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Everything posted by goldisheavy

  1. I've learned something today...

    I realized that the safest way to live life is to live in the hospital. That way, if you ever get sick, the doctor is right there and you can save on the ambulance cost.
  2. Not at this time, and I doubt I will ever. But I am here. I post quite a bit, at least for the time being. I've revealed a lot of information that, if perused carefully, can help you all the way. You are your own greatest teacher. When you lift something, you don't need someone to tell you how heavy it feels. When something feels light, you don't need to weight it on a scale to confirm it. You know what you feel. You know what you are doing. You know where your diseases come from. You know what your problems are and how to solve them. You have the world in your hand. You may need to pay attention to see this, but if you pay attention, you will see it soon enough. People want nannies and authorities to hold their hand and to validate every feeling they have. "Oh I felt some heat in the spine... IS THIS OK??????" And they look at their teacher for validation or for guidance. Why? That's because people refuse to own their total state of being. The refuse to take responsibility for discerning and making their own meanings. But it doesn't have to be like that! At any point in time you can say enough is enough and start taking responsibility. Own your mistakes. Know thyself. That's the end of Gurus for you right then and there. From then on what you may need are friends and not Gurus. See, right here is a complete teaching. Don't look for some website. Everything you want is right here right now in your own heart and mind. Just stop blaming everything around you. Own up. Become the Lord of your own life. Accept everything you see as your body. You don't quite understand what I am saying after all. My message is that everyone is one's own ultimate authority. Now if I try to establish my authority here using conventional means, will that aid or detract from my message? I believe it will detract. Assume I'm nobody. Assume I have no experience. My words will stand or fall on their own merit. My words don't need me. I have a lot of experience, most likely more than any of you guys on this forum. By far. But I won't be talking about it any more than this. It's not important. You shouldn't rely on how much experience I had or didn't have. If what I say makes sense, use it. If not, don't. What experience I had or didn't have is irrelevant. What matters is how my words affect you. You cannot get rich counting other man's treasure.
  3. The danger of radical Islam

    Sure. For example the practice of self-knowledge. Or the practice of mindfulness in daily life. Or the practice of vipassana meditation (what some people call "bare attention"). Or the contemplation of infinite possibilities. Or the contemplation of the three properties of God and their implications: omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence. If you realize the full implications of those 3, you are enlightened. There are so many approaches that are high order and powerful at the same time. "High order" means you don't dabble in micro-managing too much, but dwell in the overall wisdom, the grand vision, the total meaning, the ultimate. That's not how I feel at all. But thanks for telling me how I feel. I am thinking of outsourcing my own responsibility for feeling my feelings to you. I'll pay you $$$ so you can feel my feelings for me. Nonsense. I've done nothing but say good things about fair business and businessmen. Can you quote something of mine where I deprecate businessmen or deprecate charging $$$ for fair value? Let's have it. If only you knew what you were talking about...
  4. The danger of radical Islam

    If a practice has a high chance of backfiring, the problem is not with the student, but with the practice itself. There are powerful practices that don't generate as many illnesses as the others. At the same time, even the safest thing is not safe. Even water can kill you if you drink too much. Water, the giver of life, can kill you. Look up "water poisoning" if you don't believe me. That doesn't mean that water should be kept secret. Instead, explain the danger of drinking too much water and let people drink the water openly, in public too, if thirsty. Don't make secret water-drinking clubs. If what you give is more like TNT than water, then you really need to question your approach. Your approach is not a good one if it's not naturally self-correcting.
  5. .

    When one has a genuine desire for liberation, nothing else is necessary. In what sense is this true? It's true in a sense that genuine desire for liberation translates spontaneously and naturally into self-liberating activity. It transforms itself into contemplation, meditation, visiting Gurus, staying away from Gurus, practicing this and that, searching, resting, relaxing, sharing, having fun, and so on, in the name of liberation. It's impossible to have a genuine desire for something that doesn't manifest anything and just sort of remains "as a desire". So when you say it's all that's necessary, that's because you can safely assume that if the desire is genuine, for sure the right phenomena and the right activity will manifest, no doubt about it. What's "right" is going to be different for everyone. For some people it might be just one thought and that's enough. For others it might be 100 lifetimes of searching and practicing. There is no standard path because everyone's obscurations are different. Depending on what obscures your ability to see, a different method and tactic is appropriate. For example, if you are too willful, then generating more activity and practicing more is precisely the wrong approach. If you are too passive and fatalistic, then generating more activity and practicing something is correct. There is no single correct answer that suits everyone. One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to particulars. At the ultimate level it's all the same path, or even better, no path at all.
  6. The danger of radical Islam

