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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You are taking full responsibility? I have seen no apology whatsoever!
  2. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Thanks for bringing that up! Pilgrim was part of the Trump cabal and he incessantly bullied me for months along with Joeblast, Aetherous and others. Dawei and Kar3n just let it slide since they are rabid Trump supporters, although dawei is in it for the money (tax breaks). Pilgrim claimed in one post that he reached full Buddha enlightenment and knew everything in the universe during that event. Just more hypocrisy! Lately he has been liking my posts with the usual (like emoji) possibly trying to make up for past deeds. I see right though it.
  3. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I can’t wait!
  4. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Marion Cotillard has the sexiest voice in the cosmos.
  5. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I am into the astral heels walking across my back. Especially, the photo of the ones I posted. Oh wow!
  6. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Rand’s work is worse than The National Enquirer.
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    So he says and you believe it! What I see here is a basic lack of understanding while wanting a daddy astral guru to glom onto. Lest I forget one with stiletto heels. If anyone has read “Fear of Flying” by Erica Yong these are “come fuck me sandals“
  8. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    The Marquis de Sade is the perfect example of that. We read it out loud when I was in the military when we were bored with nothing else better to do.
  9. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You must be referring to Ken Kesey’s “Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.” No one knew how many mics they were taking back then. Perhaps 700? No return to normal after that.
  10. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Not moving on since Jeff with the help of dawei and others are trying to keep Jeff here.
  11. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    It looks as if the Jeff gang are secretly eating mushrooms and won’t tell or share. After all, visions of hot dancing blonds T&A are the norm.
  12. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You don't have a very good hand here Jeff! Bluffing and hedging in the hopes that somehow you will continue as always here is very transparent. Why do you have some incessant need to do this? A higher calling perhaps? I am not buying it! If we were playing poker, I would raise all in since your hand is not great!
  13. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    So certain of yourself aren’t you? How do you know it was Jeff?
  14. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Santa Fe has an annual drag queen show which we have not attended yet. It might be fun since we could go with our friends who are a gay couple. Their parties are always lots of fun!
  15. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    So called energy work as defined by some here obviously has a continuum of effects ranging from negative to positive. In my discussion with the late Dr. Valerie Hunt, the range of human energy frequencies are part of a complex system which is both coherent and incoherent. Or, order and chaos in which both are active simultaneously. E.g. consider heart rhythms. A healthy heart will always have a slight incoherence which is not a problem. If the heart rhythm becomes too complex, cardiac arrest can be the result. What I generally see with unskilled persons who have not done any personal work is that when one claims to be an energy work transmitter what is being transmitted is the part of the field that is not coherent, or is chaotic. The usual excuse that one is going through illness, purification, whether emotional or physical is generally the fault of the one that is transmitting a chaotic/incoherent frequency field. Emotional disturbances, physical maladies, appear as what one needs to experience as lessons or so the purveyor of so called energy work suggests. The classic case is victim blaming as anyone reading this thread already knows. The purveyor or guru takes no responsibility. Why? No self awareness! A few things to consider. So called transmitting is nothing but a New Age buzz word. What is occurring is an interaction between two persons, one with a strong intention with an underlying incoherence coming from a so called energy worker, which can and will interact in a profound negative way. There are exceptions to this. There are a few masters around that have an extremely strong coherent field that is easily felt and are accomplished healers. What is energy? Most likely a continuum of EM frequencies, not some Theosophical idea that layers of subtle bodies exist as was believed over 100 years ago. It is time to update old ideas! More to follow.
  16. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Jeff is not a master! Only some self appointed person who may have had an experience or two and wants to display his ego for whatever reason. Later on I will share my experience with energy work which was extremely manipulative. I am not referring to my experience with Jeff. My post will be prefaced by a caveat!
  17. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    My experience with Jeff means I have no idea what happened or am not qualified to talk about it?
  18. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I don't see any amusement regarding my experience with Jeff!
  19. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Do you speak for all regarding negative experiences with Jeff? If you haven't read the entirety of this thread, then your narrative is way out of line with others experiences. I stated my experience with Jeff and you don't speak for me in anyway whatsoever!
  20. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    @cheya Why the laughing emoji? You think this is all cute and funny kindergarten playtime? For many it is not!
  21. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    In my case there was no mention of any deity. Just reach out and feel me and tell me what you feel. I thought he was a woman and posing as a man online. Really pissed me off! Disingenuous!
  22. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Here is the bottom regarding so called energy work as being defined by Jeff and others. In this case it is all about Jeff and his so called energy work in which the recipient is instructed to reach out and feel Jeff's female side, or whatever Jeff is projecting. If Jeff is an authentic guide, healer or whatever, he would put his own ego, identity, feelings aside and assist rather than make this all about him. There is absolutely no utilitarian function in what Jeff is doing here. Why? This is a cult following and furthermore, his devotees are victims of Stockholm Syndrome i.e, a psychological alliance, in this case.
  23. I was referring to the alt-right Trumpster cabal which nearly brought down this forum.
  24. There is nothing humorous about right wing hate which I spelled out!
  25. You don't seem to understand the sarcasm behind "what a joke!"