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Posts posted by mouse


    The point was to cut to the heart of the matter: what satisfies us?



    Hey Scotty,


    Just to answer to the heart of your line of query- nothing in the realm of samsara can satisfy us.


    All phenomena in samsara is impermanent and thus cannot be depended upon.


    Which is why many people practice to cut the defilements in the hearts that form more attachments to bind us to this impermanent existance.


    Impermance is impermanent as well, if you practice the right way.


    From my point of view, englightenment is to purify the heart and cleanse the mind of attachments. Nothing to do with feeling sexually powerful or filled with Chi which many here attribute to an enlightened being.


    All the best with your practice!

  2. Well, I've seen some really funky things and yes, dragging students on the floor with his "shen" was one of the things I have seen.


    His daoyin exercises helped me at a time when I needed it due to ill health and he gave me some general advice on cultivation from his taoist perspective.


    As far as demonstrations go, I have not personally felt any of the effects so I cannot comment on them. However, I have seen some very impressive demonstratios during my time there.


    I left cause I know that the system was not being taught. I find it a pity when he has 8-10 year students who devote time on a weekly basis to train and are pretty devoted to him but have no skill to speak of.


    Perhaps he does have something there but I found the goals and outcomes of his practice did not align with my own practice.


    As your friend spent 5 whole years doing the training, he would be in a better position to tell you what the benefits are if any.


    Not exactly sure what you are after with your queries but if you are more specific I will answer to the best of my experience there.




    Hi Mouse,


    I first met bing & his wife when they lived in brisbane before moving to sydney many years back. He told me that what he uses is not Chi, but a very different kind of energy. He said the weather was too humid here in Queensland & he could not cultivate the energy here. Hence the move to Sydney.


    Well one of my friends just spent 2 months in China with Bing. I think he organized some tour over there or something. He's been with Bing for a long time now & has practiced

    two key exercises (to develop the empty power) daily for almost 5 years. However I wanted to hear an opinion from a neutral source other then him. Sometimes students can be biased in their opinions . Do you have any opinion of Master Bing & do you have any experience with his energy.


    My friend said he saw him knock somebody over,then drag him forwards again for about 6 feet. Bing seemed like a really hyped up crazy guy. We started talking about various chinese & some malaysian systems. But he was very biased towards all other systems of empty force. He said that all others were fake & only his is the real empty power :lol:


    What do you think about all this.



  3. Hi Santi,


    Just out of curiosity, what do you see for the aura when you see a photograph of an arahant?






    yes 2nd one is real and aura is real .

    even Susan Carlson who is Highly Sensitive & Psychic said 1st was BS nothing AT ALL emanating from Aura. I certainly didn't see anything either. He has a chemical in his hand. A few Ninja/Bujinkan oldschool guys know how to do the chemical tricks.

    "Dick Severence"

  4. I have spent time in seclusion, many years. I experienced very deep states of whatever...


    The forest tradition is generally speaking, a hinayana path and not mahayana. But even Mahayanists go through periods of isolation, but they do it with the intention of realizing the nature of things for the sake of all beings. Just look at the Tibetans who go into caves for years and years for retreat, but they come out to give and to socialize and to be with others, drink, play, laugh, listen to music, have fun, give transmission, chant in groups, maybe get a wife and have some kids to help keep the lineage alive.


    If you read my statement, it's not sweeping, as I said everyone must go through their own phase to phase out attachment to a phase. "My" experience is still subjective and probably necessary for you in whatever point. But, as the Buddha did, once realized, you turn the mirror around.


    The forest tradition in general follows a different kind of intention, as it's more for self liberation than universal liberation. Though, individuals are individuals and will have their own realization and understanding. But, as a rule, Mahayana is about universal intent for realization.


    Do you mean you have no experience with the forest tradition directly? (regarding you sitting in seclusion)


    I am not familiar with the Tibetans (here I am assuming you mean tibetan monks) but the some activities listed break the monk precepts on no uncertain terms.


    I find that there are occasions to spread the dhamma (when it is being sought after) and occasions to not speak. Reason being, often by speaking the truth, we can turn many away when the time is not ripe. No seed is planted and we provide more obscuration despite the good intentions.


    I wish you well on your path.

  5. Everyone has a phase they must go through in order to reveal themselves to themselves and forest monking it may be a part of it. But, generally it's a way of avoidance, thinking that the appearance of things, and the multifariousness of public life is somehow in the way of realization. so people renounce it as if this were the true way to realization. It can be, if you are in that phase where you need to be a recluse, of course. But, when it all comes down to it, one wants to spread the experience, the feeling, share the good news, even if you don't talk about it per-say and just talk about mundane things, one infuses all mundane activity with the realization of one-taste. The state of realization is enjoyed even more when it's shared. Which is the difference between the Hinayana school and the Mahayana school of thought of Buddhism. If one is not aware of these schools, then it's good to find out things if one's interest is perked as such.


    In the end one must renounce renunciation, and just recline with the flow, when it's true nature is realized of course.



    I wonder how much time you have spent with the forest tradition to make such definitive comments.


    I have found many of your wide sweeping statements quite contrary with my experiences.

  6. Without open hearted and minded discussion how does one clarify the meaning and integrate the various attainments with daily routine and people. Which is really what it's all about, unless you want to be a forest monk who just enjoys baking the cake but doesn't get to eat it too.



    Whats this about forest monks just enjoying baking and not eating? Can you clarify?

  7. I can read the Chinese titles of these mudras, but what do they do? Without that the "small golden heavenly right" is no different from the "spirit tiger left." :blink:



    Check out the 2nd last one. Pretty deadly on all accounts eh? Not very compassionate for the ghosts.

  8. Hi Mal,


    You might want to do up another name. Meng Lan is more suited for females.







