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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Food for thought

    There were 1,000 people in the seminar for 1 day, at 70.00 each. There were some scholarships offered and I figured 20,000 for overhead etc. Although, that may be a bit high of a figure. He does this several times a month. There are groupies that fly in to all his teachings from wherever.
  2. Food for thought

    One of the worst money scams was the Reiki Master initiation by Phyllis Furumoto. After she received the lineage, she initiated 87 masters in 3 months. She charged 10,000. :lol: Currently, there is Adyashanti who gives 1 day workshops that attracts thousands. In Santa Fe this year, I believe he walked away with 50,000 after expenses. :lol:
  3. Their primary emotion is fear and their obsession is to have their followers wallow in fear to the nth. degree. Misery loves company!
  4. You are right on! Seems to be a lot of wimpy, spineless and oversensitive types that claim some type of mastership!
  5. Those states can be achieved by light sound machines, binaural beats, etc. Silva Dynamics offers some CD's on remote viewing. Transparent Corp. has excellent software. These are tools that can greatly assist in mastering these states. However, it takes a lot of work.
  6. I will post some info later today.
  7. I believe mastering the alpha and theta states are the most useful.
  8. So Kunlun Nei Gung

    I have known about Gurdjieff's aversion to breathing practices since I read "Meeting's With Remarkable Men". Someone in India told him to not focus on breathing for fear of damage. There is no basis for that belief unless one is straining. Also someone in the book told Gurdjieff to stop chewing food so that his digestion would be stronger. He was even told to swallow bones. :lol:
  9. Norse Taoism?

    I bought the ebook and so far there is nothing new in it. Too many blank pages so far.
  10. So Kunlun Nei Gung

    Was Max a student of Jenny?
  11. Thanks for being honest. If one see's oneself as working through various karmas, there may be no end point to resolve conflicts. If not now, when?
  12. Norse Taoism?

    I am downloading the ebook right now. Had some major difficulties with the download. Finally got it to work.
  13. Norse Taoism?

    Has anyone read the book? How about a review?
  14. You are missing the point! I am only discussing one point of view and that is a myth that is used to keep people in line. The myth that there were black magic practitioners in the past and therefor one must yield to the appropriate Buddhist view. That is not to say there weren't. However, this argument has been used to control populations in the past. This is a fault of human nature which you claim to be an expert on. You make a blanket statement about witchcraft which is in the venue of women. Are you saying witches are evil? All they do is go around casting spells? Do you believe everything you read without question, cross referencing and lack of curiosity. As for myself I have been a student of history all my life. I recognize bogus arguments very quickly. You frame me as someone negative, which is a gross misrepresentation of who I am.
  15. Black magicians? Witches? Evil doers? Sounds like inquisitions and Salem witch trials. I guess Padmasambhava was judge jury and executioner in this case. This could be just one myth perpetrated to keep superstitious Tibetans in line.
  16. If you debate me, stay on topic. The evil reference is from the literature. Not my interpretation. I don't appreciate your refaming my statements to suit your weak narrative. There is a book on Padmasambhava that states this. What right does he have to interpret Bon according to his own belief system? None! The literature states he was subduing evil spirits and an evil goddess. Please don't recite some higher purpose in regards to this action by him. I guess in your view, if Padmasambhava creates negativity, then it is for a higher cause? I believe it is in this book. http://www.amazon.com/Life-Liberation-Padmasambhava-Yeshe-Tsogyal/dp/0898004225/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1290998370&sr=8-13
  17. Vajraji, you are not a teacher. Why? Your remarks are condescending and relate very little to any constructive debate. Women are still not held in high regard except for use as consorts. Very few women have become teachers. In regards to Bon, Padmasambhava tried to wipe out the indigenous Bon religion of Tibet. He saw it as something evil.
  18. Vajraji continues to say that the Buddha preached for 40 yrs. or so. Preaching is probably translated to a more Western bias and may have little to do with how the Buddha behaved in public. Vajraji comes off like Jerry Fallwell et al.
  19. Vajraji's weak narrative is chaotic and fractured. It is the same technique used by politicians, propagandists and religious fundamentalists. This gives Vajraji plenty of wiggle room to avoid critical debate and to always be right.
  20. An interview with Kan

    I have seen the 1.5 hr. Lama Thunderbolt video and some of it is difficult to believe!
  21. The discussion of cause and effect most likely started with the Greeks. Perhaps before? Further, Buddhism is a reactionary philosophy against certain belief systems of the time. For anyone to claim absolute knowledge of the workings of the cosmos or even claim that everything written about the Buddha is 100% correct, is making a misrepresentation! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality
  22. Dependent origination is nothing more than cause and effect. Physics 101. The Buddhist shills have co opted this term, changed it to some metaphysical concept to make it appear that the Buddha discovered it. He didn't.
  23. I have gone beyond the five senses more than you could possibly imagine!