ε―’ζœˆ Hanyue

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Everything posted by ε―’ζœˆ Hanyue

  1. Genuine Schools

    You appear to be under the impression that all schools were created to be equal, and for the same reasons. IMHO they are not. Each has their place, their aims and intended goals, each are valid (not all cars are a Bugatti veyron, but are they meant to be?). The only problem is when someone THINKS they are studying something that will take them somewhere it won't. Now yes the charlatans are rife with this as you pointed out. They always have been, always will be. And I sincerely doubt that will change any time soon. Mud and Water. Charlatans fish with bait. I used to wonder why "genuine" teachers weren't more prominent, now after years of seeing the crap "genuine" seekers throw about in their pursuits I am not surprised at all One of the things that has been close to the heart of several systems I have been involved in has been learning to differentiate the 'false' from the 'real'. Sometimes this has even involved lessons in recognising past the obvious with groups, systems, and teachers so as not to become preyed upon. All the best,
  2. Genuine Schools

    You're welcome. Just the experience I've had, though I only learned to see it this way after it was pointed out. Not everyone will agree, people experience different things. All the best,
  3. Genuine Schools

    Er, I said schools. Not cobbled together systems marketed to twats that don't know any better. Best,
  4. Genuine Schools

    ALL schools are REAL. That said, from what I've been taught and experienced the below occurs. That said many mistakingly view the below in ways that make it all very much 'esoteric mysterious' fantasy and not reality! There are public "schools", open/withdrawn "schools" and closed/hidden "schools". Public you can walk in the door any time, they'll advertise and the teachers will seek a public audience (giving lectures, releasing books, doing seminars etc). Open/withdrawn you may be invited. Meaning you have to be visible, usually part of a public school. Sometimes if you do well and ask about further training you may get a referral, or if you are 'scouted' you may be invited. These 'schools' do not advertise, you may know members or teachers or live next door and never know about it. I want to stress here, that the above is really no different than say starting out in sports and progressing due to ability, skill and drive. You either work you way up, or are scouted due to percieved potential. Sometimes you gain a foot in the door simply be knowing someone, but not always. The percieved 'higher' level in the withdrawn school is simply due to the foundation those involved have from the previous work, menaing they can work at a 'higher' level, it isn't so much about "secret methods". Closed, not likely. And I can't say anything about them. I know it is many peoples fantasy to be 'chosen' and or to run to a galaxy far far away and find yoda, but....well. If you haven't got the foundation what are you gonna do? You can't jump straight to squatting 1000lbs! you gotta start somewhere But then sometimes things crack and schools that were withdrawn emerge, things do seem to be changing.
  5. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    Any teacher who transmits as much and as often as occurs in KAP should be mature enough to take responsibility for what they are doing. Santi and Susan take what they do seriously, well they have fun, but you know what I mean The 'aftercare' package, as we dubbed it, in KAP is good. I'm glad Santi was there for you through the rough. Glenn was always updating and changing what he did. There are things in the first book in particular he was not so happy about years later. But thats the way things go. The skeletal progression, the ura more than the omote, is still solid and valid though even if the omote changes. Lineage. Best,
  6. Strange things about Ren and Du Channel

    This is correct according to Johnson. Two circles. The 'numbers' are on the external aspects of the qimai, it is not the whole length of it. Additionally just because the ren and du have xue [locations] on the body it doesn't mean that is where they are. The Qijingbamai are NOT like the jingluo (regular channels) they are a different animal. Neidan is NOT qigong and neither are TCM. Best,
  7. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    Secret Smile is very powerful and a core of KAP, but not the whole picinic. Doc is VERY clear about what is or is not required for development in his first book, he just had fun sometimes obscuring things as he like to tease students and to for them to discover things on their own rather than spoon feed them. He always said to read it as a scroll. I think the price change is due to them wanting to teach levels 1&2 over the same weekend rather than just level 1 or 2. Don't know if they have an opt in opt out option for just one level at a time. E-mail them directly and ask. Best,
  8. Practices for downward flow

    Yes. The downward flow means more will flow up. Upwards flow does NOT mean you will get a reciprocal down flow. Don't know why, but thats the way it seems to work. Walking, standing, opening huiyin, your legs, your feet and yongquan. Getting your awareness out of your head. All will help. Happy practice
  9. Bagua: Configurations of Trigrams

    Interesting stuff, thanks Taomeow Best,
  10. Practices for downward flow

    Sit, stand (lying is hard), open yourself to knowing the downward flow is already there. Relax, let go. Primary awareness on DT, secondary on the downward flow of the etheric body, let your breathing relax and open and become more circular naturally, with no effort. Simply BE. Best,
  11. Can Meditation be bad for you ?

