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Everything posted by ralis

  1. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Why not expand on that.
  2. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Slightly? You must do better than that.
  3. Esoteric Acupuncture as practiced by Dr. Mikio Sankey. Saw his first book years ago and never bought it. Anyone have experience with this methodology? http://www.esotericacupuncture.com/
  4. Fundamentalist right wing religion will not stop until this country is a theocracy. These people yap about freedom from authority and at the same time wish to impose their authoritarian belief systems on others. Creationism is not science! This is another way to brainwash children who are not equipped with critical thinking skills. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/01/31/republicans-blitz-four-states-with-five-creationism-bills-so-far-this-year/
  5. George Zimmerman boxing match.

    Why are you bringing up the race issue?
  6. George Zimmerman boxing match.

    'The Game' is 6'5 240 lbs and works out at the gym. Definite advantage. I wonder what the Vegas line is? Are you wanting an old time fist fight without gloves?
  7. George Zimmerman boxing match.

    I am not going to engage in your slanted narrative which is absolutely wrong and biased. Zimmerman had a gun and Trayvon didn't. Zimmerman is a coward! BTW, I watched the case carefully, so don't imply that I didn't!
  8. Tom Tam's system works very well. The kit is complete with Voodoo acupuncture doll and magnetic hammer. http://www.tongrenshop.com/tom-tam-healing-system-7th
  9. In addition to the above, zinc should be added. A Urologist told a friend of mine during a checkup, that if "you don't use it you lose it". http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/ss05/zinc.html
  10. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    JP Morgan and Bank of America have used their retail deposits as a counter party for sometime. http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2011/10/20/bofa-puts-taxpayers-on-the-hook-for-merrills-derivatives/
  11. The overreach of Big Brother Homeland Security. This 60 billion plus agency that was created after 9/11, is busting Google Glass users in a theater. Why? To protect corporate interests and in this case, the MPAA. http://torrentfreak.com/mpaa-google-glass-is-no-threat-but-mobile-phones-are-140125/
  12. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    I will post later the YouTube video of the bankers (Citigroup) that lobbied for the dissolution of Glass-Steagall. They argued that their banks could not compete under that law.
  13. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    When I clearly stated my point a second time he reiterated with the same accusation.
  14. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    I would appreciate references as to the person/persons who caused the sub-prime debacle, market manipulations and so forth as mentioned in your post. FYI, he did insinuate that I am a liar.
  15. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    As far as your knowledge of history goes, you have none. That is obvious.
  16. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    Given that the Neoliberals posting here are in favor of eliminating the Federal Reserve, then what is the reasonable solution for creating a money supply so that banks can have money to loan to businesses and individuals? No one arguing this point proposes a solution, only incessant complaining!
  17. International Banking Criminal Organisation

    I don't appreciate being called a liar. I stated perfectly well in my previous posts my case in point. If you wish to discuss this issue, fine. However, just writing a number of complaints as your narrative contains, without citing any studies, economic theories such as Milton Friedman's so called supply side theories, gutting Glass-Steagall and so forth, fails to prove any point on your part. I have noted a few salient facts in regard to the recent economic problems, that were the main cause of the 2008 depression beginning before 2008. I repeat, the big banks must be returned to the Glass-Steagall Act, thereby no bank will be permitted to gamble with your money. In laissez faire capitalism which Neoliberal Libertarians and Tea Party persons espouse, controls on banking,and Wall Street regulations will vanish. Speculation on commodities i.e, metals, foodstuffs, fuel and so forth will have no limit. What I am not interested in hearing is the incessant propaganda that the market forces will be in equilibrium at some point in time. Neoliberals fail to think critically as to the long range problems caused by deregulation. Neoliberal policies on Wall Street are responsible for unregulated growth i.e, bubble markets. If you fail to understand any of the above points, I would suggest reading something other than 'Zero Hedge'. When I was studying at the University, Noble Prize winner Milton Friedman was all the rage in the economics dept. and business school. His policies were what influenced Reagan Economics. The Chicago School of Economics perpetrated a fraud on this country!
  18. The Truth About Karl Marx (Stefan Molyneux)

    A couple of his books are free on Kindle. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=karl%20marx&sprefix=karl+%2Cstripbooks&rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Ck%3Akarl%20marx
  19. and we're back!

    I was dealing with clients and managers. That is my excuse.
  20. and we're back!

    I was having a major withdrawal moment.
  21. This explains it all. Thanks again to corporate greed with backing from the courts!
  22. The Truth About Karl Marx (Stefan Molyneux)

    The person commenting in the video believes in a Libertarian stateless society. Unevolved humans are not capable of such a system. I prefer academic analysis. http://archive.lewrockwell.com/orig6/molyneux1.html
  23. The Truth About Karl Marx (Stefan Molyneux)

    You are posting this without comment? Have you read Marx?