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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Answering a question with a question in the majority of cases is not apropos to the discussion. You stated "God" which I assume is a monotheistic entity, Judeo Christian and Islam. Why not fess up to your beliefs instead of playing mind games!
  2. Which God are you referring to?
  3. Elaborate on the above in bold which doesn't make sense!
  4. The Law as Crowley espoused is not what you want to believe. It is a dangerous path and not for weak minded unbalanced fools. E.g. Trungpa's successor Osel Tendzin took on the so called "Crazy Wisdom" and lived it to the max, without consideration of anyone else. In case you are not informed of this, Tendzin had AIDS which was of no consequence to him given that he believed that he could have sex with anyone he chose and no one would be infected. If I remember correctly, he had sex with approximately 1500 men and women in Boulder Co. and eventually died of AIDS along with many of his true believers. Living without rules has consequences for those that live by rules. Crowley was a heroin addict which he wrote about in "Diary of a Drug Fiend" published in 1922.
  5. I can make it nice and simple here. Are you a member of Ordo Templi Orientis, Thelema, Michael Bertiaux's organization or any organization affiliated with these? Have you completed the Lesser or the Greater Key of Solomon rituals? Both of which are not for weak minded fools to even consider or attempt.
  6. After all he is the Grand Magus of “Do What Thou Wilt” with no bounds.
  7. Since Crowley recommends not discussing with anyone, then why are you openly stating your interpretation here?
  8. @Mskied Trick or treat. Have a fun Halloween going door to door in white robes.
  9. Responding to me within the quotation box is improper form and confusing to anyone reading this. Further, if you want to evolve, then evolve with Strunk and White! https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Style-Fourth-William-Strunk/dp/020530902X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2WMRA6R3WYEXW&keywords=strunk+%26+white's+%26quotthe+element+of+syle&qid=1572360092&s=books&sprefix=Strunk%2Caps%2C225&sr=1-1 I have noticed that you allude to Aleister Crowley in part of your narrative. I have read a good portion of Crowley's writings and Crowley was far beyond where you pretend to be.
  10. Your narrative is based on Spencer’s Social Darwinist ideology which is erroneously based on survival of the fittest which is contrary to the evolution of the group based on altruism. The former was a misinterpretation of Darwin while the latter is based on scientific research by E.O. Wilson and other researchers.
  11. With violence? You ranting here makes no sense!
  12. Care to explain what seems to be an act of violence? My LED flashlight which emits a whiter light must qualify as perfection.
  13. Why not move your rantings to a PPD?
  14. You don't think? Seems you are expressing doubt! Why is the color white an ideal? If that is your belief, then why did you quote the Rig Veda that claims there are five races? It is easy to Google and quote whatever is appealing without question! I read all the so called Great White Brotherhood, Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, Leadbeater et al, along time ago and it is nothing but New Age drivel!
  15. White Brotherhood? Or, did you mean the so called Great White Brotherhood which Leadbeater and Blavatsky popularized? Further, the idea that so called ascended beings are white, smacks of racist ideology. The reference to the Rig Veda of five races is biologically incorrect in that DNA is expressed by complex environmental and evolutionary forces.
  16. Climate Change

  17. Been burned a few times in my younger days which taught me great lessons. Don't care to repeat!
  18. I usually see if someone is playing mind games with me within a few minutes. A very good friend of mine said that I am gullible for about 5 seconds which is all the time allowed for mind games.
  19. Climate Change

    Oceans are a CO2 sink in which the oceans are moving into a slight acidic pH range. Crustaceans form shells from calcium carbonate and any variation of pH will prevent shell formation.
  20. I tried to have a live internet chat with Hearfield a few years ago and when I asked questions, his internet connection disconnected. This happened 100% of the time. Far to often to be a coincidence! I have several of his videos and the audio quality is not great.
  21. Mo Pai and unwellness

    Please enlighten us!
  22. Climate Change

    Denial of human caused AGW. You have equated solar heat as the main driver. Big mistake!
  23. Climate Change

    I guess you didn’t read the entire post where it states no global warming denial.
  24. Climate Change

    The science is not on your side on this! I suggest you read the owner of this site as to what he said regarding AGW denial here. Look in tech support area.