    Of course it can. Same with anything. If an over zealous student is not taught correctly, or a 'teacher' doesn't really know what they are doing bad things can happen. It depends on many factors, some can inherently get away with more and not have problems. You see the same patterns physically, energetically, mentally. As an example; http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/magazine/how-yoga-can-wreck-your-body.html?_r=2&partner=rss&emc=rss&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter And the follow up http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eden-g-fromberg-do/yoga_b_1202465.html?ref=tw Doc Morris was a big public advocate of explaining that there is both a light and dark side to meditation and energy work. As he put it, "you can both shine or burn". Look at qigong psychosis after it exploded in China in the 80's and LOTS of people dove head long into stuff not being taught properly, but freely. Look at Kundalini syndrome too. Best,
  12. Stagnation at 2nd Chakra

    If you have a knot/stagnation/blockage in that area then freeing it up is freeing it up. Exercises that will free and promote relaxed soft movement in the pelvis, coccyx, lumbar spine, pelvic floor, diaphragm, will all help. You want to go for a feeling-experience of melting, letting go, opening up, expansion, gaining space 'inside' etc. Gentle, slow, soft fluid movement that creates a sense of moving underwater or of the tissues (or even bones) becoming hydrated and fluid like will probably be best. Ultimately ANY exercises that enable you to get your awareness into where is blocked will begin the process of unravelling the knot. Stillness helps because nothing is 'moving' and so it can be easier to feel what is stuck. Movement helps because we generally find it easier to get our awareness into any area that is being stimulated. Breathing gently into and through an area can also help your awareness enter a stuck area and begin to let it go. The more your awareness enters, consider it like the sun melting an ice cube. It's presence simply does it, there is no trying or effort from the sun. Sometimes a little experimentation is needed to find what will release or what while tighten such a blockage. Go easy and don't try or expect to sort it in one go. If it is a strong blockage it can also shock your system on its way out too. Take the above and apply it to ANY exercises that you find fun and enjoyable, it doesn't matter what they are. Best,
  13. beginner's question

    Yes Zhongmai is baihui to huiyin. According to Daoist priest J. Yuen it is an older version of what has become known as the chongmai in Chinese medicine (which today is mapped in a different route). The breathing Frantzis teaches enters zhongmai through the nasal cavity and then descends to dantian. Though the whole channel up to baihui will be woken up. You want to work with the energy through becoming aware of it, listening to it and calming it down, feeling it as smooth and soft. The breathing progression is NOT about trying to ramp up the energy or make it DO anything. Not yet. Other systems may do that, but not this one. Make sure the breathing rhythm you are using is circular, no stopping at either inhale or exhale. Make your breath soft, smooth, and fine. Do not worry about deep or long. Add a gentle sense of descending energy while you breath. Then after your breath practice do downward dissolving, ideally standing. Pay no attention to the breath leave it be. Move awareness to above the head and feel for the downward current through the etheric body to below your feet. If overall your energy is becoming uncomfortable, irratic, jumpy etc, do less breathing and more downward dissolving. Or stop the breathing practice altogether and focus on downward dissolving. best,
  14. beginner's question

  15. Zhan Zhuang

    You can always be sure someone else has been there! this is what I see forum's like the Bums being about. I'm glad it was helpful. When I started I had chronic pain that prevented me from even standing up at all on some days. I had had physio's trying to get me to strengthen my legs, but the reality was that if you test the muscles they were perfectly strong. It is very much HOW you utilise that strength and allow the effort to not all be placed upon a part rather than the whole. I'm sure you will do fine with Bruce's neigong, or anything else for that matter. Best
  16. Zhan Zhuang

