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Everything posted by farooq

  1. Is pornography bad for your qi?

    Yup, I admit that i had a secret mild obsession with porn and yeah i would feel bad afterwards. but surprisingly the attraction was snuffed out of me without me really trying to stop. i had always wanted to do the hajj pilgramage and last year i finally did. when i came back i had no inclination whatsoever to view porn. some how it just let go
  2. Indian Wrestling!!

    Hi Yoda, Thanks, nice to be back, still trying to get more organized so that i can have more time to participate on these forums. I hope that i can be more active in these discussions as time goes on btw you were awesome in Revenge of the Sith my 8 year old son thought your duel with the Darth Sidious was 'way cool'
  3. Indian Wrestling!!

    Wow, thanks for the link. My dad was a great fan of the Great Gama. He used to visit The Great Gamma in the hospital before he died. I think i have a a photo of them somewhere. If i find it i'll post it. My grandfather was a hard core practioner of this stuff. You would not believe how big his bones were. He was a massive man and lived till he was 105 years old. I personally never got into it as much and consequently i doubt very much i will live as long or be as strong as my Grandfather...... you reap what you sow. peace and smiles