, or tabasco sauce would disguise and we as humans would refuse to eat our meat in this form.


    too bad there is no logic whtsoever in this statement, humans have seasoned all sorts of food from the beginning of time plant animal whatever.


    this is as logical as me saying that "as humans do not like the taste of straight raw broccoli, putting ranch dressing on broccoli proves that humans were never intended to eat raw broccoli."


    again some groups of people eat their meat raw and love it that way. I used to eat straight raw fish with no seasoning sometimes, and I was not raised to eat it in this manner, so what does this prove???

    absolutely nothing other then different people like the taste of food prepared in different ways, AND that people can adapt to liking the taste of foods they are not used to.


    more BS..........


    Meat is not good for you as it clogs your thinking. This is especially true if you eat red meat; white meat has less fat compared to red meat. Excessive intake of fats into your body can result in having a high level of cholesterol. If you think that not eating meat is going to make you look scrawny or unhealthy please think again. Just imagine that cows, goats, gorillas, elephants, rhinoceroses and so on are all vegetarians (herbivores) but look at how tough these animals are, not to mention their life span which is longer compared to the carnivores (meat eating animals).


    meat clogs thinking............hmm very scientific argument


    excessive fat causes high cholesterol.....................well tell that to the samburu tribe of kenya who have been known to eat up to 1 POUND of butterfat per day and have an average cholesterol level of half of the average american's cholesterol level


    cows, goats, are ruminants and have 4 STOMACHS that is why they can thrive on GRASS


    gorillas eat small amounts of animal proteins in the form of insects and insect eggs



    The great Tai Chi masters of China were adept at preserving their chi, even if some of the masters were not vegetarians, they still had a balanced diet. It has now been scientifically proven that a balanced vegetarian diet is better compared to a diet that is taken with meat.


    like i said earlier chigung practitioners have ways of reducing their food intake needs so we are not talking about them, in their case a vegan diets or sometimes eating nothing is something thay have trained their body to adapt to by practice

    not something that comes as a result of forcefuly being vegan.




    in summary i think this article is very unscientific, the authors notion of loosing chi by eating meat is simply underdeveloped at best, no evidence of real logic in support of most of the claims made, the authour is trying to prove a point and is not providing obvios evidence that supports human omnivorism, no sources cited, full of false information


    i am not against vegetarianism, but i am against people using flase info to support it


    Ithink vegetarianism can be beneficlial to some people for a variety of reasons



    to read about the work of weston are some inks



    here is a very good link on traditional diets


  12. well I tried learning dr. Lin's anal breathing for some time about a year back or so


    I still use it every so often


    I only tried the offline practice because I no longer have the ability to sustain a normal erection over a few


    minutes usually.




    Dr.Lin claims that one can have dry orgasms with the offline practice (by just leaning how to sync tailbone


    contractions correctly, without having an erection or touching the penis or anything else) I have not able to


    reproduce this yet. To tell you the truth I am not even sure if I am flexing the correct tailbone muscle when I


    flex (I will explain this in more detail below). I am able however to easily get the rapid involunary muscle


    contractions in that area, and can slow the


    contractions down and pulse them at varioius intervals. I can get some pleasure from this. One time I almost


    had an orgasm from doing this shortly after an ejaculation, by controlling the pulses to a certain pattern.






    However I must note a few things. First I no longer do this practice seriously because I have developed


    uncontrolable PC muscle spasms from practicing Mantak chia's recommendation of using ExTREMELY HARD PC


    muscle flexes which I would never recommend anyone do. I think this may have caused me to not be able to


    flex my tailbone seprately from my PC muscles. When I get the involuntary contractions mentioned above


    they usually seem to involve all the muscles in that area including the tailbone and PC, it is pretty difficult for


    me to separate them I think but I seem to be able to flex the tailbone muscle harder then the PC muscle even


    though I flex them both at the same time. It is also sometimes dificult to tell what I am flexing, especially


    when I do harder flexes later in sessions when the contractions become more automatic. the so


    called "involuntary" contractions I think are a misnomer because they can be controlled, so I use the


    term "automatic" contractions as I think it is more appropriate.