    Yeah, sometimes it can be a tough crowd η”¨ζ„δΈη”¨εŠ› yong yi bu yong li. Is what I've primarily been taught and been most interested in. Best,
  17. Zhan Zhuang

    This is worth repeating I feel. What is or or is not said is not always the totality from whence it came. For every truth the opposite can also be said to be true, given the right circumstances. Knowing who is speaking and to whom and why, changes a lot of things. Best,
  18. Zhan Zhuang

    Yes its quite quite sad how many spend years practicing incorrectly and with deluded thinking about these things. Best,
  19. Zhan Zhuang

    Sorry to sound like a broken record, but.... It can be hard to understand where people are coming from with these things sometimes. Different traditions teach different things but often use the same terms, because they are generic terms. When I chef'd many moons ago I was taught to prepare the chicken breasts 6 different ways by 6 different chef's, yet who all worked at the same place. Now regardless of the fact that it was all meant to be the same, they had their way and damned it if you didn't do it their way when they were there! My point, zhan zhuang is not a singular exercise. No I don't mean different postures. The same posture can be used to practice DIFFERENT exercises, yet to most observers it will appear that it is all the same. I have been taught zhan zhuang in many ways, and had it explained in many ways by different teachers. While some ways I do consider to be incorrect with hindsight, mainly teachers who didn't know fully. It is also true that there are different exercises that can be referred to as zhan zhuang, because they are all trained while standing statically. They train the body, xue, qi, yi, jin etc etc differently and approach doing so in different ways. Martial zhan zhuang is NOT the same as zhan zhuang for "qigong", or Daoist zhan zhuang. Know WHY you need to practice something and know WHAT you need to practice to develop that and progress. Like a prescription. It is easy to muddle things, and many just add to the confusion. Sereneblue; regarding the comments about not standing for long. Even if your aim is to practice martial zhan zhuang (I don't know what yours are, but as an example if they are), you will probably need to practice qigong for your health to open the gates and channels so you can practice the more strenuous zhan zhuang without simply hurting yourself. There are just as many who talk about pain in the legs in zhan zhuang, as there are that say it is wrong. It should be said that the pain is a very specific one, not general pain. And certainly NOT pain in the joints. And whether or not it is actually needed is still debatable, even for martial goals, yet it simply comes back to what zhan zhuang is being used for and why. As for "leg strength" and zhan zhuang being about making the legs strong, well I think this is mis-leading at best. The strength of the muscles is actually what zhan zhuang is trying to get you to stop relying upon. Strong legs muscles used in other movements such as those mentioned by Jeramiah Zeitigeist have little to do with ZZ as they saisd in their post. To reduce ZZ to the legs is incorrect any way you cut it. Best,
  20. Sending Chi into something

    It's an intersting question for sure, but why do you think 'healing' has anything to do with living longer? As in life expectancy? If I have chronic asthma and Michael heals me of it, does it mean I'll live longer? Man, I could die due to many things, disease or non-disease related. But at least my life up until that point would have been lived free of asthma. So quality of life is good. Who wants to live longer and yet be suffering? That sucks. Just my thoughts,
  21. Zhan Zhuang

    Re-training the body to allow the weight to transfer through it to the ground can start with small stands of only a few minutes. It is certainly better than not standing at all. Be sensible, and together with other practices as the body opens etc you will find you can stand longer. You have to cater the practice to the person in front of you. Many say you need to stand for 'X' minimum time, my teacher has found his work in hospitals shows different. Feel the crown lightly suspended and relax the toes, arches of the feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, lower back. Feel the weight of each and gently encourage them to open and let go, feel the weight internally sink, rather then physically lowering the body. Don't stand with really bent knees at all, just make sure they are not locked. Going from feet to your waist feeling the body falling away from the crown while not losing the sensation of the crown going upwards will probably be long enough for you. After you can feel this more clearly, go through and then feel the body fill up from the ground and feel the support of the earth meeting the sinking of your weight. Although you want to have a light sense of this process through the entire body right from the start. Eventually, as just done with the legs, carry the process more specifically on all the way to the crown. Hope this helps, happy standing
  22. Zhan Zhuang

