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Everything posted by ralis

  1. The Cool Picture Thread

    This stuntman is very high off the ground. Claims it is not photo shopped.
  2. The Cool Picture Thread

    Nature at it's best!
  3. Ken Ham is building an Ark for an estimated cost of 73 million which is the first phase of the project. He raised around 14.4 million privately and the city of Williamstown KY is offering 62 million in securities to build this thing. Definitely a separation of church/state issue. KY is a very poor state and this makes no sense at all! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-14/noah-s-ark-depends-on-faith-in-default-plagued-debt-muni-credit.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/01/kentucky-noahs-ark-ken-ham_n_4876282.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
  4. If one views it from the perspective of Macbeth and Richard III then.......
  5. I was just wondering as to where this should be posted. I imagine that the politics in Washington are not far from this series. Machiavellian and corrupt. Brilliant acting and solid script. Streaming on Netflix.
  6. What are you listening to?

    The entire acoustic set was on PalladiaTV a couple of months ago but only a few videos are available to watch. The entire set on CD and a video. Hard to believe this band was formed in 1965.
  7. Wilhelm Reich called that Orgone or life force. I see that phenomenon all the time.
  8. Has the OP been sungazing? Vitreous detachment can cause arcing or flashing lights in the field of vision.
  9. http://www.democraticunderground.com/10024562137 Arizona passed a ludicrous discrimination bill which awaits the governors signature. Bill is based on so called religious freedom to discriminate which is code for fascist bigotry. Must be a tea bagger bill. This was deemed settled law since the Civil Rights Act and should remain so.
  10. "Only the Madman is absolutely sure" Robert Anton Wilson.
  11. It seems to me that Dzogchen is more concerned with experiential which was pre axial, as opposed to investigative which is post axial.
  12. Wilson wrote more than sci-fi. Many of his books dealt with the limitations of language in which he explored each side of a belief system rather than taking a one sided approach. Furthermore, belief systems are only based on limited semantic constructs. Language offers no absolute knowledge whatsoever.
  13. snake handling

    When I encounter Western Diamond Backs out here in the desert Southwest I definitely keep my distance. Reptiles of this sort are not socially adept to humans. I guess these characters also drink cyanide, arsenic and other tasty brews. LOL. Some of the tribes out here use rattlers in ritual dances but use more intelligence in handling very large rattlers.
  14. You are the only one who has ever presented a clear no nonsense explanation.
  15. I was wondering why you have no understanding of Voodoo. Have you been watching too many movies?
  16. Some scholars have noted that Buddhas are divine perfect beings and periodically intervene in human affairs. I don't repent.
  17. I guess I have a natural ethic for doing what I feel is right, as opposed to asking a deity for forgiveness and direction. The deities and in this case Buddhas are determining by divine edict what you are allowed to do or not.
  18. Would you care to further elaborate?
  19. Expedient means to what? Nothing wrong with doing good at all!
  20. Repentance is a feel good notion to keep the masses pacified. Crowd control!
  21. This is a good one! Dumb and dumber! D’Oh! 1 in 4 Americans don’t know Earth circles Sun. http://www.democraticunderground.com/1014728663 http://rt.com/usa/science-education-survey-americans-178/
  22. We are discussing Buddhism and the incessant need to purify/pray/repent. Roosevelt was not a Buddhist.
  23. Suppose I am using complex multi variable calculus for a project and must be focused for days on this project. According to Dzogchen, that would be fixating? If so, then what?