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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Climate Change

    Joe is still pissed off that Dr. Hansen dissed his presupposition/pet theory that solar energy is the only driver behind AGW and not CO2.
  2. Climate Change

    They failed to rake the leaves as Trump suggested. Furthermore, forest management is much more complex, given the complex nature of that part of the biosphere.
  3. Pornography, Energy Loss, Social Discourse

    Speak for yourself without blanket condemnation of others. Been watching too much of the 700 Club or even Franklin Graham recently?
  4. Laissez Le Climate Change Just Fizzle

    Joe made the claim a few years back that the earth can sustain 50 billion people. With 7 billion plus now there is starvation, drought and crop failures.
  5. Laissez Le Climate Change Just Fizzle

    There is another active climate change thread and this should be joined with that one.
  6. Climate Change

    He is pissed that Dr. James Hansen dissed his belief that solar radiation is the primary cause of AGW and he refuses to let it go.
  7. Climate Change

    Specious argument! Of course the climate of the biosphere changes and if it were static, then life would not exist. If you have read any of the posts here that are based on sound science, it is absolutely clear that human activity is the variable that is responsible for the rapid dynamic changes in the biosphere i.e, CO2 from fossil fuels and methane hydrate ( CH4).
  8. Climate Change

    Partly right but the cause is alluding you. All populations are kept in check by food supply which should be obvious to any student of basic biology. To put it simply, until the discovery that ammonium nitrate could be produced by fossil fuels (natural gas) crop yields were low. High nitrogen fertilizers increased crop yields in which food was more plentiful and any species will naturally reproduce in greater numbers. That is a simplistic explanation given there are myriad variables that factor into the equation. Natural gas is a pollutant!
  9. Climate Change

    What is the reason for increased human population over the last century?
  10. Climate Change

    You always want to make accusations and yet fail to produce one cogent rational argument.
  11. Climate Change

    You can Google it so I don't need to do your homework for you.
  12. Climate Change

    I read the paper. However, one must factor in the dynamic effects as CO2 rises. Obviously, you really don't want to understand it in which your entire worldview would be in question!
  13. Climate Change

    Give it a break! To reiterate, the biosphere is a complex non-linear dynamic system which is sensitive to initial conditions. In other words, one small change in a variable such as a rise in CO2 will absolutely cause massive changes in the entire system. Everything is connected and all processes interact on some level with all other processes. That is a simplistic way of putting it or perhaps such an explanation is far too complex. Either read and learn or take your hahaha emoji's somewhere else! Also that means your Breitbart, Prager U and other propaganda BS that suits your fancy. BTW, the so called scientist that claimed that sea levels are not rising in the Pacific has been proven wrong again. Hawaii is experiencing rising ocean levels.
  14. Climate Change

    So easy for you to confuse movies with reality!
  15. Climate Change

    This is not science, but is a sci-fi movie about aliens.
  16. Deleted

    Why not kick back and read Tom Robbins starting with "Another Roadside Attraction." He has the human condition pretty much nailed down.
  17. Aurobindo Anyone?

    Being hung up on absolutes or the so called isness of reality leads nowhere, but into another wall. Is time an arrow from the past to the future? Or, is time fluid? If time is fluid, then what about spacetime? Perhaps matter is fluid and more about space?
  18. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I don't get your points at all. Never said what you are construing and my point is that monotheism is an earth centered belief which still to this day holds sway over many which was and still is entirely wrong! The Tao is not about the earth alone, but the entire cosmos/multiverse, not just some speck of dust we call planet earth.
  19. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I think you missed my point! Belief systems that are underpinned by anthropocentric views are caught up in the pre-Copernicus era. During the formation of city states during the Axial Age, monotheism was invented as a means of political social control so as to maintain order among the populous which were replete with diverse pagan belief systems. I think most so called Taoists are still caught in the pre-Copernicus earth centered belief system. Or, as Robert Anton Wilson famously stated; belief systems are BS.
  20. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    The human species with their insignificant anthropocentric point of view is on full display here. Lonely planet earth orbits in the backwater of the Milky Way galaxy and is hardly significant. Anyone seen the new image of the black hole some 55 million light years away?
  21. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I will make my comments brief as possible as to what I have observed regarding TDB. There are a number of persons here that have a form of Zen sickness also known as meditation sickness which can occur at any stage in the course of a practitioners experience. This applies to beginners as well as advanced students with no exception! Philip Kapleau's books as well as other writers have described this phenomenon in any number of books which are not limited to the Zen tradition. The wall one faces in the zendo are no different than the walled off constructed self we all face everyday.
  22. Climate Change

    To further my point from last night regarding the so called technological fix is that any known technology requires fossil fuels which exasperates the problem of atmospheric CO2.
  23. Climate Change

    Windwalker refutes that human activity is the cause of AGW in which he posits no facts as a basis for his narrative.
  24. Climate Change

    Why not show some facts to back up your argument!
  25. Climate Change

    What do you propose? Live in underground chambers for hundreds of years? How many will be chosen for that task? Elite social Darwinists? Been watching too many science fiction movies lately?