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Everything posted by mouse

  1. ReishI Mushroom, Ling Zhi

    Lingzhi itself may be a balanced tonic but it does not mean that your body is. It sounds like you may be lacking in Kidney Yin from the sounds of things. Remember the saying, "7 parts medicine, 3 parts poison".
  2. Hi all, Was curious if anyone has had any success or experience using strong magnets as a form of healing. Reason for this thread is because I had my archellies tendon stained yesterday morning after training and normally it takes 4-5 days for it to heal enough for me to walk without a limp. However, my Grandmother happened to be around and handed me a very small piece of metal (3-4mm diameter) with a band aid. I believe it is a magnet. I stuck it on without giving it much thought and today it is 85-90% healed. I can walk about without limping and was pretty amused by it as normally tendon injuries take a lot longer to heal. Any theories on the mechanics of such therapies would be appreciated. mouse
  3. Commentary By Ven. Master Xuan Hua

    Cheers Lin. I will check it out. Thank you.
  4. Commentary By Ven. Master Xuan Hua

    Hi Lin, Any chance you have copies of the originals in mandarin or links to dhamma talks in mandarin? mouse
  5. Here are a couple of videos from the last two seminars.
  6. How to die?

    Hi Mal, Cbr1000rr here! Bikes are good fun. Anyway onto your question I think it is an important one and I just chanced upon an article that resounded very much with me which I thought I'd share. Hope it is relevant to what you are looking for. mouse
  7. The Star Exercise

    The wudang internal arts school in China headed by You Xuan De teaches this along with other standing postures. Think it was 11 others. This one is calles Da Zhi Zhuang following the "big" character in chinese meaning Big Character Posture/Stance. I find it is one that requires a long time to build up to a decent level due to the tension you can build into the shoulders. Takes time to condition and allow the structure to strengthen or you build tension which needs to be loosened out again if you do any of the internal arts. mouse
  8. YMWong, You pretty much summed it up. What does he mean when he talks about noting hand changes? Does he mean hand mudras? mouse
  9. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    Hi Spirit Ape, These terms are accurate except for Pai again. Pai does not mean system. I am a native speaker if it helps provide more credibility. Not trying to be sticky but translating pai as system is not accurate. Just trying to correct the misunderstanding. mouse
  10. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    You could translate it as system although it would be inaccurate. There are other more suitable words for system. Same for lineage as well. Pai = Sect. Maybe YMWong can shed some light on this. Believe he is a academic with these things. mouse
  11. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    Actually, "Pai" would be more accurately translated as Sect. mouse
  12. Hi, Li Zheng is the official lineage holder for Funei pai Taiji. I believe he is the 6th Generation lineage holder. I used to train with a disciple of Li Zheng, He Cheng De and their explaination of Funei pai taiji's claim is that is it the teachings reserved for the imperial body guards taught by the Yang family when they were hired to train the palace guards. Hence the word Fu Nei meaning "within the mansion" I think it holds truth as they actually have 10 different forms with each form focusing on a particular training technique. Sounds very military like. However, I believe the history is that the Yang family just taught silly kung fu to the palace guards as they were considered their babarin overlords (Manchurian). I believe it to be true as I find the funei pai taiji superficial and had no internal content. This is just my personal opinion and my own experience only from my time with them. mouse
  13. Hi Steve, I wish I could travel with Sifu but the time commitment is too much for me as I have work but I believe Sifu's top disciples should be with him. I would have enjoyed making the trip. Below are the tour dates and it is best to book through Benjamin Sanchez the Instructor/Student in Miami as he is organising the US visit. How do the dates/location look for you? I hope they suit. Benjamin Sanchez HME Taiji Int, Miami branch 305 360 9198 Portland: May 29th - Bamboo Grove Salon - 134 SE Taylor St. Portland, OR 97214 (971) 207-8476 Boulder: June 5th - Terry Ray sala 305 360 9198 Austin: June 12th - Austin Fitness Martial Arts 4327 S. 1st St. Suite 104D Austin,TX. 78745 (512) 707-8977 Knoxville: June 19th - Clear's Tai Chi 113 E. Broadway Ave Maryville, TN 865-379-9997 Miami: June 26 - HME Miami 305 360 9198 Benjamin Sanchez HME Taiji Int, Miami branch 305 360 9198
  14. What is your perfect training shoe?