    I don't buy that at all. There are two main reasons to keep things secret: 1. To protect oneself and one's friends from persecution. (this is not necessary in USA or in Europe, but maybe in Iran you will want to keep your hip hop club semi-secret still). 2. To give an aura of exclusivity and mystery to one's school. To give one's own ego an impression that it knows precious information that's not available to the swine. This means if you know the secret you are not swine. Others who don't know it are swine. This is used to entice people into the clubs and to keep them there as the supporting and ever-dependent base. "It's for your own safety" is a bullshit reason. That's because we are all selfish creatures, just like Anthony De Mello says. If I help anyone it's because I enjoy looking at something beautiful and I want to be surrounded by happy, strong, independent, free thinking people. It's for me. I don't want to create co-dependency clubs.
  7. - power to the people

    I don't buy everything Glenn says, but he says one thing that is gold in my opinion. Namely, the power that phenomena have over us is taken from us. It is us who invest things with power. Why is media so influential? Because we believe in it. Why is government looked to for solutions? Because we believe in it. We grant power through our beliefs. And we can take it away too. Stop believing in MSM and watch what happens. Stop believing in government, and watch what happens... There is nothing holding anything together. It is us, the people, who hold everything together with our mind. We empower things. We disempower things. We are responsible.
  8. Anxiety has many levels. Not all anxiety manifests as shivers and panic. I felt the oncoming of asthma a few times in my life, usually when walking or running uphill. Every time it started to appear, I would stop running or walking, relax. Breathe slowly. Dwell on how easy and pleasant it is to breathe. Then I would forget the episode. I don't have asthma. But I also feel like if I wanted asthma, I certainly had an opportunity to enter into it and stay there. I declined. That's the best I can say. I am certain it is possible to completely cure it and I am certain it's more mental of a condition than most other conditions. It's up there with autoimmune disorders, allergies and so forth. Every problem has its roots in the mind, but asthma is so close to the surface of the mind that it's "mind caused" in the Western understanding of what mind is, in my opinion.
  9. You can cure it completely. Try this -- lower the level of your anxiety in general. When you feel it's hard to breathe, relax and breathe slowly. Stop whatever you are doing. Clear your mind. Relax. Smile in your mind. Be gentle. Be kind. Be kind to yourself. Feel the kindness go into your lungs. Slowly and easily breathe. Notice all the positive and good aspects of breathing. Ignore the negative aspects. When you have easy time breathing, remember this! When asthma starts to recede, be ready to forget it. At some point you will have to stop asking yourself if you still have asthma or not, if you are cured or not. Just forget it. Let it pass. If someone asks you about your previous condition, you can talk about it as if it happened to the version 1.0 of you, whereas you are version 2.0 of yourself now. In other words, do not associate with your bygone condition too deeply. Lowering anxiety can be the real sticky point though. You might have legitimate issues and those issues may need to be authentically resolved. In other words, you might be anxious for a good reason, and until that good reason goes away, it may feel fake to pretend to have no anxiety when you have a genuine concern that bothers you.
  10. Ah, I am glad you are healthy again. Had you met me, I would never tell you to play with kundalini, because kundalini is a delusional approach in my view. It's OK if you are careful and understand how intent interacts with appearances and how both intent and appearances are structured by your core beliefs. But you haven't understood that, and even now you still don't. It's very fortunate and lucky that you don't have problems today. Your current health is due to luck and not due to wisdom. You're in the kind of condition right now that you can easily get kundalini sickness again, that's because you're playing with manifestation by micromanaging its aspects as if they were separate and objective, without understanding the implications of doing it that way. I am glad that Santi could help you. I think there is a lot more going on in your life than you can see or care to admit. It's quite possible that by the time you've seen Santi you were already well on your way to recovery. In order to determine if Santi is the one who helped you, I have to know the specifics of what happened to you and what Santi said and did, and even then, it's still somewhat mysterious! It's somewhat mysterious not because I don't know enough or I don't understand enough, but that's the nature of appearances. Reason is married to mystery. Mystery transforms into reason. Reason transforms into mystery. Everything is alive.
