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Everything posted by ralis

  1. .

    That is a non response!
  2. .

    The best defense is to answer questions, participate in a fruitful discussion and show all of your alleged proof. Documents, videos and personal testimony as to the effects of WMP. Just as simple as that. Otherwise I will push to have you permanently banned from this site!!
  3. .

    One of the great scenes from the movie, “American Hustle.” It’s a fake.
  4. .

    I am going to settle this argument once and for all. This video absolutely proves there are superpowers just waiting to be learned. After all, video evidence is absolute proof.
  5. Kunlun & happy new year

    I know that, but there are lurkers here who jump on anything to promote their system or agenda.
  6. checking back

    There were at least a couple that were banned and the rest of the right wing hacks were also asked to leave. There are a few lurkers from that group that come around here occasionally, but so far are not being pesky. Good to see you back here!
  7. .

    I am going to keep my distance from WMP masters since .2 amperage is a lethal dose. Level 2b is (.2 amps). Given this secret revelation, Palpatine must be a WMP lineage master.
  8. .

    You took a poll among all members of WMP and it was unanimous that no one was interested in a prostate massage? You don't publish your little practices publicly which absolutely guarantees that no one will be injured? That is a far stretch!
  9. Kunlun & happy new year

    I hope this doesn't turn into a Max Kunlun rant.
  10. .

    Given the extreme voltage WMP deals with high voltage/amperage transmission cables are the best!
  11. Listen to your own body and think for yourself as opposed to soliciting medical advice on an internet forum!
  12. .

    It appears that he can only answer questions from his FAQ book which is why he is extremely redundant.
  13. .

    Usually called RoundUp ready.
  14. .

    Glyphosate will most likely be more of a threat to public health. I seriously doubt anyone here has escaped exposure. Especially, in oat cereal products.
  15. .

    If so called level 72 is secret and no living human has reached this level then how are you qualified to compare 2b with 72? WMP is based on rumors and gossip!
  16. .

    Now that you have had your (or is it “we” or “us”) say, WMP is given permission to leave this thread.
  17. .

    If you want discussion to cease, stop posting here!
  18. .

    Are you a student there?
  19. .

    Perhaps this fits in with WMP. ‘“We” is a giveaway.
  20. .

    Since the thread has been completely derailed, here is some real talent. I first heard this on the True Detective series season two along with some of her other music. Lera Lynn is more attractive in many ways than Taylor Swift.
  21. Books or guides on stretching?

    I wouldn't worry about full lotus at the moment. Learn to breathe and relax which stretching will help!
  22. .

    The music in the Taylor Swift commercial which she plays a waitress got stuck in my head and I couldn't exorcise it for days. It only took one time.
  23. Books or guides on stretching?

    Are there public libraries in your area? Plenty of videos and books can be checked out there. Also YouTube is a great resource. Earl knows his stuff and highly recommend his PPD. I grew up in a small town in central Ohio and I found this wonderful book along with Lilias Folans yoga classes on PBS. This was in the 1960's! https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-youth-reincarnation-Jess-Stearn/dp/B0006BMRQ8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7O07LH4JG1HP&keywords=yoga+youth+and+reincarnation+by+jess+stern&qid=1577466816&s=books&sprefix=Yoga+Youth%2Caps%2C268&sr=1-1
  24. Books or guides on stretching?

    Public libraries are a great resource!
  25. Ram Dass Died

    Ram Dass was a fixture around Santa Fe and Taos New Mexico for decades. He founded the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos which we have visited many times. The Maha Shivaratri in February is always the most fun to attend and participate in. Certainly glad he founded this place! https://nkbashram.org/