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Everything posted by ralis

  1. When I did my second retreat in Death Valley, it took me over a week to find the right spot. I think the sun was too bright at the time and when the sun is less intense, that is more amenable to the practice.
  2. I will send you a PM if you like.
  3. Have you tried using the sky as a focus?
  4. I have asked Buddhists to explain their 'relaxing into the view' in regards to this travesty or other acts of insanity committed by psychopathic personalities. For 2500 years Buddhism has provided no answers to the human condition, except 'relax into the view'. Escapist ideology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT3uuhUd9oo
  5. He is not positing anything from experience, but parroting what he has read. I have incessantly asked the Buddhists posting here to speak from direct experience as opposed to sounding like every other Buddhist that posts here. The redundancy is boring. I have written in regards to a few of my experiences, but was not well received by any Buddhist here. There exist rules that were written down in the 'middle ages' admonishing one not to discuss experiences with threats of hell realms or some such nonsense. It is time to move on from ancient superstitions and authoritarianism.

    I happen to be a long time practitioner. I took my first retreat with Norbu in June of 1989 and went on a solitary retreat for two weeks the following spring. Asunthaneversets was most likely not even born or a toddler in diapers. Most likely he has never been on a real solitary retreat out in the middle of nowhere, but I have. I don't go where somebody is going to hold my hand or give me cookies for snacks, but find lonely places that are not safe from wild animals or even rattle snakes. These places must have clear views of the sky for engaging in the practice of skygazing. He offers nothing, but cut/paste opinions with no real world experiences. Here is one favorite place which is on the other side of Death Valley California in the Panamint Valley. The ridges are perfect for practice. The first photo is a view from Dante's peak in Death Valley which is another lonely place for practice. These places are very remote and highly recommended for practice. For some reason some of the images disappeared so I posted some different ones.

    I disagree. His post is a vacant critique that has no value. He doesn't elaborate on "erratic theories", "unqualified individuals" and how those categories are related to Dzogchen. Asunthatneversets narrative always appeals to the higher authoritarian while demeaning others that want to discuss this important subject.

    Once again you come on this thread with nothing of substance to add.
  9. Can you explain the mystic death state?

    Your caveat is based on what factual information? More one liners which lead to walls?

    I bought that poster when I was in college. I still have it in a frame hanging beside my desk.
  12. Women & TTB

    Found this article in which a town in Brazil is dominated by women and men need to follow their rules or else. Interesting! http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/oddnews/brazilian-town-run-by-women-is-looking-for-a-few-good--single--men-210647685.html
  13. The first two here are in English. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=peter%20dexheimer&sprefix=peter+dexh%2Cstripbooks
  14. Women & TTB

    If you go back into off topic or the pit, you can read the posts by Aetherous aka Scotty in which he stated that women who have abortions should be put in prison. There were a number of posters advocating forced transvaginal ultrasound by state appointed doctors before allowing a women her right to have an abortion. 'States rights' persons love this version of authoritarian abuse against women.
  15. Heredity and Karma

    Look for a graft and then you will know if it is a hybrid.
  16. Women & TTB

    Intelligent persons know and understand where hate and bigoted speech lead. History is replete with the consequences.
  17. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    Are you lecturing me again? I perfectly well understand Buddhist teachings and making excuses from some higher cause is no excuse. There is much in the literature in regards to karma. In general, there are myriad interpretations. I don't repeat endlessly. Which statement is a misunderstanding?
  18. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    Why are you being condescending to me by starting off with a negative comment i.e, groan? As if I am ignorant? This kind of attitude has no value in these discussions. Since the early 80's, I have found that Buddhists in general, posture themselves to a higher cause and devalue/degrade others.
  19. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    To blame karma on one's problems is shirking self responsibility.
  20. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    I attended many retreats beginning in 1988. And never have I seen so many adults whining and acting out. That includes many of Norbu's students.
  21. Women & TTB

    There are several persons on this forum that I have challenged in regards to the behavior in question. When challenged, they become defensive, feign denial and in some cases respond with a belligerent attitude. In the past I have reported this, but with no response. Although, the recent suspension of WWROA is a start. However, WWROA has been suspended several times and is allowed back for some unknown reason.
  22. Women & TTB

    Very well stated! I absolutely agree with your first statement. I have been wanting that to happen for years.
  23. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    Without science, there would be rampant disease, very little sanitation, no Internet, no electricity, short life spans and so forth.
  24. Yogananda's kriya yoga initiation

    Bought that last night for .99 cents. Thanks for the link.