  11. The problem is not with the money, but with the conditions that are put on the information that's being taught. I explained this so many times that if you fail to see it by now, you are hopeless. What I teach is given freely, truly freely. If you use information I teach to cut off my head, you can do that. I give you everything. All is the real deal. I don't hand out plastic knives. I give sharp katanas to everyone. You can cut your ear off if not careful, and you can cut my head off too. I ask that you don't, but if you want to, you can and I don't put any conditions on you. You are welcome to reprint anything I say. You can even modify what I say and reprint it in modified form. I only ask you don't attribute the modified form to me, but instead put your own name on your modified form. I don't give 10%. Everything I say is 100% complete by the time you see the last period on the last sentence. I don't throw out some bait and wait for your bite for $$$. I can honestly claim to give freely and sleep well at night. Being an honest businessman is good, but you cannot go around claiming to give freely and nor can you accept credit or thanks for giving freely, when in fact you give conditionally. I don't like how people share information and then soon after they spread "Fear Uncertainty and Doubt" with statements like "If you try to follow this book without a master, you can become insane and die." or "If you follow this book, all that results from it will be fake. To get the real deal, get the master to explain this book to you." And so on. It's just FUD -- Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, that's being spread to keep the teachers marketable. Now, I have nothing against business, but if you need to spread FUD to maintain the value of your business, then you don't run an honest business. You run a slave pen.
  12. It's your love when you look at it. When I look at it, it's my love. It's the same love and there is no contradiction. But it's not something external to you. It's not something you have to borrow. It's not higher than you. IT IS YOU. Your love is you. You are not some puppet that's helplessly strung along by some objective universal love. Love is not objective and it's not subjective either. It's beyond classification, but the best way to approach it is to call it yours -- then your approach is intimate.
  13. All around me such people do not manifest. Why not? Because the wisdom I radiate precludes such phenomena from happening. I always tell people to go higher, HIGHER up the ladder of intent. Instead of micromanaging phenomena at the level of energies, go higher toward more abstract intentions. Finally, I teach people to rely on effortlessness. This too precludes these phenomena from occurring. What I teach has more benefits than energy manipulation, and it's safer too. That's because I don't teach people to micromanage. And I don't go around giving people instructions in the form of a step-by-step one-two-three process to follow. Instead I teach understanding and wisdom, such that a person will never be fooled. For example. If I make a step by step instructional for nailing nails, I will have something like this: 1. Hold nail over the board. 2. Hold hammer in the other hand. 3. Hit the nail on the head. Turns out if you follow this verbatim, then you'll hit your finger. So I have to write it like this: 1. Hold nail over the board. 2. Hold hammer in the other hand. 3. Hit the nail on the head once. 4. Remove hand from the nail. 5. Hit the nail again. This is also not so good. What if the person hits the nail once, but even the one hit is way too powerful? The finger can still be smashed together with the nail. So then I have to do it like this: 1. Hold nail over the board. 2. Hold hammer in the other hand. 3. Hit the nail on the head once, but not too strongly. 4. Remove hand from the nail. 5. Hit the nail again. And this too can result in problems, because what if the person misses the nail? So instead of giving people step-by-steps, what I prefer is to teach them the principles. Teach them about kinetic energy that's in the hammer. Teach them about the soft and delicate tissues in the hand. Teach them about the properties of wood in various boards. Then let the person take some responsibility and come up with their own step-by-steps that are suited to their circumstances. If I describe the principles correctly, then the person will understand why and how the trouble can arise and will also know what to do to prevent it. This is called "transmitting wisdom instead of dumb step by step rote instructions". Too much to mention. And if I mention it, it will sound like I am bragging ridiculously. A better approach is to just say what I believe and let people think for themselves. I shouldn't try to impress people with my authority. Instead let my words stand and fall on their own merit, regardless of my personal character. My words should be good enough, such that if someone found them scribbled on a bathroom stall, they'd be just as illuminating and holy as if they came from the lips of God himself.
  14. That's genius. I should promote the virtues of openness in my closet. Right. This is not about Vajra. Vajra is just a proxy for all the Gurus out there doing the same thing. Any intelligent person can understand that this is not personal. Vajra is just a particularly intelligent and appealing exponent of the "Guru side of the story", so whom to better debate with than with Vajra? If anyone can offer an eloquent and concise defense for the secret clubs of the world, I think it is Vajra. This is not about me either. I am not important. What's important are these principles here: 1. Personal responsibility. 2. Innate wisdom. 3. Kindness. 4. Fearlessness. 5. Vision of openness. I do my best to represent these principles. I am just a stand in, a proxy, for the universal energy that carries the winds of openness and wisdom into the world. Trust me -- if I leave this forum, a person similar to me will appear and say the thing things. Why? Because the winds of change are blowing in your own mind-heart. They are not coming externally from me.
  15. The danger of radical Islam

