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Everything posted by ralis

  1. TTB Reputation System?

    If and only if, forum members are provided with clear and precise answers from you. If you have read any of my posts in other threads, you will understand why I am insistent on clear communication.
  2. TTB Reputation System?

    Value is a very subjective term in this context. In my opinion that judgment is limiting a free exchange of ideas. I would appreciate a precise definition of value in this context.
  3. TTB Reputation System?

    Exactly, what effect did it accomplish? What was your perspective on the matter? In terms of questioning your motives for banning me, you never once answered my PM's. Do you view yourself as one with absolute authority here?
  4. I have heard all the arguments in regards to the so called factual basis of chem trails. No one to my knowledge has produced a factual basis for the existence of chem trails. There are many variables that would have a dramatic effect on contrails. Climate change, atmospheric conditions such as temperature, moisture and weather patterns would all be contributing variables to such a phenomenon.
  5. TTB Reputation System?

    He called someone on the forum a cheerleader for defending a certain point of view. There is a thread on tech support discussing this. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/15260-raymond-wolters-temporary-suspension-from-posting/
  6. TTB Reputation System?

    Moderators are here by choice and if they can't handle it, then letting someone else take their place would be appropriate. To make myself absolutely clear, I am defending the rights of everyone on this forum to feel welcome in a free exchange of opinions. Obviously, you failed to carefully read my previous posts. The senseless banning of Raymond Walter for his "cheerleader" comment should be enough for anyone who values free speech to carefully question such actions!
  7. TTB Reputation System?

    Great idea! How do we proceed?
  8. TTB Reputation System?

    My point is. Free exchange of opinions. It matters not whether we agree or disagree. Scotty is absolutely correct!
  9. TTB Reputation System?

    I wholeheartedly agree!!
  10. TTB Reputation System?

    I absolutely agree! Further, if this were a real Taoist forum, there would be no moderators. When I was banished earlier this year for 1 week, I asked a moderator the cause for banishment. The reason was, for disturbing the valued and sensitive members here. When I asked for an explanation, as to what the criteria are for being a valued and sensitive member, I was ignored. Basically, I was told to think about my aberrant behavior for a week. This forum has in general, become a somewhat limited speech venue. Free exchange of opinions are becoming more limited by moderators. The best example is the banning of Raymond Walter for his "cheerleader" remark. This is an oversensitive reaction by the moderators. Do the moderators see themselves as speech police?
  11. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Who makes the evaluations?
  12. TTB Reputation System?

    Karma stars? Are you serious? What colors do you like? Red, gold or blue?
  13. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Of course, I have never once seen you insult anyone!
  14. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Just more judgment from a fundamentalist perspective.
  15. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Co-inside? That is not in any dictionary and another made up term. What does allan's country, if you even know where he is from, have anything to do with what he posted? He posited several well thought out questions.
  16. Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime

    In his mind the Buddha is responsible for all traditions.
  17. Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime

    Huh? What exactly does less prehistoric mean?
  18. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Respect of a tradition is not a requirement to post a critique of! Further, a critique does not necessarily make one a cheap shot artist!
  19. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    What I have observed with the continuing arguments in regards to the superiority of Buddhism is a group dynamic i.e, hive mind, among the true believers. Buddhist catch phrases are used as a means to establish so called facts. The bases of these so called factual arguments are not grounded in criteria that just anyone can prove and have a realization or even understanding of the argument presented. It is the elitist, with the unfounded belief of "I have an abundance of good karma, you don't and therefor I am the privileged one". These arguments could be realized as a collective hallucination. If one claims visions of god realms, transcendent levels and planes of existence, exactly, what does that prove? Further, if the hive mind is sufficiently receptive to these so called visions from the central authoritarian master, would it not seem to facilitate an easier transition to the experience of hallucinating so called transcendent phenomena? The experience if which is entirely subjective!
  20. NLP

    One way to model is to put on the head and body of any genius, teacher, master etc. Not literally, but as a representation of what is desired, internally and externally. Dr. Win Wenger terms this, borrowed genius technique. Dr. Wenger's work combined with NLP are the foundation of my present work. At present I am modeling a teacher to acquire a new skill. http://www.winwenger.com/ http://www.learningstrategies.com/Genius/Home.asp http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&tag=mozilla-20&index=blended&link_code=qs&field-keywords=win%20wenger&sourceid=Mozilla-search
  21. NLP

    For a complete understanding of NLP, some background reading is required. Korzybski, Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson are most helpful. Bandler and Grinder studied Erickson's work in an attempt to discover Erickson's success in using very rapid psychotherapeutic techniques. General Semantics is a way of seeing the world in terms of possibilities as opposed to the absolutism of, this is the way it is, and yes and no. I have repeatedly argued this point with several on this forum to no avail. More later when I crawl out of the desert sands. Those pesky alien impersonating fruit bats are at it again! http://www.amazon.com/Science-Sanity-Introduction-Non-Aristotelian-International/dp/0937298018/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288997571&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&tag=mozilla-20&index=blended&link_code=qs&field-keywords=milton%20erickson&sourceid=Mozilla-search http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&tag=mozilla-20&index=blended&link_code=qs&field-keywords=gregory%20bateson&sourceid=Mozilla-search
  22. NLP

    Hi Songs, The best way to understand NLP is to understand the foundation. I would recommended "Science and Sanity" Korzybsky. When I find a WiFi I will comment further.
  23. What the hell is that silver orb in the foreground? The Mother ship? I wonder if those fruit bat aliens are in that orb. Apparently, this is the real video of the mysterious disappearance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSDhOTXjYS8&feature=related