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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Repentance? From what? Original sin perhaps? Sounds akin to Catholicism to me which is replete with 'hail Mary's and the father priest confessor. This is the stuff that I have problems with when it comes to religion of any sort. True believers are weighed down with guilt and psychological suppression of wrong doing.
  2. This is a favorite topic of Sufis and Buddhists. I am almost certain that self annihilation is impossible. All energy can neither be created or destroyed. The only changes are in form. ralis
  3. "When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" - Sinclair Lewis
  4. Some rather different skulls / people

    Yes. There is no peer reviewed science on this. It is suspected that the babies skulls were wrapped to elongate the head. A similar fetish was Chinese foot binding.
  5. Nice try, Harvard

    There are several lectures on YouTube. I was hoping there might be an online course offering in the same format as MIT's Open Courseware but I found nothing.
  6. Correct me if I am wrong but WWROA is from Australia? No mention of his countries politics.
  7. You don't even need to piss one off! Especially around snack time.
  8. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    I wonder if this group will be allowed to reapply? http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/02/07/florida-atheist-groups-monument-application-rejected-on-a-technicality/ Florida atheist group’s monument application rejected on a ‘technicality’
  9. If I remember correctly, Darwin et al found physical adaptations in certain species of birds that changed beak shape in just a few generations. That was an adaptation to a different food source.
  10. Order: Primates Suborder: Haplorhini Infraorder: Simiiformes
  11. If I remember correctly it was Simiiformes or Simians.
  12. Why not investigate evolutionary genetics? I have seen data that indicates ~ 1% DNA difference between humans and chimps. The journal Genome Research states an approximation of 4% DNA difference. In my mind that is a place to further read/explore. Genetic mutation/adaptation does not necessarily occur in a short period of time but over millions of years. http://genome.cshlp.org/content/15/12/1746.long
  13. Belief systems which are usually based on absolutist thinking can be a problem for both sides of this debate. I have had many discussions over the years with research scientists from Los Alamos National Labs and The Santa Fe Institute. Those discussions challenged me to ask well thought out questions and to clearly think before opening my mouth.
  14. Thanks Brian! Will have a few questions later but until then I must deal with one more client.
  15. Zimmerman challenged and Ali Bomaye aka 'The Game' accepted. Zimmerman will get his ass kicked! http://www.democraticunderground.com/10024420318
  16. Much appreciated! If you could talk a little in terms of the scientific method, give a short primer on theory, and how peer review works? That may be helpful to some here. Gotta run and take care of clients.
  17. Perhaps Brian may have something to add to this discussion. He has mentioned being a scientist. Hope he shows up.
  18. I don't believe in a fall as in some kind of mistake, original sin or whatever. I was surprised to see that brought up.
  19. "All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism ..."
  20. Nothing wrong with asking questions. However it doesn't hurt to explore advanced sources such as the Stanford lectures I posted. Challenging oneself can lead to many realizations.
  21. Not at all. Just wondered where your questions are coming from.
  22. May I ask what kind and how much education you have in science and math.
  23. Seven year old? What? I doubt there are any seven year olds that can do the math. What is your level of education? This Stanford lecture series may be of use if you understand the math.