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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Dzogchen Teachings

    Jax, I think the problem being one of semantic constructs or a word game as defined by your quote below. Without semantic constructs, the concept of 'no self' makes sense. A circular argument which wraps up life experience in one neat tidy package. Further, the quote implies a permanent "space of being" which implies defined boundaries. To carry this a bit further, wars, holocaust's etc. are nothing more than spontaneous arising with no self responsibility. Here is a quote from your paper 'Unintended Comments' "In the Space of Being, everything just happens spontaneously without intent. Yet when even “intent” arises, that same intent arises spontaneously, without being intended! Everything just happens. The open Space of Being is the locus or venue in which all things, thoughts, feelings, energies, bodies and forms just happen. There is no one there as some defined self or causative agent that owns or causes the experiential events to occur from moment to moment. They just happen. Everything simply arises from the vast matrix of Emptiness/Being spontaneously."
  2. Dzogchen Teachings

    I am familiar with the rainbow body. What I want to know is what happens to the critical thinking process required to perform scientific research or even baking a cake for that matter. If thought is liberated to it's natural condition i.e, pure energy, then what mechanism takes over to live a normal life.
  3. Dzogchen Teachings

    As far as I know, it is still the policy at the center in Massachusetts that in order to order books or other materials, a membership fee is required. The fees are 108.00 to ..........
  4. Dzogchen Teachings

    I heard that back in the 90's that he wanted to dissolve the whole thing.
  5. Dzogchen Teachings

    If one is a professional scientist and is introduced to Dzogchen, what will occur? Better science or what scenario? Perhaps quit science?
  6. Human insight and computer technology combined is needed when modeling a complex system such as the biosphere. I don't see the two as being mutually exclusive. Don't you agree? I read part of the book in question and the author nicely points out the difference between linear and non linear chaotic systems. The purveyors of junk science are trapped in linear Newtonian systems and would have the public accept such fragmented thinking. Further, small changes in initial conditions e.g. (the energy of CO2) will drive large changes in non-linear dynamic chaotic systems (greater than three dimensions) and in this case the biosphere. You were correct in pointing out the elimination of the 'the fairness doctrine' in that the media rarely engages in professional journalism and in this case only reports fragments of the AGW problem. Those fragments are used by the anti AGW crowd to debunk the model. Their efforts are futile. Your link doesn't work. http://www.amazon.com/The-Environmental-Endgame-Mainstream-ebook/dp/B000VZVWTW/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1362446920&sr=1-1&keywords=environmental+endgame
  7. Dzogchen Teachings

    In terms of ordinary life, what has the Dzogchen transmission done for you? Are you a professional in a field or a business person? If so, how has this helped your life for the better? My reason for asking this is that I have seen a number of people here in Santa Fe either fall apart or not move forward with their lives or careers after the direct intro.
  8. In what way has mathematics become authoritarian? I am familiar with Strogatz's work. I have his book on Non-Linear Dynamics. I have repeated on the AGW thread in regards to supercomputers being necessary to perform the myriad iterations to model AGW. The purveyors of corporate junk science fail to mention that. The media has failed to report the whole picture around AGW but prefers to present fragments as if the biosphere is composed of unintegrated fragments.
  9. Dzogchen Teachings

    I have been in many of those.
  10. Dzogchen Teachings

    Are you the one to transmit this?
  11. Dzogchen Teachings

    One point of clarification that the direct intro must be one on one. In other words if Norbu is teaching to a group in person giving the direct intro, that is not personal? If that is correct, then very few have the privilege?
  12. Dzogchen Teachings

    "names", "labels", "hierarchies", "stages", "paths", "attainments" and various structural supports, all conceptual constructions. You mentioned students in the above context. Are not so called teachers responsible for such misunderstandings?
  13. Dzogchen Teachings

    Whatever situation I find myself in, it is the experience of, with no judgement or objectifying with prejudice. Not certain if that makes sense or not.
  14. Dzogchen Teachings

    Teachings that are culturally biased, authoritarian. Which have very little to do with the essence of primordial awareness. I am not certain how Crowley, Satan and Jason Miller fit in here. Please explain?
  15. Dzogchen Teachings

    It would behoove anyone posting here to not let this thread deteriorate and give Jax the time to explain Dzogchen and how it applies.
  16. Your argument is based on hearsay. Which statisticians? Which academics? Which scientists are having trouble with statistics? Exactly how do you prove this vast government conspiracy to manipulate data? Furthermore you state 'the government'; the entire government, a few people, a department of? How can that be a logical statement? Nothing more than a rhetorical generalization. What I see with the groups opposed to AGW is an ignorance of statistical analysis. Confusing the noise for the signal. A basic primer on this would be Nate Silver's book 'The Signal and the Noise'. He clearly explains the difference. You seem to have a problem with academics and higher education. Why is that? http://www.amazon.com/The-Signal-Noise-Predictions-ebook/dp/B007V65R54/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1362420848&sr=1-1&keywords=signal+and+the+noise
  17. Dzogchen Teachings

    I am only interested in the essence without all the hierarchy and Tibetan Buddhist baggage. The book in question covers the same old ground.
  18. Dzogchen Teachings

    Please continue.
  19. Waysun Liao DVD guide.

    Teknix (informer) was permanently banned from here in the last few years and this is his new identity. http://thetaobums.com/topic/27281-has-any-developed-supernatural-powers/page-50#entry410753
  20. Dzogchen

    When will your ebook be available?
  21. Dzogchen

    Maybe it is a problem with handling the vastness or spaciousness of Dzogchen that could cause consternation in some.
  22. Dzogchen

    It appears to be a very grounded approach in whatever one finds oneself without limitations. I know a lot of persons here in Santa Fe NM that have no life after taking and practicing these teachings. Some can barely hold a job or career, let alone support a family. That is not to say that the teachings are entirely at fault but not very useful in daily life. Or transmitted from Lamas that have no real real world experience or care to.
  23. Dzogchen

    Jax, There are a few pertinent comments in this thread including one by me. http://thetaobums.com/topic/27344-strident-system-sellers-and-delicious-irony/#entry410588
  24. Dzogchen

    Are you planning on posting in the Buddhist section? What I would want to see is your narrative without; Tibetan clutural baggage, moral imperatives, and not repeating the Dzogchen or Buddhist terminology. Further, most of us live in the real world with careers, jobs, families etc. It appears to me that most of the teachings being transmitted are not for normal people but persons who have the time, finances and inclination to spend extensive amounts of time travelling to where ever a teaching is given. The teachings have rarely been grounded in real life scenarios. There are many of us that feel that the gig of secret teachings, preliminaries and Lama hierarchies are over! I have had most of the teachings given by Namkhai Norbu and a few others. I look forward to your thoughts.