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Everything posted by affenbrot

  1. Lifeboat ethics

    this situation does not allow to contemplate ethics. It is a pure reptilian live or die decision. That's why I labeled it "sick". The only solution that would make sense to me is to re-frame this claustrophic situation and see what other possibilities arise... affenbrot p.s. didn't you recommend a book by the title "refuse to choose" ?
  2. Lifeboat ethics

    I would say this is a SICK question. How come you are interested in dealing with it? but here my solution: if you look closer and sustain your panic you will find that all ten people are quite skinny so you try and hey the boat can hold ten people after all. on your journey you find out that one of the boddhisattvas is a bigot and the meth addict a former captain of the navy who helps you navigate savely to the shore
  3. Michael Winn's bouncy chair

    this thread made me search my basement and I found my old big yellow ball. Thought it would be a good thing to use for sitting on my computer. But it STINKS so much of chemistry, this sweet vanilla-like chemical PVC-smell, I cannot stand it. I threw it away today. lol, don't get me wrong when I ask : do your balls smell funny too? affenbrot
  4. cool mco quote

    mh, applied with this purpose counting sheep probably works as well, but man, it always makes me so.. sleepy.... why I wrote this , is to show as I find that even some shaolin monk ( well i know this is cliche, maybe they are not educated in these matters very deeply at all , just because he is a "shaolin monk" doesn't mean he knows it all) feels free to apply this oh so powerful Mco as a mere mental excercise and point of focus to help in your meditation. but on a second thought doing the mco (even doing it mentally) tends hold me in my body, counting sheep or doing the rosary not. affenbrot
  5. agoraphobia

    i started doing eft two weeks ago, Harry has lent me about 5 kg of Gary Craig's Dvds (thanks Harry!) for me the outcome is not very clear...yet.. maybe part of the so called "apex" problem - people are helped with it but never ever will realize any relation to EFT... What's very thrilling for me is that once I start doing it on some, well very average day to day problem I start to enter into a stream of Recapitulation. Yesterday it was quite intense, incidents from childhood poped up with such force, I sat there and was tapping and humming more than one hour. I surely will explore it more. A friend of mine who is quite phobic about almost every thing applied it and she said it helped her at least in a way she could do things she otherwise could not have performed! affenbrot p.s. there's a book out by Callahan (the "inventor" and teacher of Mr. Craig) anybody read it?? edited| after reading the reviews at amazon, i guess it is not necessary to buy...
  6. cool mco quote

    I'd say this holds some truth when it comes to believes, but not necessarilly when it comes to my perceptions in my practice. The interpretation of one's perception then again is another thing. About true and real mco: When practitioners argue about this is not real, illusory and that other is is the real many times they are not clear about what kind of plane or level or quality of energy they talk about, also they may hold onto different intents about why running the mco. I believe there are so many layers and purposes of the mco, some can be triggered by visualisation, some by still sitting others by movement... I had this experience with a qigong teacher who for years was warning us about doing the mco because the way we knew it and it was written in books would not be the REal thing but illusory. Other times he was warning us not to do it because it would be dangerous and may lead to paralysis, heart problems, neurotic behavior. - Kind of a contradction isnt it, on the one hand don't do it it doesn't work and on the other hand don't do it it is too dangerous it works so strongly. Now ...finally he starts to reveal his TRUE way of practicing the mco ... drumroll.... lol, it came out that this basically was the way I have been practicing it anyway. what i learned on this is trust yourself. Btw, a shaolin monk I did qigong with 2 years ago proposed to run the mco mentally as a remedy when we where doing chan sitting and too much thoughts were up. smiles, affenbrot
  7. Structure of the mind in Buddhism

    Hi Pietro, wether good and complete I don't know.... at least accessible an overview of the mind according to dzogchen: Affenbrot

    virtual sangha going real. Cool.
  9. what the bleep do we know?

    one of the worst films I saw last year. really, the style was like a recruitment video of scientology.. and those wise quantum scientist sitting in front of their fireplaces and talk and talk!! - ugh, not my style. affenbrot
  10. pacifism kills

