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Everything posted by cheya

  1. My pleasure to join

    Welcome Baby Lion! I'm glad you found us, and look forward to your joining in the TTC discussions. There are a LOT of them! A veritable goldmine! Enjoy
  2. Hey!

    I think heresy is pretty welcome here.. or at least accepted... as long as you don't start inflicting it on others... So... Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more from you...
  3. first introduction

    Welcome Daolander1! Looking forward to hearing more from you
  4. Juicing

    The old naturopaths drew a strong distinction between "juice" and pulverized food. For addressing serious illnesses (detox or cleansing), they were totally on the side of just juice– no fiber included. And for juice, I do tend to agree that the low speed cold pressing juicers would be better than the old Champions. But if you're just trying to add more vegetables into your diet, then no problem with blenderized food (vitamix style)....
  5. For those living in active earthquake areas, this is a fascinating analysis of how and why the current unprecedented earthquake activity is moving, predicting where the forces are likely to strike next. His graphics are a little intimidating at first, but he does explain, and you will understand if you stick with it. He's been at this for years, and is constantly improving both the accuracy of his predictions and his explanations for those predictions. This YouTube is outstanding in both aspects...
  6. Yes, Marblehead... Dutch has been waiting for that EQ for awhile. His predictions and methodology are really impressive. He totally shares his methodology in making the predictions, so readers can do it themselves...Sort of. He's an incredible tech geek with his graphics... Takes awhile to really follow him, but when you do.. AMAZING! Last night he was repeating his warning that New Zealand had to have a corrective EQ, and then it actually happened while he was talking about it! Here's the latest on YouTube:
  7. Things are picking up in QuakeWorld.
  8. Two days ago, on August 18th, the deepest, strongest earthquake ever recorded happened in the middle of the Pacific ocean. It didn't make the news...earthquakes in the middle of the ocean don't get much press... but it was listed on the earthquake sites. Although other sites just recorded its depth and power without mentioning that it was the strongest ever... Dutch predicted that the massive energy would spread and cause unusually strong earthquakes along specific fault lines... which is exactly what happened... starting within hours of his prediction! I was impressed!... He says it will take ten days for the energy of that deep earthquake to dissipate, and that the succeeding earthquakes are happening at a much faster rate than usual, and can be expected to be an order of magnitude stronger than previous earthquakes in an area, as the earth tries to spread and dissipate the energy from that big one. Earthquakes have been happening all over the planet, and largely conform to the patterns he predicted in advance. I don't usually follow this stuff, but this one has grabbed me.
  9. Member's name history

    If you go to their profile, there's a little circular arrow icon to the right of their current name. Clicking on that will bring up the entire history.... some of them are kind of long...
  10. Hello Hello

    Welcome Vernal God This was a pretty good thread that you might find interesting... And this google search will give you a lot more threads in this general topic that you may not have read yet. Maybe you'll get some of them going again...
  11. (-:

    Sweet! Sounds like maybe it DID "knock some sense into you" Just SO glad you're back!
  12. (-:

    Dancing a jig! Hooray Rene!
  13. Breathing comes from his heels?

    Hi wandelaar, Interesting, I hadn't thought about feeling the energy as being internal alchemy, but I guess it is, sort of a baby step. It feels so good, I'd be doing it regardless of whether Chuang Tzu approved... And I'd be willing to wager that, if you ever start to feel that energy rising up from your heels, you will never again question whether that's what Chuang Tzu meant when he wrote that true men breathe from their heels..
  14. Breathing comes from his heels?

    @wandelaar... You can experience this palpable chi yourself... one of the easiest ways I've found is a practice called Tai Chi Ruler. I used the method offered here: There are other versions, many even available free online, but I like this one especially because it activates the 8 extraordinary channels which JoeBlast referred to above. You might enjoy reading some previous DB threads focusing on breathing from the heels: (it's one of my favoritist topics )
  15. Breathing comes from his heels?

    It is not just breathing air... which of course does not make any sense. It is drawing a palpable energy flow up from the heels as you breathe, energizing the whole body. This is easiest to learn, or feel, when you breathe in at the same time, but eventually you can just start and maintain that flow with intention.
  16. *waves*

    Welcome! *waves back* Looking forward to hearing more...
  17. Hello from Madeline

    Welcome Madeline! Glad to see you here...
  18. Probiotic Appreciation Study Group

    Great topic, Daemon! Is the continuous brewing method described somewhere? I am very curious...
  19. Gospel of Thomas

    @Jeff.... and what about the part that the world is not worthy of that one?
  20. Introduction

    Oh, come on, metabee... surely you could tell us a little more! Just throw out a few of your faves... And, oh, yes! Welcome!
  21. Hi from the UK

    Welcome Sultani... Glad you took the plunge...
  22. Blood type and personalty

    Some great posts on blood type and personality in this thread from some time ago... (Taomeow... _Please_ come back... DB is nowhere near as much fun without you! )
  23. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    Yes, developing an understanding of the TTC that you can actually apply to your life is definitely a challenge.
  24. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    You may have to immerse yourself in some good TTC commentaries for that...Prof. Ellen Chen's is very good... she brings in the history, the meaning of the words closer to the time they were written... It's inexpensive used on Amazon now... or Kindle, if you do that... Others here may chime in with their favorite commentaries...
  25. Paradoxes in Chapter 41

    My interpretation? lol How about I give you hers? She groups the first three lines together by subject (Tao) Re the first line, she says: "The illuminating Tao appears dark— Ming, the light that illuminates at night, is the opposite of kiang, the bright light belonging to day. Ming is the mystical light of the round, illuminating both the coming out and return of all beings."