    Islam and other religions have some good wisdom but they also have a lot of foolishness. What all religions, and especially Islam, need is some good editing. Fire up Koran in Microsoft Word or Open Office, and just highlight all the crap and hit the delete button on it. It's that simple. We don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
  16. I believe in this thing called "responsibility". It's a concept that says that instead of nannies to protect us we need to make our own mistakes, to own our mistakes, and to learn from them. So, I don't need GURU NANNY SANTI to keep me safe, because I accept personal responsibility for my intent. Been there, done that. Actually you cannot. You get "stuff" from your own mind. The book is a manifestation of your own mind! You don't get any stuff from a book at all. So if you try to get any "stuff" from a book, then NO, absolutely you cannot get a damn thing from it. The same is true about any Guru or Nanny. The whole world runs on the battery of my heart. I give and take juice to whatever I want and I teach everyone around me that they too are like me. If I want to empower you, I give you my love. Then you run around like a toy with a good battery, powered by my love. If I withdraw my love, you stop running around, because you need my heart to run in my mind-space. Should my heart turn away from you, you powerlessly stop moving, no more than an inanimate soulless thing. You acquire your soulful appearance from my heart and from nowhere else. You're a prophet of doom and nanny-ism. You can't scare me. You have no clue what I have lived through. I am not some innocent toddler who hasn't been in the fire. I've been burned and I have risen above the flames. I don't go around teaching people to be afraid. I teach fearlessness and personal responsibility.
  17. You don't understand. I don't want to go to your closet. I want to dance on the open planes of my own mind. Well, I cannot accept this comment from an egomaniac such as yourself. This entire forum is too small to contain your enormous EGO with your fake for-show humility. You go around asking people to drop their egos, why? So that there is more room for your own ego to expand. That's why. I don't ask anyone to drop their ego, do I? Except maybe you and only right now, only after you mentioned your own ego issues so many times. Don't bother defending the fairness of your business. I believe you're a fair businessman. I never said you were a crooked businessman, have I? Pipe down. People pay you money and get what they wanted. That's fine. Now, I am going to give people some reasons why they might not want to buy your "goods". That's fair, right? Let people decide for themselves. An intelligent person will be able to take what I said, and then take what you say, and then add their own life experience and their own innate wisdom and come up a decision that's right for them. So there is no problem. Now here's why people should think twice before they buy from you. The problem is not money, but conditions. What you teach people has to remain secret in order for your business to continue. For example, if I pay X amount of dollars and learn things from you, can I then post everything for free on the internet? If yes, perhaps I will pay you that money just so I can free up that information. If not, then no thank you! I don't want to be given information WITH STRINGS ATTACHED, WITH CONDITIONS ON USE. I don't want to be given a sword and then be told that I can only cut bread with it. If you don't want to give freely, which is to say, without the added conditions, then I will. What if I believe there is no such thing as "the swine"? What if I think all the people are LORD and I want to make all information available to all, because they all deserve to have it in my mind? What if my understanding of who is and who is not "swine" differs from yours? It seems there is a lot more swine in your life than in mine. I am going to freely share everything I've learned to the maximum of my ability. As more and more people join "my" wide open path of openness, the value of secret information will drop to the point of being irrelevant.
  18. The Lo Shu 洛書 (River Book) Magic Square

