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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Climate Change

    I have been reading it off and on and if I remember correctly, he delves into the "double bind" in that book. When I first read about the "double bind", it was a real shock and eye opener!
  2. I will try and look up my curry recipe and post it here.
  3. There are many ways to prepare such delights. If you don’t have access to Hatch green chili, then red chili is awesome. https://www.google.com/search?q=new+mexico+cheese+enchiladas&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari
  4. What is the evidence that the pineal gland calcifies? If so, is this a phenomenon across the board or in just a few?
  5. I forgot to say that photo is the inside cover for the ZZ Top album Tres Hombres. When vinyl was the state of the art, album covers were always a work of art.
  6. Anyone passing through Kingman AZ or Laughlin Nevada, El Palacio has fantastic Mexican food. I have eaten at both which is the same menu. http://epfamilyrestaurants.com
  7. I was going to post a bit earlier, but I just got off the phone with a very good friend of mine and we were reminiscing about the 1960's when we were growing up. Nothing like the 60's!! First heard this album way back in the early 70's which is perfect to go along with Mexican food and a bottle of good Servasa. I think this is the inside cover. Hard drivin Texas blues!
  8. Just started the thread in Off Grid.
  9. Green chili chicken enchiladas are pretty standard here. We stopped and bought this at one of our favorite restaurants. Is green chili available where you live. Has to be Hatch NM green. I will find a recipe.
  10. A separate thread on cooking would be great. Let’s not derail this thread. We had an enchilada casserole tonight which had New Mexico hot green chili’s. Nothing like NM green chili! Finished off Coconut Bliss chocolate bar. Coconut Bliss is the best!
  11. Climate Change

    ‘As you have so aptly stated is that self censorship is the norm for many.
  12. Climate Change

    Are you in an ESL class? Voidisyinyang has been explaining why the paid shills are wrong and yet you fail to respond to that. Have you taken any science classes?
  13. Climate Change

    Are you a research scientist? Obviously not! Further, the model takes into account the entire history of the climate of the earth's biosphere. To take one event such as in bold above and proceed from a fragmentary conclusion is incorrect.
  14. Climate Change

    I would like to add that all the naysayers and paid shill deniers that are beating a resurrected dead horse are not participants in the ongoing research, but cherry picking data to confirm bias and protect industry. Without funding from fossil fuels along with a few other interests, there would be little or no interest in denying the research.
  15. Climate Change

    You have bought the Frank Luntz propaganda hook line and sinker.
  16. Climate Change

    In what way do you propose to deal with the methane hydrate problem? Voidisyinyang has written extensively on the methane problem earlier in this thread. Methane hydrate breaks down to CH4 which is a gas and will exasperate AGW. Methane hydrate is trapped in pockets located in unstable geological areas.
  17. Climate Change

    Fred Singer? I read his junk science years ago and FYI he is paid by the Heartland Institute which is funded in part by fossil fuels. I watched and listened to part of the video and Singer keeps stating that the scientific consensus of human activity as the cause of AGW is "fake". He used that term several times along with, "I will try to convince you that this warming is fake." That does not lend credibility given that such statements are condescending and gaslighting. Science and Environmental Policy Project which was founded by Singer and his wife was in collusion with APCO and Associates which was responsible for claiming that tobacco smoke did not cause cancer. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Science_and_Environmental_Policy_Project https://www.desmogblog.com/s-fred-singer
  18. Climate Change

    Actually, I understood it and assumed you did not which is why I posted on probabilities in which you fail to understand and are only positing absolutes.
  19. Climate Change

    That is my comment and yet you fail to comment rationally on any link or video you post here. Why is that? You are out of your league and have not proven you even understand the Quantum Mechanics paper that you posted except, you find it interesting. I have commented and written down my remarks here. Trolling is your forte!
  20. Climate Change

    More gaslighting foisted on a gullible cult by the Heartland Institute, which is a fossil fuel funded think tank.
  21. Climate Change

    Your mention of photosynthesis shutting down with temps over 105 deg. inspired a bit of research on my part. The abstract I have linked here demonstrates that doubling atmospheric CO2 caused stomatal closure which reduced transpiration rates by 25%. The full pdf is behind a damn pay wall so the abstract is all I have to read. Google search for atmospheric interaction of CO2. https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=CO2+inteaction+atmosphere&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016819239405079L
  22. Climate Change

    You posted it without any comment or analysis. Therefor, is it on you to defend the paper. Do you understand Quantum Mechanics? If so, then you are in an elite group which I seriously doubt.
  23. Climate Change

    @windwalker, I just edited my post so read it again. Judging by your "hahaha" you are only interested in trolling!
  24. Climate Change

    Interesting? Do you understand what this paper is stating? If so, in what way does this tie into the discussion at hand? The term uncertainty which is defined as the margin of error seems to be what you posted this short summation for? Uncertainty does not mean impossible or (0). It is really easy to cut/paste these days while trolling.