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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Socialism does work

    Pure capitalism/free markets are illusions and not based on logic or reality. State one instance where free markets have worked.
  2. Socialism does work

    @Karl, My posts regarding fascism. Linked are a few references regarding my reading. BTW, I am not a mental lightweight regarding this subject or any other topic I write on this forum. If you stoop to inappropriate content toward me, you will be reported to the mods. http://thedaobums.com/topic/22292-is-the-west-slowly-descending-into-fascism/?hl=fascism http://www.amazon.com/Richard-Hofstadter/e/B000AP8JTE http://www.amazon.com/Ian-Kershaw/e/B001ITX4WI http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_13?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=rise+and+fall+of+the+third+reich&sprefix=rise+and+fall%2Cstripbooks%2C210
  3. Socialism does work

    To mix religion and economics is a major problem. Further, I have studied the history of fascism and have written extensively in another thread here on the forum. To throw out so called logic in the defense of a system that has never worked i.e, neoliberal economics is unfounded logic and arguments based on presuppositions and not reality.
  4. Socialism does work

    Your presuppositions are not founded on reason as you so want your readers to believe, but an ideology that somehow unfettered markets have absolute efficiency and fairness. There is not one instance in history where that particular ideology has worked. Your statement "selfishness that is black" is inappropriate and offensive. BTW, I always speak for ones that have no voice and are disenfranchised.
  5. Socialism does work

    I have no idea what talking points you have been reading, but your narrative is not based on critical/rational analysis or an understanding of history. Fascism and socialism are not twins and your reference to the bible is suspect. Further, your analysis of human nature is amateurish at best.
  6. Socialism does work

    So called free markets are presuppositions from the works of Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Von Mises and other classical liberal theorists. Such unfounded presuppositions are only an appeal to human greed, rugged individualism and selfishness. The basic premise is that if everyone acted in their own self interest; therefor markets would be absolutely efficient with no need for rules. However, the fanciful neoliberal notion of a fair/level playing field without governmental interference fails to consider the myriad variables regarding the behavior of individuals.
  7. US law enforcement gone to hell

    Are you equating left wing and fascism? If so, you are absolutely wrong.
  8. Exactly what are you talking about? Most of your posts leave out pertinent information.
  9. "Divine natural mechanism"? What is that supposed to mean? I am referring to the Third Reich's philosophy regarding 'Social Darwinism' and how that was viewed. I am not interested in lectures regarding natural selection.
  10. If you are going to discuss this topic then posit something reasonable as opposed to invalid assumptions such as the above. I gave a reference, but your narrative will not stand critical analysis. In what way are GMOs and affirmative action related to Hitler and his so called legacy?
  11. The Nazi's used Herbert Spencer's work to justify a 'survival of the fittest' ideology. That is what I am referring to. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Hitler_and_evolution
  12. Bought into and coerced to be more precise. Neoliberal/Libertarian are one in the same. Social Darwinism as in Herbert Spencers false suppositions regarding social groups and a so called 'survival of the fittest' as opposed to the evolution of the group. Ayn Rand was neither logical or reasonable and to equate Aristotelian logic with so called Objectivism gives Ayn Rand credit where none can be reasonably found.
  13. Critical thinking skills are not in abundance here in the U.S. or in this thread. To posit that average persons don't go to war has no basis in fact. E.g. Germany in WWII in which average persons bought into the propaganda of the Third Reich. Here in the U.S. average persons willingly followed by enlisting in the armed forces. One follows a leader for myriad reasons such as evolutionary and social imperatives. From a cursory reading of your narrative, you have formed suppositions from Ayn Rand objectivism, Russell Kirk, Dr. Milton Friedman, Dr. Robert Mundell and so forth. Neoliberal ideology only serves corporate interests at the expense of the average person. Neoliberal suppositions are more akin to Social Darwinism than real world economics.
  14. You can posit point counterpoint forever, but economies boil down to human need. I have had many extremely wealthy clients over the years and the vast majority could care less about you or I. I am not talking about wealth of a few paltry million, but 8 and 9 figures. These people have an incessant need to accumulate more without limit.
  15. Haven't had much time to review your references, but there are several sites listed that were created by lobbyists from the restaurant industry. I will ignore those.
  16. What are you listening to?

    One of my favorite Pink Floyd songs.
  17. What are you listening to?

    Great lyrics by David Gilmour!
  18. What do other countries do better?

    Gendao doesn't realize that the African continent is composed of a number of countries. He must have skipped geography.
  19. Found it on Scribd. 196.00 is a bit much. Thanks!
  20. I certainly hope this is reinstated! http://www.democraticunderground.com/10026950453 http://thehill.com/policy/finance/247093-warren-mccain-introduce-bill-to-bring-back-glass-steagall
  21. Moshe Idel on Abraham Abulafia. https://www.scribd.com/doc/151236207/Moshe-Idel-the-Mystical-Experience-in-Abraham-Abulafia Breath meditation of Abulafia. This meditation is similar to some of the Dzogchen Semzin meditations. https://www.flickr.com/photos/47222633@N05/6813922368 http://www.amazon.com/Abraham-Abulafia-Meditations-Divine-ebook/dp/B003YUCR1S
  22. Here is the link to Moshe Idel's extensive work on Abulafia. https://archive.org/stream/AbrahamAbulafiaAStarterKit/Moshe-Idel-The-Mystical-Experience-in-Abraham-Abulafia_djvu.txt
  23. I have a text with the writings of Abraham Abulafia which includes many practices. Also Aryeh Kaplan's Sefer Yetzirah which is very interesting and includes many practices.
  24. I have done the research also, but unlike your narrative I usually post references. If you have a teaching certificate, why not indulge us? I still suspect you are more Libertarian/Neoliberal than you let on.
  25. Well said! He seems to be relying on me to think for him. See post; http://thedaobums.com/topic/38807-how-soon-before-the-us-in-same-state-as-greece/page-5#entry633848