    Lozen, I send all my sympathy to you! I believe that for such an occurrance basically there is no reason (well besides destiny or what ever you call it). Trying to understand his death that seems so senseless, trying to make sense in it is to create reasons for it (.. he was too peacefully, the guy who killed him did so because such and such) - that are only crutches. The real reason (if any) one cannot know. wishes, affenbrot
  11. singing in the channels

    for my own stupidity I missed this workshop of an indian dhrupad singer. A friend of mine went there. He's into exploring throat singing, overtone singing, so was interested and asked the indian singer about how he would produce certain effects in this dhrupad style. The guy then started telling him no,no we don't think in categories of where and how the sound is produced in the body (e.g. the throat, belly, head etc.) but it is about the central and side channels and we (the dhrupad singers) kind of juggle the sound in theses!!! Wow. The man is giving a concert next wednesday in berlin. I'll definately go there!! I LOVE classical indian singing.
  12. Chi Weightlifting

    last summer i did practice it for about three months. previous preparation lastet about three weeks: only massage and patting. Then hanging with very little weight, after two months 2,5 - 3 kg were comfortable. Standing tree before, patting and sitting after hanging accompanied this. What I noticed from the practice: good muscle training for the whole lower part, including some deeper parts of the abdominal. increased libido (but in a still comfortable range) girls around me started to behave nervously (increased testosterone / pheromone production??) in the beginning it gave me a lot of power. Sometimes I hardly needed 4-5 hours sleep after practice. This effect faded later on. general feeling of having a lot of energy. sometimes frequent urination at night (-> too much strain for my prostrate?) In the end I thought this qi was quite yang. Two, three times per week was enough, more would left me with to much stuck qi (I have a tendency of qi stagnation/ blockage anyway.) I started to focus more on moving and harmonizing the qi and so eventually this practice faded out.. I think what is important in hanging practice is to make sure that before you start there's already a good basic level of qi in general and through massage in your genitals specifically. Otherwise one may hurt oneself. And one should make sure to digest and harmonize the qi by meditation, mco, whatever. affenbrot
  13. Egyptian Yoga

    she is is an expert in the egyptian mysteries (among other) her audio tapes may be worth checking : a.
  14. telling the truth

    i personally am more the guy who is maneuvering around sensible issues in an intimate comunication, because I fear that telling the truth straightforward will hurt the other or will let the other one stop loving me. Doesn't work most of the time though.. Honest communication plus finding the right words might really be the trick. There is this guy who is teaching radical honesty: what do you think? affenbrot
  15. The key to Taoist sex and retention

    good thoughts, thanks for sharing! a.
  16. decongesting the prostate

    wow, almost exactly like my history of this! I discovered it quite early in some book or magazine (not even Chia), played around with it and soon found out how I could masturbate, have an orgasm and "injaculate" how you call it. Later when I read Chia and came across the chinese ideas of preserving jing for the first time this became sort of an addiction. (I thought I was very witty and knew how to do it). Looking back i would say this was not doing me good at all... I think the energy preservation was not really there, the qi just shot out and away or jammed in my liver, heart or brain. Sometime when it moved up, vertebras would shift, most of the time it left me very ungrounded, I would lose my temper quickly, and although I cannot perceive it directly I'm quite sure some astral beings happily feasted on my qi as well! I always pushed the energy up and out...As I said I did not really practice this as a technique, bit more like an addiction. (so I don't blame it on Chia or anybody) I don't know about the medical state of my prostrate, but I suppose doctors will probably be irritated seeing mine... (I don't do it any more.) affenbrot
  17. Ken Cohen interview

    Help, I'm devolving every day! great talk, thanks a lot Yael for doing and posting. After reading this I really get interested in his books... affenbrot
  18. I started his astral traveling course about 3 years ago once and thought the material and the way it was presented was very very good. Still I failed quite in the beginning doing the heart awareness practice. This alone triggered so much emotion I could not continue (ah, Sean, my Netascape does the smileys!). But -to my defence- that time I had some bad argument with my alcoholic neighbour involving police etc. Shortly after I quit, i met my sifu who looked at me, laughed and told me with my state of energy and level of qi he would not recommend doing astral travel (man, how did he know??!) haven't tried since then.... good luck on it! affenbrot
  19. Big Forum Upgrade

    WHITE! Ahhh... yes, now we're talking! :-)
  20. Big Forum Upgrade

    yes, so far I hate it...! In the moment the layout makes me feel like I want to get out of taobums as quickly as possible after reading the new posts! I'm surfing on my ancient Apple (MacOS 9 with Msoft Expl. 5). This constellation does not work properly on a lot of sites, so never mind! :-| but thanks in any case for putting so much effort in this site! greetings, affenbrot
  21. Big Forum Upgrade

    Hi Sean, on my computer only a quite narrow middle section is visible, left and right are black collumns. Makes me feel a bit claustrophobic... affenbrot p.s. also couldn't click clickable smiles
  22. flying squirrel poop

    word! I'm proud owner of Bensky's Materia Medica - that's where i searched in for the info. and hey, Lozen if poop is in the form of powder you won't even notice! Give it a try!