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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Is rigpa really that simple?

    The problem is deferring to someone else who may not have your best interests in mind. Further, to immediately state how extremely difficult rigpa appears to be, is setting up obstacles in one's mind. The caption I have posted speaks volumes as to how it is so easy to let an authoritarian provide all the answers. Years ago (1986) I was at Field's bookstore in San Francisco California and saw the book 'The Crystal and the Way of Light' by Norbu. I picked up the book and upon seeing the photo of Norbu on the inside front cover, the transmission of rigpa was instant, just by seeing the photo. It was effortless and the first retreat with him confirmed the experience.
  2. Is rigpa really that simple?

    I appears that is the reason the vajra chains are created by visualization and mantras when doing deity practice in the heart center. It appears as an attempt to recreate the thogal visions.
  3. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    The devil and anti Christ? You believe in that myth? I certainly don't. Go back and carefully watch the movie and compare and contrast the Batman character with the Joker character.
  4. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    I guess you failed to understand the movie. Your conclusion is on the surface as opposed to carefully understanding the deeper meaning 'The Joker' signifies.
  5. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    I have caught more flak on here from people who don't have a clue as to what 'The Joker' archetype stands for. It is very ancient. Heath Ledger's role as the Joker was one of the great roles ever.
  6. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    We had a long discussion regarding Kan Sasaki of Kunlun and his invisible technique. Here are a few photos. The discussion went on for pages without clear resolution.
  7. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    Here are the paraphrased questions that he asked me. 1. Promise not to share the technique on a public forum. 2. How you ever committed a crime including; theft, rape, drug dealing, criminal trespass and so forth? 3. Agree to use this in an ethical manner? 4. Provide full name, DOB, a photo of myself for a criminal background check and psychic investigation. All the above is way out of line! Obviously I refused to give him any personal identification or answer any of his questions which are none of his business.
  8. LMAO and I am still laughing! Anyone else have some good ones?
  9. Are you a physicist? QFT field theory is extremely dense and very few on the planet understand it well enough to explain it. In general it is explained mathematically. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/quantum-field-theory/
  10. Will any language accurately describe the underlying process? Meaning which takes the form of a verbal construct appears as culturally specific as opposed to a universal construct?
  11. The dream like existence most likely came from the use of Nepalese temple balls which there appears to be evidence of use in Tibetan temples. Dream like happens real fast.
  12. The terms you are using are just terms which place a limit on any realization experience. Whether one says, 'I am a Buddhist, 'I am a Sufi' and so forth, are obstacles and do not describe the underlying process of reality. Such leads to sectarianism and all myriad problems associated with. It is not possible to accurately describe reality and put labels on it. Why not stop the use of isness in the quest to unlock the mysteries of the universe.
  13. If you have a transmission by text, hanging out in nature which requires careful attention or if you happen on a teacher that is honest and trustworthy, that is the place to start. The error is that one must develop some special ability over eons of time is one that authoritarians use against persons so their particular organizational base of power can sustain. There are many texts available online regarding thogal.
  14. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    His clothes should have burned quite rapidly and that would have been the end of him.
  15. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    That was an anti war protest in Vietnam back in the late 60's or early 70's. I remember it well.
  16. Britain and the European Union

    Perhaps, but the GBP is taking a beating on the currency exchange. 31 year low.
  17. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    The price was not all he was asking for.
  18. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    What I meant was that I don't believe what he is selling works. He has refused to identify himself as well as not coming back on and defending his technique.
  19. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    A drill is one thing but let's see him use a rotary hammer drill.
  20. Observations on Invisibility for Self Defense

    I wasn't exactly serious given the problem with the OP. I would not pay a dime for it.
  21. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    The fan and lighting the cigarette are the best!
  22. The Amazing Powers of Chi

    I see you are new to this site and to accuse me of being ignorant is preposterous! Further, I started this thread as adding some levity to the site. Scolding me with a behavioral command (no-no) as if you are a parent is laughable! Further, you have no idea what my beliefs are. BTW, if you have something humorous to add as the OP requested, then by all means do so. If not the DharmaWheel may be apropos for your seriousness.
  23. I have posted this before and the caption is not as it seems. I bet most miss the point entirely.
  24. What I am pointing out is that using ancient language models does not describe a direct relationship with the underlying process of reality. Perhaps some day there may be a mathematical language which more accurately describes the underlying process.