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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Belief systems and facts are miles apart.
  2. This moron makes the point as to how stupid some are. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/05/ohio-gop-lawmaker-says-he-wont-wear-a-face-mask-because-god-doesnt-wear-one/
  3. Yes to the map? Johns Hopkins has the best data collection in the world. BTW Johns Hopkins is one of the top universities in the world as opposed to the Trump sycophants and other purveyors of lies which includes Alex Jones and the like.
  4. Did you look at the Johns Hopkins map?
  5. Every region of the world is different. Public health infrastructure, cities vs rural, general health of the population, sanitation, and so forth. Stop the trolling!
  6. Your rant here makes no sense relative to the factual evidence.
  7. For an accurate count of COVID-19 infections and deaths worldwide look at Johns Hopkins map which is the best account. If you don't pay attention to facts and keep badgering on some political rant against leftists progressives, you will be banned. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
  8. Loving Women vs Lusting "After" Women

    I stopped doing it.
  9. I see attacks based on fallacies are your specialty. Since you are new here, these are the rules put forth by the owner of this site. I guess you are a Trump supporter.
  10. Are you denying human caused Anthropogenic Global Warming?
  11. My university training is in the biosciences which the basis of is critical analysis. The propaganda originates from Trump and his ilk in the form of gaslighting, double binding, drama and thousands of lies. The big lie.
  12. Obviously you have no concept of biological science, and more specifically, virology. The human species has no immunity from this virus which makes it deadly.
  13. Are you talking about yearly flu deaths?
  14. You think people dying by the thousands which includes young people is funny?
  15. The media is exaggerating the Corona Virus and COVID-19? To what end? Trump has no responsibility in managing this problem?
  16. healing gall bladder stones ?

    No medical advice here due to legal complications of giving wrong advice. See a doctor.
  17. Are the different types of kundalini?

    Kundalini is the EM field of the biosphere and everyone wants to mystify it or make it a religious experience. The reductionist approach is useless.
  18. Are the different types of kundalini?

    It appears to be different given the human penchant to name and control.
  19. A very good friend of mine who studied Biology at UC Santa Cruz stated that the origins of the virus is caused by the human species abusing animals and the environment! Anthropogenic Global Warming being the basis of the Holocene extinction i.e, sixth mass extinction. For all the Taoist wannabes here, think about what the Tao is in terms of the above.
  20. U.S. Intel reports the Corona Virus is not genetically modified.
  21. Are the different types of kundalini?

    There are not different types of kundalini. Have you been intentionally forcing through certain types of yoga or even pranayama?
  22. The two doctors in the video are the new darlings on Fox News.
  23. I believe I stated AGW being the root cause of this pandemic. It is becoming clear that if humans don't stop the destruction of the biosphere, then conditions on earth will grow worse. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/27/halt-destruction-nature-worse-pandemics-top-scientists
  24. Just the regular old flu? Wrong, wrong and wrong!
  25. I think this article in Salon is worth considering. https://www.salon.com/2020/04/26/the-black-death-led-to-the-demise-of-feudalism-could-this-pandemic-have-a-similar-effect/?fbclid=IwAR2J8Tc4ngqjaQcAU5VQvggRjplPvjJP_gzgSPuEgpciDt52AQUMWuCTThg