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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Here is a start. There are many sources online so as to pursue your own research. Stephen Hawking. http://www.space.com/52-the-expanding-universe-from-the-big-bang-to-today.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lema%C3%AEtre
  2. The History channel has deteriorated which is unfortunate.
  3. Theory of Bigfoot and ancient aliens are discussed on the History channel extensively. I guess it must be true.
  4. Academics and scientists use the term 'theory' extensively. E.g. 'number theory', 'evolutionary theory', 'theory of relativity' and so forth, as apposed to some half baked speculation of a so called 'theory of ancient aliens' which is stated as fact by the purveyors of such.
  5. Which explanation should be appropriate as to define theory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/scientific+theory I think Sagan was talking about the common misuse of the term.
  6. I hope you are just being facetious.
  7. I will get back to you on this when I get home.
  8. Did I say it wasn't factually based?
  9. We all learn in some way or another. There is some creationism book written by a guy named Morris. I started to read it in college back in the early 80's and never finished it. Part of my religious insanity at the time. Since your are in Sacramento, I imagine you have been to Yosemite which a great place to understand glacial processes. That whole area is awesome!
  10. http://io9.com/a-map-showing-which-u-s-public-schools-teach-creationi-1515717148 Public schools that teach creationism.
  11. I think a Christian school. There is a push to include creationism along side evolutionary theory in public schools. That move is being pushed by folks in Texas.
  12. The snopes article is worth reading.
  13. I was taught about evolution in the 2nd. or 3rd. grade. This is fundamentalist dogma being forced on children! http://www.snopes.com/photos/signs/sciencetest.asp http://aattp.org/florida-christian-school-tells-children-atheists-dont-understand-gravity-because-god-did-it/
  14. The ancient alien business has no basis in fact. There is no proof at this time. The OP is in regards to the debate last night.
  15. I posted the link from http://freevideolectures.com/ and the URL was different than what is on YouTube.
  16. I got it fixed. I was using a link from another site. http://freevideolectures.com/
  17. Here is a lecture series given at Yale University. For some reason the coding has changed and is not displaying the YouTube video. Anyone know what is happening?
  18. I would also add that by observing nature and thinking what has occurred is a fantastic way to gain understanding of natural processes. That is why I love going to Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Mojave and Sonora Deserts as well as the myriad places out here in the West. Volcano's that have produced many layers of strata over millions of years are great resource for study.
  19. The debate did not allow enough time for a thorough explanation of evolution. A debate of this nature is considered a general overview and if one is motivated to further study the subject matter, fine. There a many resources on YouTube, college course work and reading available to anyone interested in furthering a better understanding of evolutionary theory.
  20. I was very nauseated listening to Ham's so called logic/line of reasoning. What concerns me is the agenda to include creation science in all classrooms. Ham refers to the use of critical thinking at several points in his remarks.
  21. Yin eyes v.s third eye

    Is lalana same as the soma? Johan refers to it as soma. I meant Johari.
  22. Yin eyes v.s third eye

    Lalana chakra. Thanks for expounding on this!
  23. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    None of your personal experience in that thread.
  24. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    The problem with the Buddhist apologist's is that only dogma and doctrine are posted here. No personal experience!