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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Global Revolution!

    You continue to make broad generalizations as to what the so called problems are and yet provide no evidence as to specific regulations or tax structures that in your opinion need changed. If you are going to debate this important topic, show evidence or stop participating!
  2. Global Revolution!

    For anyone that cares to develop a better understanding of history and human insanity, I highly recommend William L. Shirer's classic work. The similarities of 1930's Germany and now can't be dismissed out of hand. http://www.theaudiobookstore.com/william-l-shirer/rise-fall-third-reich_bkblak003870.aspx
  3. Global Revolution!

    I studied contract law in college. It is not a universal panacea as some believe and enforcement mechanisms must be in place. There is an insane belief that contract enforcement is unnecessary because individuals are somehow completely honest. :lol:
  4. Global Revolution!

    I can't believe you are in agreement. Corporate taxes are lower than before Reagan came in office and range from 15%-35%. Hedge funds and private equity are taxed at a max of 15% and produce nothing. What about the people who work for corporations? Are they not to have any benefit for producing goods and services?
  5. Global Revolution!

    Environmental pollution by Georgia Pacific. This makes me sick that the Koch Bros. are getting away with this. http://kochbrothersexposed.com/cancer/
  6. Global Revolution!

    Why not post facts as opposed to hyperbole and innuendo. The problems that I mentioned in regards to food safety are the reduction of the number of FDA inspectors that happened during the Bush years. More Republican talking points that blame over regulation on hampering the 'job creators' in creating new jobs. People of your persuasion would have this country revert back to the 'robber baron' age or to put it more succinctly, feudalism! Low wages for everyone. I assume you support wages of 2.00 or less/hour? How about rampant poverty? Tent cities? Rampant disease? Is that what you want? Greatest value? Cheap junk made in China? What happens when the middle class is reduced to nothing and very few have money to purchase Chinese junk? Of course the Chinese have no problem with producing contaminated baby food and toxic drywall to name a couple of items! What you and Joeblast promote is economic social Darwinism! http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/why_the_elites_are_in_trouble_20111009/
  7. Global Revolution!

    History does not share your sentiment that compassion is way to change the system. That is a supply side trickle down economics BS lie that Reagan sold to a gullible public.
  8. Global Revolution!

    One thing you fail to mention is that most if not all of those products are made in China or elsewhere outside the U.S. That is the corporate greed and exploitation that this revolution is about. American jobs were lost and replaced with sweat shop labor in other countries.
  9. Global Revolution!

    Twitter updates for Occupy Boston. Looks like the cops are getting nasty! http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23OccupyBoston
  10. Global Revolution!

    What is so irrational about the Tea Bagger and Libertarian movement is that the adherents of these movements, have unwittingly become shills and puppets for the wealthy and large corporations, by means of political demagoguery. This is the frightening power of propaganda in that people become useful tools while feeling good about it!
  11. Global Revolution!

    I would also include the objectivist Ayn Rand in this discussion. Most Tea Baggers and Libertarians follow her philosophy and most likely have not read her writings. Moreover, most who belong to these movements, have not considered the far reaching ramifications of objectivism. If objectivist philosophy were allowed to absolutely restructure government, then we would see a return to the 'gilded age' and the time of the 'robber barons'. Most adherents to this philosophy are either ignorant of historical facts or are convinced that what they believe is absolutely right. If one were to carefully consider what would happen if regulations for business were eliminated as proposed by the Tea Bagger and Libertarian movement, then what are the results of the following; Environmental pollution which includes coal fired power plants with no scrubbers. End results are massive amounts of mercury and other pollutants in the atmosphere. FDA and the health of the food supply. The recent contamination of cantaloupe with listeria. Out breaks of e coli and other potentially lethal bacteria in the past ten years. Unlicensed tradespeople and contractors. Elimination of the CDC. OSHA and worker safety. Return of DDT and other hazardous chemicals. Clear cutting of National Forests and Parks Oil spills such as what BP created. No minimum wage. Just a few items among many to consider.
  12. Global Revolution!

    It doesn't matter who the POTUS is. The war machine will continue.
  13. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    The real research has been presented in several documentaries that proves that all humans are descendent's of ancient people in Africa. I have one article here and when I can find more I will post. http://noel.mcn.org/GeneticMigration.htm
  14. Global Revolution!

    What I have not seen in this thread is the continuing problem of the 'Military Industrial Complex'. We all can debate debt, party affiliation, big government, small government etc. ad infinitum. However, it really doesn't matter who is in office or even who the members of the Senate and Congress are. The real business of this government is war. Not just illegal unprovoked attacks on sovereign countries and by extension the nebulous 'war on terror', 'drug wars' and whoever/whomever the government deems a threat to national security. The age old cry of the oppressor always evokes national security as a priority over all other considerations. The global spread of military power and the sales of military armaments to other countries. The development of bunker buster nukes and the new plutonium pit plant at Los Alamos National Labs. Exactly, why do we need more nuclear weapons? One reason and one only, is that of wanting more power, for the sake of having more power! I have posted two You Tube videos of Pres. Eisenhower warning of the dangers of the 'Military Industrial Complex'. http://www.lanl.gov/news/stories/plutonium.html http://www.lasg.org/press/2011/AP_27May2011.html http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/24/world/global-arms-sales-dropped-sharply-in-2010-study-finds.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPFJDVKpB7s
  15. Global Revolution!

    I just saw that. Blatant arrogance!
  16. Global Revolution!

    Thanks SereneBlue for your diligence on these important matters!
  17. Global Revolution!

    He has his own agenda and it appears that he is not interested in serious discussion. I doubt he will respond to any questions.
  18. What are you listening to?

    No. He was a brilliant writer!
  19. Global Revolution!

    You don't know what policies I support. Stop pretending that you know anything about me!
  20. Global Revolution!

    Actually, mathematics and economics are really not that difficult. If you have anxiety around these seemingly difficult subjects, that can be eliminated. Most of us have been led to believe that learning math, is dreadful and difficult. That is the fault of the educational system here in the U.S. and not yours. I have used the Silva mind control system as well as Win Wenger's teachings to jettison mountains of anxiety and BS. I highly recommend both.
  21. Will you provide proof of this technology? Why aren't the pyramids providing energy at this time? Where are the parts to this amazing technology?
  22. Global Revolution!

    Are you implying that I don't have sufficient intelligence to understand economics? I have 50 hours of college level mathematics up to and including 800 level courses in decision theory. Decision theory courses include, game theory (John Von Neumann) and bayesian decision theory. Are you interested in participating in a lively discussion in regards to the current economic problems facing this country? Or, are you more interested in creating divisiveness in this discussion with your anti-government propaganda and snide remarks towards certain persons who post here?
  23. What are you listening to?

    Any fans of Robert Anton Wilson here? His writings were brilliant! The Illuminatus Trilogy is one of my favorites. I have the audio book and have been listening to it while driving.
  24. Global Revolution!

  25. Global Revolution!

    I have heard the arguments about the mortgages being the problem and how poor people who didn't deserve mortgages crashed this economy. That is more propaganda with no basis in fact. Those mortgages were sold through the banking system as derivatives with a AAA credit rating and insured by AIG in case the loans were in default. What happened was that the mortgages were bundled as investments (derivatives) an sold on the open market. That is nothing more than a bet on a bet and so forth. Now those derivatives are estimated to be in the trillions of dollars. The fault lies in a deregulated banking system and not poor people!