    Stigweard, Thank you! That was interesting. Now I have a tiny bit more background on the square. The fact that all the numbers along all the lines add up to 15 is a nice elegant property, just what I was asking about. However this property is intrinsic to the square itself and I fail to see how this relates to life in general. So this still leaves a lot of questions. Why is hun on the left? And so on. I don't want to type 100 question, I just hope you intuitively understand where I am coming from. My take on this is as follows. Someone had a visionary experience that this person integrated into themselves. This person found meaningful relationships between the square and one's life, and codified those relationships (either orally or in writing, or even just mentally to oneself only). However, there are many many ways to come up with competing and equally meaningful magical symbolisms. Visionary experiences haven't stopped 10,000 years ago! People still have visions and magical experiences today, and it's possible someone is seeing a seagull with a magic circle instead of a magical square, today, as we speak, and the world will discuss its implications 10,000 years from now in some future forum, perhaps on another planet, because perhaps humanity will by then have migrated across the galaxy. Also, I agree that religions constantly claim the discoveries of other religions as their own, but I believe there is some innocent honesty in such claims. I believe that all comes from the same common mind, and because of that, different people in different locations can independently discover the same thing. We don't have to go to religion to see this. This happens in Western science pretty commonly and is fairly well documented. The implication of this is that each person has infinite wisdom "buried" in their own mind. In a sense, all religions are stealing this wisdom from the person by implying that this wisdom is extrinsic to the person and that the person must go to religious authorities for illumination.
  19. Dropping Yi...

    I wouldn't characterize your relationship with intention as "having" or "not having" it. If it's possible for you not to have intention, then how can you enter intentional state from unintentional? That means your intention is unintentional, and is thus meaningless. So, if you have any intention at all, you have it primordially, that is to say, it's not something that you can have or not have. So in essence you don't have it, but you are it, or it is within your nature rather than something temporary that comes and goes to/from you. So what changes? What changes is the character of your intention. And the clearer you can visualize (with all your senses and with your entire being) what it is you want, the clearer you can intend to manifest it. But this process of manifestation is about changing the character or the flavor of your intention. It's not about acquiring intention whereas before you lacked intention. That's how I see it currently. Yup. Yes, you cannot control a numb body. Before you can move your body you have to become aware of it. If you are not able to sense your body, you cannot move it around. The body is a crude example, but it's not that bad. Essentially you have to be aware of the possibility and you must lack an obscuring belief structure. If that's true, your intention proceeds unimpeded at once manifesting appearances naturally in accord with itself. The way this process becomes disrupted is, as I see it, twofold: 1. You don't know about the possibility. 2. You know about the possibility, but you believe that while it's generally theoretically possible, there are many "good" reasons why it's not possible for you, not right now, not right here, not on this planet, not under this condition, etc. Seeing possibilities involves creativity, mystery, uninhibited wildness. That's what some people might call "right brained". Clearing away obscuring beliefs involves dissolving the old beliefs in the potent acid of contemplation. Continued sincere questioning and examination of beliefs tends to dissolve them. That's a task for the "left brain". These are very crude metaphors, so if you catch my point, I would suggest to forget what I said and not take anything I say literally, but instead rely on your own innate wisdom. I would say it's "required", but awareness is always present. Awareness should never be confused with apparent objects that appear before it. Awareness is like a movie screen. It's impartial. What appears on the screen can be wildly different. A person never lacks awareness. A person might falsely associate awareness with certain shapes on the screen and if those shapes are absent, such person will think they are unaware. That kind of process has to do with the mindset, with the deep beliefs about reality and not really with awareness per se. Awareness is always ever on, ever shining with apparent objects. These "objects" appear either gross or subtle, either as physical features or as thoughts or anything else. They can be easily describable or mysterious and impossible to describe.
  20. Dropping Yi...

    That's kind of half true sort of. It's caused by you, but it's not caused by you as you most likely think you are. So if you think you know who you are, then your statement is more of a fantasy. If you know the true meaning of yourself, then your statement is the complete truth. I don't know anything about you, but judging from my experience of random people, chances are you don't know what you're talking about. Intention is always whole at the ultimate level, but as various levels of your own mindset begin to condition your mind, intention becomes fractured, structured and conditioned by the mindset. So it's very easy to say half-truths about intention, but it's hard to see intention fully without long spiritual practice of contemplation. Am I you? Is my intention your intention? If you say "yes", then perhaps you see the full extent of your intention. If you say "no", then you are still dreaming unconsciously (as opposed to dreaming consciously). But like I said, I have no way to know for sure.
  21. is zhan zhuang off the west's grid?