    My feelings are inline with RV. While it can be said that all good neigong is zhuang gong. Zhan zhuang is specifically standing statically or 'almost moving'. Opening the gates neigong starts opening the gates with zhanzhuang and moves into xingzhuang while the dissolving continues. It is best not to use a mirror when learning ZZ. A knowledgable person to correct you is better. If you have no-one to do so. The use of a mirror is made viable ONLY if you do NOT correct yourself while looking at the mirror. Look, note what is mis-aligned, close your eyes and correct using internal sensation. Open and check again. Do not do so too many times in one go. This will at least teach you to rely on and use propriocetion to find alignment and not external visual cues. There are different alingments taught in standing as there are in sitting, these can lead to different experiences. This is simply a school tradition thing IMO Best,
  23. Taoist INTENT and Goal Manifestation

    The answer that comes to mind is for you to read 'Neko no myojutsu' by Issai Chozan. He was swordsman and a Daoist. Translations appear free on the web I beleive. INTENT, at the highest level while, to use Ya Mu's terms, "Dancing in the wu wei" is the cat that simply IS, that the Master cat alludes to. Healing is not a goal, it is an outcome. "Curing" is an attempt at a goal, and is different (I'm trying not to fall into semantics ). It appears lineage looks after those that embrace it, and not always in ways you might think of. There is something to giving up a certain volition, allowing/listening etc To practice is simply to practice, practice and things happen. To practice to make things happen, means expectation, expectation means limitation. You can miss what is happening because your mind is on what you want to happen. As I said "you don't know what you don't know". If you only chase what you "know", then you may shut yourself off to awakening to what you don't know. Embracing "not knowing", is something I have only more recently been experiencing though my teachers pointed it out a while ago. I didn't hear what they were saying. To not have 'goals' does NOT imply passivity or laziness. But how to achieve without goals? thats the paradox too INTENT is not about manifesting what YOU want, or even what you THINK you want. Sometimes we have to let go of ourselves. The closest thing I can think of to what you may be trying to get at would simply be called prayer. Which in many ways is asking for something with INTENT. Best,
  24. Taoist INTENT and Goal Manifestation

    Please know that my post was not a response to any one particular person. My comments are generalised. Thing is most people on this board 'know' what I posted, it is nothing new. Sometimes we forget what we know and I am certainly no different. There are plenty of posts by me that I am sure read as different as to why I was posting (if that makes sense). ALL you can ever do, is speak from your own experience. The fact that you do and don't simply parrot is a good thing (no patronisation or condescension intended in that). There is never anything wrong with that. As I was reminded over the week end though "you don't know, what you don't know" and in many ways that is something cultivation is about. It is only when we have a realisation or insight into the true nature of something that we also have a realisation of what we didn't know before that awakening. It is paradoxical. When you are not aware of the existence of something you cannot look for it, to seek understanding of it. Maybe this is why the Dao is seen as a mystery to be embraced as is and as it unfolds and reveals itself to you. One chap responded to our teacher saying "well I just accept that I don't know anything", but this is fundamentally different to having insight into what was not 'known'. Before I felt the difference, reading descriptions by or being taught by people who don't know the difference it all seemed to be different ways of describing the same thing. Just preferences for description. Now when listen I can tell who is taking about which and where they are coming from. It provides an insight into what they know and what they do. No judgement of good/bad or better/worse etc. Just observation. Best,
  25. Taoist INTENT and Goal Manifestation

    Words are words, you can argue semantics and debate what the 'real' definitions are and what is being said ad infinitum. The point is, that there are two fundamentally and tangibly different things being discussed. Once experienced for yourself, or feeling the result of someone doing this to you, it is clear that they are not the same thing. It really is a 'has to be felt/experienced' thing. Ya Mu uses the words intention and INTENT to make the differentiation, but don't get caught up with the terms. The map is not the...blah blah blah.. Whenever this gets brought up it seems to devolve into arguments over the words or thinking there is no difference and it is all semantics to differentiate one system from another. It is not, it is simply two approaches (there maybe more, but polarities work well as a teaching model). Leave the judgement values aside for a moment and appreciate that throughout history people have developed more than one way to skin a cat Best,