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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Therefor, that makes all unions suspect?
  2. I state facts as opposed to authoritarian propaganda that some have bought into. Furthermore, your rants in regards to so called coefficient errors by climatologists is a non sequitor and would never be considered by reputable research groups. Say all you want, but you and your group of deniers have no say whatsoever in the conversation.
  3. To all anti union persons. I bet you drive a vehicle that was made by a union and have many useful items including appliances etc. made by unions. Stop driving on highways that were made by union members. While you are at it, the next time you are in a commercial building, that to was probably built by unions.
  4. I guess you support an oligarchy with unlimited amounts of money which equals free speech. I would appreciate that you stop the bullying!
  5. You right wing types always attack the unions and fail to mention the good; such as elimination of sweat shops, improved working conditions, decent wages etc. I guess the working people that take care of the commons, build your shit that is consumed by you and everyone else are low lifes in your mind. If you know anything in regards to history, Hitler and Mussolini both got rid of the unions. Why? Unions were viewed as a threat to their power structure.
  6. FBI is investigating 'high frequency traders'. This should be the beginning of more investigations into market manipulation of commodities, interest rates and other egregious financial crimes. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/31/fbi-high-speed-trading_n_5065622.html http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-31/fbi-said-to-probe-high-speed-traders-over-abuse-of-information.html
  7. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    Since Seagal the so called Buddhist was mentioned I thought I would post this image.
  8. Bill Nye who is known as 'The Science Guy' debates Ken Ham who is the director of the 'Creation Museum' in Kentucky.
  9. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Would you provide a title?
  10. Elongated skulls of Paracas Peru

    Apes did not evolve from Homo Sapiens and that is a fact. The two species are related primates.
  11. Intellectualism is for wimps

    There is no implication of clinging as to how intellectualism is defined. By definition intellectualism, according to Merriam Webster is, "devotion to the exercise of intellect or to intellectual pursuits.
  12. Politicians have been bought and sold since time immemorial. If you don't understand that one by now you never will.
  13. You might want to add corporations that have bought the entire government and most of the wealth.
  14. I know and believe in the bill of rights also. However, my rights don't supersede everyone's like yours do. E.g. your comment against compulsory vaccines. Vaccines protect the public health by preventing outbreaks of small pox and other extremely virulent diseases. You have no right to endanger public health with naive conspiracy theories regarding vaccines. Why not learn to debate as opposed to posting myriad personal concerns that are designed to move this off topic.
  15. Stop the off topic trolling Joe and stick to the case in point as opposed to positing Republican/Tea Bagger talking points. You obviously have no clue.
  16. Africans ruled and educated Europeans from 700 to 1492

    We said! Many still cling to racial differences in spite of all humans being descended from an African female some 200k years ago.
  17. I guess you don't see the long term ramifications of this case and the legal pleading by corporations et al to have special dispensation granted for religious reasons. Furthermore, the main point is from the 'Citizens United' ruling that corporations have the same rights as persons. That ruling is the crux of the problem. http://a4.img.talkingpointsmemo.com/image/upload/c_fill,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_365,w_652/wadrgqbbivbw88lxotat.jpg
  18. It is not a good idea to marginalize women. This case has nothing to say in regards to Viagra.
  19. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/25/louisiana-senators-vote-to-keep-unconstitutional-creationism-law-on-the-books/ Louisiana senators vote to keep unconstitutional creationism law on the books
  20. From what I can ascertain, if this case is ruled favorably by SCOTUS, the legal ramifications are far reaching and will lead to more special request by corporations. Citizens United may open the floodgates for intrusions that most are not in favor of.
  21. Hobby Lobby's case before the SCOTUS. As I understand it, Hobby Lobby claims to be a religious business and wants relief from certain laws and to impose religious beliefs on employees. Papantonio explains the main points of the case. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/25/supreme-court-hears-hobby-lobbys-religious-challenge-to-birth-control-insurance/
  22. The Moors re-civilized Europe after the fall of Rome

    I doubt from your comments that you have read Orwell's 'Animal Farm'. Your post references to 'National Review' in which Roger Clegg's article 'Latest Statistics on Out-of-Wedlock Births' cites no sources. Furthermore, Clegg's article 'http://www.heritage.org/about/staff/c/roger-clegg' fails to consider institutionalized racism, as well as endemic racist attitudes in his analysis of the gutting of Section 2 of the 'Voting Rights Act'. I may write more tomorrow on this. Why not retract your usual biased unfounded remarks?
  23. The Moors re-civilized Europe after the fall of Rome

    From my reading we are all descended from a common African female ancestor, approximately 200k years ago. I suggest that all this comparing races cease and accept what we all are. Race is skin deep. It is a person or group of people that advance humanity in myriad ways. There is more evidence than this brief article online. This is a place to start. http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/evolution/female-ancestor.htm