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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Tell that to someone who is starving, children that go to bed hungry and the exploited masses that crank out endless shit for consumption. Take the case of Steve Jobs who practiced Zen. Jobs used his vision to exploit Chinese sweat shop laborers to make massive amounts of money for the latest and over hyped technology. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/26/business/ieconomy-apples-ipad-and-the-human-costs-for-workers-in-china.html?pagewanted=all Quarters for sweat shop laborers. Photo is self explanatory. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1285980/Revealed-Inside-Chinese-suicide-sweatshop-workers-toil-34-hour-shifts-make-iPod.html
  2. Longchenpa’s The Precious Mala of the Four Dharmas Tsegyalgar East. I rarely if ever cut/paste, but Norbu makes several salient points that are worth noting. http://melong.com/?p=2852 When I read this first part, I was reminded of the incessant cut/paste, deferring to Malcolm and RongzomFan. The vast amount of quotes are a collection that does more harm than good and I seriously doubt will be useful to most readers here. Norbu's comments on mixing money with the Dharma. A comment on teacher/hero worship which he has reiterated for decades.
  3. The first paragraph in the article was actually the main point that needs to be emphasized in that a corporate CEO for Microsoft was telling a women who has been discriminated against in terms of pay and advancement needs to have better karma in order to advance. Karma is just another BS excuse!
  4. Star Wars 7

    For all you Star Wars freaks like myself, here is the new trailer. It doesn't show much, but I am certainly looking forward to seeing it. Just need to wait one year. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/lucasfilm/starwarstheforceawakens/
  5. There is much debate on neoteny and how it plays a role in human evolution. BTW, I don't disable my imagination. I believe you did not understand my remarks regarding emotion.
  6. Desmond Morris writes popular science books and are hardly considered serious research. Furthermore, I believe Morris promoted the 'Aquatic Ape Theory' which does not stand in peer review. If you care to post peer reviewed sources that would be acceptable. I am not interested in having my "mind blown" given that approaching scientific research emotionally, taints the results.
  7. Here is a very simple explanation of evolution which is contrary to your post. http://friendsofdarwin.com/misc/faq/why-still-monkeys/
  8. Humans evolved from a simian sp. not chimpanzees, but are a related sp.
  9. Substance Dualism in Buddhadharma

    How many times are the same old Buddhist precepts going to be posted here? Furthermore, this is not the Dharma Wheel and you are not Malcolm. How about some original discussion!
  10. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    If you are perceiving the visions, then there is a biological component in the senses i.e, brain that is perceiving. Think for yourself.
  11. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    You are perceiving the vision biologically through your senses. That is why it is called a vision.
  12. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    All phenomena arise from the primordial base. These visions are not occurring in a vacuum, but need a biological component to experience such visions. There is no separation.
  13. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    I am wondering what the biological components are for these visions?
  14. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    Now you are making this exclusive to a select group. Dzogchen is not a sectarian experience except to those who want power over others. Back in 1989, Norbu emphasized that Dzogchen is not sectarian, but it is only one name given to a common experience among a diverse number of spiritual groups.
  15. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    The Buddhist Lamas (Dharma Kings) have convinced their followers that they control the transmission and who receives the highest teachings. This is nothing more than authoritarianism on their part. Your questions are spot on!
  16. Are thogal visions nimittas?

    I believe I have seen evidence of this in the Visuddhimagga, but only remember that the Buddha was referring to the breath meditation.
  17. US Mid-Term Elections

    I think Vmarco stated it quite well as to what the current state of fascism looks like. Not much different than the 30's. http://thetaobums.com/topic/36813-us-mid-term-elections/page-4#entry590830
  18. US Mid-Term Elections

    Excellent explanation of fascism. Most have no idea as to what fascism is except how the right wing propagandists define it. Fascism always generates from the extreme right wing and that is exactly what is happening in this country by the extremists that control the right wing of the Republican party. Since Bush was appointed to office by SCOTUS, there has been a resurgence of racism and nationalism in the guise of patriotism. We went to see the movie 'Fury' last night which was an accurate portrayal of the horrors that rampant nationalism/fascism can cause. Movements such as those are not started by the many, but the few. I recommend to those that are clueless as to what the horrors of nationalism/fascism are, to watch this movie and understand what insane ideological fervor can produce.
  19. US Mid-Term Elections

    I am not certain where you are going with this, but here is an overview of the budget process. https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/federal-budget-process/
  20. US Mid-Term Elections

    If you care to post facts as opposed to right wing propaganda, that would be appreciated. Here are several links to recent proposed budgets submitted by Obama. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/02/01/us/budget.html?_r=0 http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/aug/05/buddy-roemer/obama-submitted-budgets/ http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/13/us/politics/2013-budget-proposal-graphic.html?ref=politics http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/03/us/politics/03budget.html http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/227857-senate-rejects-obama-budget-in-99-0-vote
  21. US Mid-Term Elections

    @apech, The appeal is to certain issues such as unions, womens rights, abortion, global warming, states rights, lower taxes, firearms, immigration and religion. In a nutshell, the claim is; the government is going to takes your guns away, a zygote and by extension a fetus is a person and abortion is murder etc.
  22. US Mid-Term Elections

    Exactly! What many are not informed about is the existence of ALEC 'American Legislative Exchange Council' which works with state and local governments so as to make or delete laws for the benefit of Koch Industries and other large corporations. http://www.alec.org
  23. US Mid-Term Elections

    The Republican strategist's have carefully crafted talking points so as to influence low information or poorly informed voters. This blog is a good place to start. http://www.redstate.com http://www.redstate.com/2014/11/05/dear-republicans-one-elected-work-democrats/ This quote by Republican strategist Erick Erickson speaks volumes regarding the right wing agenda.
  24. US Mid-Term Elections

    Would you please not use all caps. That is considered shouting.