    Barefoot or Vibram five fingers. I find the KSOs most comfortable.
  15. Interesting video. However, thats still mobilising mass transfer which is exactly what I mean by whippy strike. In my opinion that data can only show Wai Jin and not Nei Jin which is what Michael Phillips in the other video on the other thread is attempting to demonstrate. Isolating the Jin from the momentum transfer. mouse
  16. Hi Steve, I know where you stand on this issue and do not really want to get into a long drawn out arguement about it. I have seen the taiji your school does and can understand why we often stand on 2 different ends on the spectrum. However, if you really want to test it out for yourself. Sifu Adam is going to be travelling to the US in May for his seminar tour there and maybe you can visit. Just a suggestion. It is a lot easier to show you something in person than trying to type it as everyone's preconceptions are different making discussion quite futile. Perhaps after you meet, you can post up your experience here on Taobums to share. Sincerly, mouse
  17. Just chanced upon a clip and thought it is a good example of tendon power and release of that elastic power. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object> Nothing to do with whippy strikes. You can hit a bag all day shaking your whole body thinking you are doing fa jin but it really isn't the effortless power Taiji fa jin is all about.
  18. Hi Taomeow, Again the cert is a bit silly so I've never asked my sifu to see it, however he does have endorsement and yes awarded a certificate through the school to teach. You can ask him for it if you want. I don't know why anyone would put it up on a website for download though. I suppose the skill is sufficient for me when I touch. Regarding the training of Wang Li Ping you were talking about, I believe that would be fa chi. not Jin. Very different things. I would consider that in my training as streaming vital energy not Jin. mouse
  19. Hey Taomeow, I'm not really keen on lineages as it is not the lineage but the practiioner that makes the art. However to answer your question, I train with Heaven Man Earth with Sifu Adam Mizner who sometimes also posts on this forum. The lineage since you are interested follows the Yang Chen Fu, Zheng Man Qing, Huang Xing Xian line. I do now know how you may classify as authentic taiji however in my books, one sign of an adept taiji player is the ability to mobilise jin from a dead halt. Of course the ability to fa jin is just one part of the parcel. Regarding Zhang San Feng, I personally think he existed however, i am interested to know how your teacher's teachers can trace it definitively. I was under the assumption that it was always a bit of a grey area. ' I am also a bit curious as to why you seem to think that "Li Deyin is THE guy who actually made taiji available to the world outside China." I can reference many people who make the same claim of a population of over a billion. I hope I answered your queries well and hope you can provide me some insights into your claims too. mouse
  20. For what its worth, I don't think Taiji should be about throwing weight about. And Fajin isn't about whippy strikes although it seems to be the understanding of a big majority of "taiji" players. Which is why many internet discussions get confusing because everyone discusses on a different platform.
  21. I've seen some Fa Jin, but this?

    Believe that class in Tucson is for Ray's students. You may want to try messaging Ray on the youtube channel where the video was posted. I believe Michael Phillips also has a inner door disciple, Kelly Graham, that will be conducting a seminar for foundational training for internal art disciples. Details below. Enjoy your practice, mouse
  22. I've seen some Fa Jin, but this?

    Michael Phillips from the first video has got good clean Jin and is the real deal. You can see him isolate the Jin (the bomb) from the compression of the structure in the Demo where there is the barest contact on him. I would say go look him up and try if you live close. You will be hard pressed to find a teacher that are 1) open in teaching the why and how of doing Taiji and 2) that have got it. Enjoy your practice! mouse