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Everything posted by ralis

  1. I have questioned beliefs all my life. I in no way am taking an extreme view as you so believe. The pseudo scientific points of view that you refer to have no basis in debate, except on a religious fundamentalist site.
  2. Twilight Language.

    Found several links on this yesterday and so far only two books to my knowledge have been written. The first link is for a book by Roderick S. Bucknell who was studying Buddhism in SE Asia. The second, may be controversial. Tantric and occult texts are written in a type of code so that only initiates are able to understand. Aleister Crowley admitted that his works were written in blinds. Any comments? http://www.amazon.com/Twilight-Language-Curzon-Paperbacks/dp/0700702342 http://www.amazon.com/Twilight-Language-Nagual-Spiritual-Shamanic/dp/1591430410
  3. China is still a communist dictatorship with capitalist markets.
  4. Twilight Language.

    Opposing and questioning the misrepresentation of Buddhism, are two different things. Vajraji was grossly distorting Buddhism. The reason I started this thread was to discuss the polysemic language in many texts. Do you have something to add?
  5. 2 Sweet Documentaries

    I think you need to read up on what a theory means. A theory is a set of postulates based on provable facts which can be replicated. That is the purpose of peer review.
  6. If you are asking me a question, then the use of "your" is somewhat appropriate. However, you are lecturing me and attempting to frame an argument for me that doesn't exist. I already know all the opposing points of view and taking an extreme view is not my way.
  7. Please tell me what is your point in being here? This is a Taoist forum and how does an anti evolution view on your part fit in?
  8. Name them. Scientists in general? I should Google that? What does that mean? You started this with no facts whatsoever. BTW, you started this and so far, you have presented nothing but a fundamentalist point of view.
  9. I will have more time later and a discussion may prove to have value. Here is a link to my previous post on one of Non's threads. Will be back later. My link
  10. You make nothing but outlandish statements that proceed from incorrect conclusions. What scientists? What have they proven to overturn the theory of evolution. Where are their papers? Has their research been been peer reviewed? World Net Daily is a fundamentalist site and out to prove their pseudo scientific beliefs.
  11. There are many excellent books out there. Dr. Stephen J. Gould would be an excellent place to start. http://www.amazon.com/Structure-Evolutionary-Theory-Stephen-Gould/dp/0674006135/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1304005324&sr=8-3
  12. You expect intelligent people here to believe any article from World Net Daily? :lol: That is really an insult. The Falun Dafa site is very scientific. That is on the top of my daily reading list.
  13. pineal gland calcification

    Torus mentioned a number of substances which is puzzling. The potassium iodide is obvious.
  14. pineal gland calcification

    Does Tony Schneider have a web site?
  15. I am uncertain if Rolfing is permanent or not. Several years after I was Rolfed, a friend of mine was giving me a massage. When she pushed on my rib cage, she looked at me and asked me if I had been Rolfed. She said my rib cage felt like a babies rib cage. I believe that process has helped me dispense with many belief systems that were weighing me down. This type of therapy really does validate the body mind connection and how psychological issues can be dealt with by working on the body. I would also like to add that I started doing yoga around 1965 and was able to do full lotus fairly well. That helped keep my pelvis open. An ex girlfriend commented how she liked the way my hips freely move when I am walking, and in other ways.
  16. Your argument has no basis in fact. I backed up mine with references which are by respected individuals. Repressed individuals can still have sex and do all the time. The problem is body armoring and what that leads to. These individuals have conscious or unconscious emotional issues around deep emotional feelings. The inability to express these feelings can and will lead to abuse of others. That is what is called a projection. Dr. Wilhelm Reich MD., Klaus Theweleit et al which I know you will never bother to read, have deep understandings of this type of psychopathology. Do you have the curiosity to study some of the works I have referenced or will you continue to sidetrack this thread with unfounded beliefs. Your photo of the dancer makes no sense in this context.
  17. Obviously, you know very little about body armoring. I would suggest you examine the military mindset and then you will understand what is being discussed here. Militarism involves strict adherence to orders and uniformity. Rigid posture and a rigid pelvis are just two examples of how armoring is expressed. Moreover, the military mindset is not one of feeling and compassion but of state sanctioned murder! I spent five years in the U.S. military during Viet Nam. I happen to know what I am talking about. Further, it is entirely relevant to bring into discussion historical accounts of mass psychosis and the results of horrific acts of violence. If we all fail to be reminded of the past, then we will invariably repeat it. In general, anyone studying history, is knowledgeable as to the origins of the swastika and that Hitler used it as a unifying symbol along with the eagle. If you care to read the relevant literature on this subject, then maybe you can bring a more informed point of view to this discussion. Here is a good analysis of body armoring as discussed in terms of Nazi soldiers psyche. http://books.google.com/books?id=L1EgfrEa9UsC&pg=PA110&lpg=PA110&dq=body+armoring+and+goose+stepping&source=bl&ots=itXgLkc49j&sig=-8ZDD9d2xhnqXyl4PRSwLvYiSLw&hl=en&ei=43G4TZ8u09WIAvffpDs&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CEAQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q&f=false http://www.amazon.com/MALE-FANTASIES-Floods-Bodies-History/dp/0816614490 Authored by Klaus Theweleit
  18. I am Hitler

    Good point. Very few are on any true spiritual search because of the fact that seeing reality as it truly is takes much courage.
  19. I am Hitler

    As an example of the most hideous treatment is pointed out in this documentary. I saw it last night on the Military Channel. That particular channel presents many historical accounts that are not seen elsewhere. After the documentary was over, I had to take a walk and look up at the starry NM night and wonder where in the hell this insanity will stop! I felt physically ill!
  20. I am Hitler

    History point out the continuing psychotic tendencies of humans en masse, to create the most hideous acts of violence.
  21. I am Hitler

    Absolutely! Just trying to laugh it off does in no way abate the trauma of mass psychosis and the abuses that are perpetrated in the name of any cause. Humans are much too primitive to be trusted with dangerous technology and coupled with incoherent emotions make a worse case scenario. We have a very excellent discussion taking place in this thread that discusses root causes of mass psychosis. My link
  22. I believe Rolfing can be of great value in addressing armoring and lack of emotional coherence. That way, one has more choices than just blind automatic conditioning.
  23. Body armoring as a result of child abuse, poor parenting and religious conditioning as discussed by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, can and will lead to fascism. Goose stepping SS troops were making a statement about their own sexual repression as a condition since childhood. Goose stepping is an expression of a rigidly armored pelvis that lacks freedom of movement and unconditioned sexual expression. Part of the Third Reich's cultural war was a perfect Aryan race which is selective breeding and only the missionary position was allowed. Further, Hitler had anyone showing homosexual tendencies put in concentration camps. This kind of behavior is indicative of severe armoring and intolerance brought on by the points I made in the first paragraph. Obviously, anyone not fitting rigid standards (Jews, intellectuals, gypsies et al) as put forth by Hitler was subject to extermination. Examples can be seen in the Chinese Red Army, Korean army et al which are goose steppers. In addition to Reich's 'Mass Psychology of Fascism' Alice Millers books are an excellent study of intolerant, abusive and rigid child rearing practices. http://www.amazon.com/Body-Never-Lies-Lingering-Parenting/dp/0393328635/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1303918273&sr=8-1 BTW, I have attempted to deal with my own armoring by taking the Feldenkrais training and 14 Rolfing sessions. This year I will most likely take in a few more Rolfing sessions.