  13. Forgot to mention the whole gan hao theory of things in some schools of chinese medicine


    Gan Hao is the body's back up energy the body produces when it is tired but does not sleep


    (probably is related with cortisol or other similar stress hormones)


    So when one is tired and does not sleep the body creates gan hao which will serve to prevent sleep

  once gan hao is created it will make it more difficult to sleep even though thebody is still


    exhausted. This effet can be seen if one is tired and wants t otake a nap, but does not and then feels less


    tired at a later point

  14. Any reason for attempting a sleep in the day, awake at night lifestyle?



    well no, not really but I work an overnight job and frequently stay up all night during final exam time. However


    I take classes in the day so.........well I think you get the idea, basically a lot of switching around of my sleep




    I simply find that switching to and from a normal sleeping pattern and a reversed one makes me abnormally




    even when I do manage to get a decent number of hours in the quality seems to not be the same. I am


    wondering if this is in fact due to excess yin chi entering the body from being up at night or from repidiatly


    switching the circadian rhythm aroud or something else.



    note: I have never reversed the sleeping pattern completely even for one week so perhaps if this happened I could adjust normally??

  15. Hi All


    I have had prostatitis/prostasomething for almost 3 years now


    I am curently doing a kind of chigung that is supposibly good for this right now


    The man who recommended me to use this kind of chigung has very limited english skills


    so I wanted to ask those here who are familiar with prostate problems weather chigung has ever helped them?

  16. Hi All


    I was just wondering from an energetic standpoint weather it would be unwise to adpot a reversed sleep


    pattern over long periods of time (years) where one sleeps during the day and is awake at night?



    I am reffering to a permanent pattern where one sticks with this regimen daily for years or decades.




    I know humans evoled to have melatonin stimulated by darkness and that sunlight is beneficial to the body in


    many ways, and feel free to comment on such topics, but my main question is one reffering to


    processes/phenomena OTHER then sunlight or lack of it



    I know some people like sivananda advised against it for unspecified energetic reasons, and that certain


    taoists talk about "ideal" times during the night for sleep etc.



    So feel free to share what you know or personal experinces on this topic, as it seems that is is not something




    frequently discussed in cultivation circles.





  17. ya I have a small varicocle as well which i got doing something very similar to you


    ie masturbating for a long long period without ejaculation


    I think that this practice is not healthy if one can not have non-ejac orgasms to relieve the pent up stress on


    the sex organs. one should also be able to move the sex energy away from the genitals


    I also think I have a hydrocele that is small not sure though



    anyways im thinking about getting them removed but im afraid that surgery could cut some vitally important


    nerves or channels in the area any advice from anyone who had such a surgery?


    were there any negative side effects from surgery?



  18. Wow man. You really need to do some serious study if you actually follow the bible. Matt. 18:8-9, Mark. 9:45-46, Matt. 13:42-43, Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:10, Rev. 20:14-15, Rev. 21:8 All speak about the lake of fire, and in far from a 'mental' place. My whole point is that fear mongering in religion is a terrible thing. It just happens that the abrahamic religions are practically based on fear mongering, as that is how they keep their followers in line. Someone asks if a certain practice is safe, and you post a scripture that is threatening, and largely irrelevant. Maybe you should wait until you have done some more of your religion course before you try to do much comparative religion stuff.


    "it is better to put your member into the mouth of a poisonous snake then to put it in a woman, it is better to put your member into a burning hot oven then to put it into a woman"----lord buddha




    Thus, the Kalachakra Tantra is opposed to all religions of Semitic origin, and for this reason has been pressed into service by right-wing radical and anti-Semitic circles for their racist propaganda.




    The Kalachakra Tantra invokes a global war between the Islamic and the non-Islamic world in which the followers of Mohammed are presented as the principal enemies of the Buddhists. The original text refers to Mecca, where the "mighty, merciless idol of the barbarians" lives as a "demonic incarnation" (Shri Kalachakra I. 154).

  19. "As I already mentioned: lower tan tien breathing (link) through various physical positions while on a vibration platform. In my opinion, this is by far the most effective remedy and preventative for your sort of situation. (...that is available to average-joe-qi-gong-experimenters such as ourselves.)"


    Trunk could you please show us a link where we can find what positions to use for lower tan tien breathing on a vibration platform, thanks!