    Surname (first character)


    Sun Meng lan


    (dream; visionary; wishful - look at, inspect; perceive)

  9. Doesn't matter.


    If you find a good teacher of a good method, you will WANT to practice more than once a week, and you will rearrange your schedule to facilitate that.


    So if you haven't found that yet...maybe keep looking.



    How true.


    I find this research very interesting but highly controversial since it would be classified as a siddhi from the Eastern perspective, and as we all know siddhis cannot be forced or cultivated independently as they are a by-product of spiritual practice.




    Of course siddhis can be cultivated without spiritual/morality as a guide. Is merely concentration practice.



  11. :D


    I wasn't asking necessarily for opinions of whether there is or is not an 'underworld', more to the point whether the 'hell realms' described in the Wiki entry were a part of Taoism or just Chinese folk religion.


    Cheers for you comment though.




    Not trying to stir the pot here but:


    Why should it matter if a Taoist or a Buddhist or a Christian or "chinese folk" etc described a particular plane of existence? So long as one has not the ability to access these realms, it doesn't matter who says what because it will always just be words.



  12. So every once in a while I've heard someone talking about karma acceleration, that as you cultivate and start to do stuff, more and more bad things start to happen to you all at one time, because you are going through that and clearing it out as you move on to the next level.


    Now I don't know much about it, because I haven't heard it brought up in the practices that I do (though I'm not that advanced I must say, so maybe I just haven't learned about it yet).


    So could you guys explain it? Is it even true? How does it work?




    Burning off karma can be done. But since there is no beginning and no end, you can't possibly finish. Only way is to uproot all defilements from the heart be liberated, wait for the physical body to die. No more rebirth - liberation.



  13. I'm interested in taking up Tai Chi for health and the ability to direct energy around the body - which I witnessed at first hand many years ago. There are many styles out there. Does anyone here have any experience?


    I'm not looking for just those slow exercises you see pensioner's doing, nor for a hard Kung Fu system. More something in between.


    Which style would most match this?





    If you let us know where you lived, the Taobums here may be able to point you to a good teacher close to you to get started.


    IMHO, directing energy is just really down to the level of concentration. Plus, what is the rationale for you to want to direct energy around your body. If you let us know the purpose, someone here may point you in the right direction.



  14. Relaxing the spine open and physically tucking the tailbone through active relaxation is a very fine line.


    Only way to find out if you are doing it properly is to get someone to push on you. If you can neutralise into the ground by yielding into the body's soft tissues and create the line to empty out the jin, then you're doing it right.


    No amount of self posturing and looking in the mirror will tell you better than having a force land on you. If it is not tucked enough, the kink will bounce you out. If not relaxed, the tension will bounce.


    Makes me wonder how good some people are to be able to do their form so quickly. For me, I HAVE to go so slow as every minute transition in the form has gaps and hollows that needs to be refined.



  15. DarkMind,


    I think the piece of jade had a clear coat on it before like a laminate which is now flaking off. Reason why I say that is because the "crystalisation" is only present at edges.






    This is strange. It appears that my Jade Buddha amulet (Somdej to be exact) has some sort of "Crystalization" which wasn't there when I first got it years back (I have an early photo of it which does not show the "Crystalization"; this is a more recent photo).

    I had transferred some of my Kundalini energy into it some years back.


    I just find it strange, so I'm sharing the story here. Perhaps those viewing this can share their thoughts/comments.

  16. It is questionable depending on the type of fabric he wears, and what he means by "soaks". If there is a spot visible, it is normal (again, depending on fabric), if he is dripping on the floor, then something is wrong. Again, the baldness may be a sign of Kidney deficiency or it may run in his family. Either way, advising supplements is unwise without doing at least preliminary testing. You would be amazed how many people would come to our school's clinic loaded up on different supplements that were "good for them" and found that after stopping the supplements at our advice their symptoms decresed.




    I did ask him to ask Dr Lin about his condition if you read my post.


    Kidney Yin or Yang deficiency? Weak Kidney = poor sexual function as well. Baldness is another outward manifestation.


    I suggested he seeked advice and gave him cautionary warnings about mixing alcohol with medicine/supplements especially if he has heart conditions. (I wasn't sure)


    Maybe you should clarify with him further rather than tell him that all is normal.



  17. "Excessive" is the questionably key term here. And pre-cum got its name because it is usually before, not after sex. It lubs the way for the rest of the seminal fluid at ejaculation. As others have stated, from the OP's discription he is normal for anyone who has not "gotten some" in a while.




    Excessive is not questionable when he soaks his pants.


    Same for being bald at 29. Excessive DHT burns out the hair follicles.


    Normal for some maybe... but I don't see that as normal... again, thats all relative.



  18. how much does this Dr Lin pay you? I smell something fishy here.


    the OP is obviously just excited since he hasn't been with a woman in a while, this is normal.


    my advice: have sex.

    hahaha :lol:







    He doesn't pay me anything... Just written an honest answer regarding his queries/condition.


    Not sure where your fishy smell stems from.



  19. You are normal. Quit worrying about it and enjoy your relationship.



    Sorry. Not normal. Excessive precum is probably due to low 5-htp in the brain from over ejaculation/sexual exhaustion.


    Try visiting Dr Lin's website and send him an email. From what I can see, he knows his stuff. I know friends who have had very good recovery from many serious conditions before by taking his stuff.


    His 5htp supplements are good too.


    Beware though. If you take his supplements, please do not drink alcohol. And do let him know if you have any heart conditions or high blood pressure issues and he can reccomend a more suitable dosage.


    For me and from what I think is normal, precum should not be more than 1 drop and this is only after heavy sex. Hope this isn't too graphic.


    Good luck.