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Everything posted by affenbrot

  1. Haiku Chain

    oh dammit and i even looked it up before writing... so i should have formulated "i grow the liane", but thanks for picking it up anyhow...
  2. Haiku Chain

    This No Mind knows to connect heaven and earth I grow a liane
  3. i like that choice i'll definately read this along, will still see how much I activly participate...
  4. Laughter attack after Kunlun

    so.. the dates for europe are basically planned as you posted it some time ago? or are there any changes yet?
  5. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    for english book I usually go to their ~ site, they have most of what is on the ~ .com site and much quicker of course to send it to germany; then I also have very good experience with caiman usa they can be super fast, sometimes books arrived the same week I ordered, from usa to germany.
  6. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    you need to install some player for the flac format like MacFlac or others, they are free. heir of pietro heh?
  7. Description of Kunlun level 1

    OMG, man... give it a break: please. what makes you so obsesssed? I don't get it.
  8. Kunlun standing posture

    a good description is offered here
  9. Kunlun Europe

  10. Dedicated student searching for teacher

    ah.. funny i just was about to post and give the link to Guo Bingsen's website met him twice. powerful and authentic stuff. if I hadn't accidentally stumbled across another practcie (six letters, starts with a 'k', ), i probably still would be practicing his curriculum... and maybe even will in the future... happy christmas everybody!! affenbrot that's very cool, thanks chris!!!
  11. time of day to practice Kunlun

    daoist magick hehe.. midnight is my favourite time to do it...
  12. Taoist Fiction?

    red phoenix
  13. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    now taiwan has a Randi too, my guess: Jiang was somehow annoyed by this guy and wanted to get rid of a pupil with such a mindset and so pretended to reveal his abilities were only a trick. double success: the annoying pupil is gone, plus he tells anybody else on a weblog, so Jiang is now spared by the folks he doesn't want to see around anyway.
  14. Kunlun Level 1

    I was talking to a friend lately who is into Felicitas Goodman's work (ancient trance positions) and she could very much relate to the things and experiences about kunlun that I was talking about... I thought that's really interesting because they apply a very different framework about how and why these things work... inbetween I had the idea of kunlun1 a kind of 'whole body sigil' that just connects you into ... what? and the outcome is not so much explainable through normal qigong tcm, alchemy terminolgy but more a reverberation in your qifield and body because of your soul moving ... whatever.
  15. The dream thread

    interesting..! i had a dream of a baby dino/dragon last week when I took a nap after practice.
  16. Buddha speaks!

    maybe with a dance ...
  17. Kunlun Level 1

    for me, when it happened that both legs were bouncing they were not "in sync" too! more some polyrhythm like 4 over 5 or something... i would not interpret it too much, what your body does is what your body does... and like you i'm never sure what and how will happen when i do kunlun...!
  18. smoking and tcm

    hey bums, i startet smoking a cigarette every other day and I wondered what it does to me in terns of tcm terminology. expelling dampness?, slightly warm, hot , toxic? channels entered? these kind of things... anybody? I remember reading in one of the daskalos books that one of his pupils would smoke sometimes to burn excessive subtle energy accumulations he had aquired in his training and healing work...or similar. That of course would make for the ultimate new age excuse for smoking: "well, you know I just have to smoke because i need to burn my excessive spiritual energy.." affenbrot