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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Condescending remarks are not apropos to any discussion involving AGW. By imploring me to learn something by watching a video which I already have done and with a little Google research, I was able to ascertain the motive of the so called "Truth Factory". The title of the YouTube site in and of itself is a giveaway as to the pretentious nature of the creator of the site. Propaganda is insidious and to be quite honest there are a number of well educated persons here who will detect spurious propaganda laden nonsense. I have a degree in the Biosciences, so don't take me for a fool! You are welcome to be here, but stay within the guidelines!
  2. Your videos posted here are in violation of what the owner Sean has set forth. "The Truth Factory" is a right wing conspiracy site replete with lies and propaganda. I looked up this site and the owner is anonymous posing as a cat. I seriously doubt you have read the relevant findings on AGW, but choose to listen to right wing propaganda! My advice is to not even try to defend such as a tenuous position on AGW. You will lose the argument and be banned!
  3. Heartbreaker will never follow your advice given that he comes on here with a new thread every few days with a new problem. Whether is is meat eating lust, the universe isn't paying attention to poor little ol' me or whatever the problem of the day is.
  4. To be quite honest the images are most likely Jungian Archetypes. I have had recurring dreams of water, women and snakes all in the same dream for years. These are as Jung put it, motifs, in which the subconscious is wanting further attention. Instead of trying to rid yourself of it, write, draw, paint or even Gestalt can be quite rewarding.
  5. Did you stop to consider it may not be entities, but other problems?
  6. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Camille Pagila sees Sade as a work of high art.
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    If I remember correctly it was priests and the aristocracy that were the main characters in Sade.
  8. Johns Hopkins map of the nCov. Be well informed! https://systems.jhu.edu/research/public-health/ncov/
  9. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    This looks like the perfect scanning device for anyone here that has not participated in chakra scanning.
  10. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    She is the root of the alt-right, neo-liberal, libertarian, tea bagger movement. I seriously doubt that most of the sycophants in those groups have even read or heard of her! I tried to read "The Fountainhead" and finally put it down. Her writing was stiff, unoriginal, dull and boring to put it mildly!
  11. How/why does qigong work?

    I learned and have well understood that energetic practices are not about some mythical internal plumbing. Unless the entire body mind is included without limit, then there will always be questions, analysis and confusion. Reductionist belief systems always wind up at a dead end!
  12. This prosperity gospel preacher will most certainly help our dear Heartbreaker achieve what he always dreamed of. I am certain she has a price! https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/paula-white-claims-to-have-gone-to-the-throne-room-of-heaven-where-she-saw-the-face-of-god/
  13. My view is one of non-linear dynamic biological systems in which one small initial condition will result in massive changes. CO2 is an initial condition no matter the source! Cows, power generation, automobiles, trucks, all make the same CO2. No difference!
  14. 18% is a part of AGW contribution which may seem insignificant, but it is still part of the entire problem! Furthermore, I have studied this problem which is a the threat to all species in the biosphere, including humans! If you want to debate a broad range of facts on AGW be my guest. But, picking out minutiae as a defense will not work with me!
  15. All the bullshit belief systems which are spoon fed regarding enlightenment are just BS. The purity test as discussed in this thread is nothing more than “dark ages” propaganda filled with lies.
  16. ‘Actually climate scientists are very accurate in their modeling of AGW. The biosphere is already in the beginning of the sixth mass extinction being primarily caused by human impact. https://guymcpherson.com/
  17. As I stated livestock are responsible for 18% of AGW which is measured as the total carbon footprint per pound of meat. Carbon footprint is calculated using the following criteria, fuel consumption, cattle feed, labor, electricity, transportation and so forth. Dr. Albrecht Glatzle's work has been thoroughly debunked with his AGW denial which you referred to in the second link. Dr. Glatzle is associated with The Heartland Institute, which has been in the denial business regarding AGW. 18% is one part of AGW and the arguments that you posted are dishonest.
  18. Here are the facts regarding cattle production on AGW (global warming) which are indisputable! 18% contribution to AGW! http://www.fao.org/newsroom/en/news/2006/1000448/index.html
  19. Perhaps not eating meat while being celibate will bring the future lifetime reward of being a cow in India. After all cows are sacred in India.
  20. Soy which has been shown to increase estrogen levels is is not recommended for males. We only use olive and walnut oil.
  21. The hangup on lust, sin, being of primary importance from ones that show up on this forum. Emotional/sexual suppression being caused by insane religious beliefs, bad parenting, which includes other traumatic events are characterized by character body armoring. E.g. fear, muscular rigidity with a penchant to authoritarian fascist views. Instead of worrying about chakras or whatever, get a life!!
  22. Raising beef, pork, along with dairy is one of the main contributors of AGW (global warming.) Add in automobile exhaust, coal fired plants to that equation also.
  23. Indeed. Inflammation should be the concern instead of worrying about eating meat. If I remember correctly, sugar along with a highly refined carb diet is the main culprit.