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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Garab Dorje brought Dzogchen to this plane of existence. Some believe he is an alien, while others think he came from another dimension. Or perhaps............
  2. Not at all. The texts are translations of translations and are very complicated in myriad ways.
  3. Read Snellgove's translation of the Hevajra Tantra and in the first couple of pages he states as to how poorly written this particular text was. Reason being is that when the ancient Sanskrit texts that were introduced to Tibetans, none spoke or read Sanskrit and were basically illiterate. Further, there were scholars in the last century that went to Tibet looking for original Sanskrit texts and none were found. Some may argue this point, but I prefer to side with a scholar such as Snellgrove as opposed to a shill. I have read through many texts and seen as to how words were changed which distorts the meaning.
  4. Anyone know her name? The photo appears very unusual to me. Something is not right and could be Photoshopped.
  5. The definition of space

    It is a long standing joke around here.
  6. The definition of space

    What if there are no objects? After all, nothing exists anyway.
  7. Transgender Problem

    This is the bigotry that appears when anti transgender laws are instituted by individuals and governments. http://www.democraticunderground.com/10027851431
  8. Transgender Problem

    You are proceeding from an incorrect conclusion in that one person has regrets and therefor it is a major problem with how many persons? Have you completed a statistical sampling of transgenders? Focus groups and interviews? Your OP states transgender is a problem which is a very generalized conclusion.
  9. Transgender Problem

    Exactly what is your point? You seem to be a Buddhist practitioner and yet are making judgements about what you fail to understand. Human nature and evolutionary processes are a complicated matter and simplified judgements fail.
  10. Transgender Problem

    http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/red-state-gay-porn-habit-why-conservative-states-mississippi-and-north-carolina-lead This speaks volumes!
  11. As for myself, visual art conveys more meaning and inspiration than reading most so called spiritual books. Listening to music this evening reminded me of this painting. 'Ulysses and The Sirens' by Herbert James Draper.
  12. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    It is amazing that this thread is still showing interest!
  13. Video on Tibetan Rainbow Body

    I think some forensic investigation of the many footprints would settle some basic issues.
  14. A great pdf

    Why not give a description as to what it is as opposed to clicking on an unknown.
  15. Transgender Problem

    Canada is very far ahead of the USA in regards to transgender. I would live there if it weren't for the terrible weather. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/justin-trudeau-announces-extension-of-canadian-human-rights-law-to-cover-trans-residents/
  16. I live in the desert Southwest and in all my travels on main roads and back roads where few travel, I have never seen any evidence of a FEMA concentration camp. Just another distraction by Alex Jones and company.
  17. A very good friend of mine recommended Hofstadter's books and are on my list.
  18. Impunity, impunity, ad infinitum. http://www.democraticunderground.com/12511964672 http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1877351_1877350_1877341,00.html https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/05/12/the-age-impunity/LHBxamqFENCs3W6lvWnCIJ/story.html
  19. Glass-Steagall was created to separate commercial banking from investment banking. Before the act was created, banks gambled with their clients deposits on risky bets. The same thing is happening here in the USA.
  20. Michael Lewis is an excellent place to begin educating oneself as to the complex machinations on Wall Street. http://www.amazon.com/Big-Short-Inside-Doomsday-Machine/dp/0393338827/ref=la_B000APZ33E_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1463241031&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.com/Liars-Poker-Norton-Paperback-Michael/dp/039333869X/ref=la_B000APZ33E_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1463241031&sr=1-3
  21. Transgender Problem

    I would say that dude is sexually suppressed and as Dr. Wilhelm Reich would say it is character armoring.
  22. The 'too big to fail banks' have obtained one big advantage by merging investment and commercial banking (the repeal of Glass Steagall allowed this merger). E.g. Goldman Sachs can borrow almost unlimited money from the Federal Reserve at discount rates of far less than 1% and use that capital for gaming the market. Or in other words, an exclusive high stakes casino. With that large of a bankroll, Goldman can move the market in their favor. An individual investor has better odds on the worst bet in the casino which is 'The Big Wheel' than on Wall Street.