    Looks interesting! Bookmarked for further investigation. I really like the Charles Atlas story, and it's nice that this site knows about him. I don't need anything to "master it". If you understand the principle of dynamic tension, you can make your own exercises. If anyone here does not understand the principle from my explanation, please post so I can provide a better explanation, for free. And you can then master whatever you want, on your own, without anyone's help.
  22. The danger of radical Islam

    Not really. What you have tried to do is to discredit me, to lower the value of my identity, to disempower me by removing my internalized authority and replacing it with an externalized one. You haven't tried to actually help me, because in order to help me, you need to know where I am going. For example. If I am going to Florida, and I am in NYC, to help me, you have to tell me to go south. However, if I am going to Boston, you must tell me to go north. If, without fully understanding my intention, that is to say, without fully understanding where I am going, you tell me "Go south" (because that's where you went and all the "cool" people you know also went there), you are not helping me at all! But to admit that you're here to help yourself you need real humility and wisdom, instead of your enormous hubris, oh rainbow handed Guru Santi ball of love. You don't value me as a person, and that's fine, just don't pretend. You only value me as a potential follower of your little secret club. Keep dreaming. I am done with secret clubs. I have stepped on a wide open path of openness and I don't need people like you to help me. In fact, depending on how aggressively you make it obvious that you have some secrets in the form of some information that could potentially help me, and that is not available openly and freely to all, but that I must pay for and promise secrecy and accept various conditions for, I may even dislike you and frown on your methods and lifestyle. I believe you have some degree of freedom to be that way, but certainly don't expect praise and support from me. You'll have to go it alone with that attitude of yours. Very simple. Because if the knowledge that's available openly about Shariat is wrong, and if the only correct knowledge available about Shariat is SECRET (esoteric!), then the right solution is to make the correct knowledge OPEN. However, if you keep the correct knowledge secret, while the incorrect knowledge is open to all, you are the one that's being a moron and not me for failing to seek some secret correct way to understand it. All of us can see the UGLINESS OF SHARIA IN PLAIN VIEW. It is ugly. It is barbaric. Actions are louder than words. We see actions of Sharia. We have videos. It's widely available. Now if I need to go chase down some SECRET to be able to digest this garbage safely, that's fucked up. Plain and simple. If you refuse to make your life-saving secrets public, you are hostile to human life. The ugliness of Sharia is public. In fact, I cannot imagine any information that would make it beautiful. It's barbaric garbage that's going to the toilet of history.
  23. The danger of radical Islam

    I don't think you know at all. You make it clear that you don't in all your posts! Keep believing that. I don't know their language perhaps, but I know the truth of their experience. I wouldn't call it a chip. Let me put it this way. I look around my living room. I notice dust and some furniture arrangements are no longer to my liking. So I set about cleaning and rearranging furniture. That's what I can do. So I do it. Because you've been initiated into traditions where secrets are kept. And I took a vow of openness! I am your undoing. Oho! Watch out! I am not violent, but my entrance on the stage is your exit. Adios Mara of secrets! Not at all! I don't want anything. I am in a state of constant fulfillment. Even if my leg is falling off, it is so.
  24. ghosts

    Not believing something is also of the mind. If the mind causes our core beliefs to be what they are, it is obvious the mind can cause to also change those beliefs as well. The mind is your greatest enemy AND your greatest friend. The trouble comes from the mindset and not from the mind. The mind is not the mindset.
  25. The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte

    Oopppss!! Found something in this Gita I disagree with (what a surprise): I take issue with the word "erased". I'm too tired to give analytical reply, but I'll give you this spontaneous one instead: Oh! The field of total possibility is ever complete -- that is mind! Possibilities are neither created nor destroyed! Wonderful! Even if something disappears, the possibility of that appearance does not disappear. Omniscient mind knows what all appearances are, because what appears is not the same as what could be appearing but does not. Appearances are contextualized by the total field of possibilities. Even a fool has an omniscient mind. Knowing there is nothing to gain or lose -- relax authentically if you wish. The possibility of fear is ever present. Even Buddha's mind is not devoid of such possibility. Therefore do not seek to erase fear! Simply intend what you wish! Do not check for approaching enemies or obstacles. Just go forward like an innocent baby toward your goal. It's not that you cannot possibly experience fear, it's just that you choose not to manifest fear. Therefore without conquering fear, its dominance is over. Fear is a choice.