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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    How many missiles did Trump order launch on a near empty airfield? And, for what?
  2. What are you listening to?

    I never grow tired of listening to Pink Floyd.
  3. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    Link for this graph?
  4. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    It seems Dr. Michaels has been bets on his predictions. Further, there are other factors spelled out in the articles I posted.
  5. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    Nature will prune out overpopulation via insects, natural disasters and intraspecies competition. Too much CO2 reduces nutrient uptake. https://phys.org/news/2015-06-carbon-dioxide-air-restrict-ability.html http://news.stanford.edu/news/2002/december11/jasperplots-124.html
  6. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    Plants have a limited uptake of CO2. Just another excuse to dump more carbon in the biosphere.
  7. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    You are claiming that you are in the rational group? Climate scientists are irrational? I have suggested several sources for further study and it seems you have chosen to disregard even a look at Korzybski or Strogatz. You are in the category of denying AGW!
  8. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    The responses to your new thread are the same old conservative mindset rhetoric based on fear, ignorance of solid climate research and money. Doesn't surprise me one bit. The biosphere is a complex dynamic system which is sensitive to initial conditions and in this case, CO2. That is an undeniable fact and no amount of propaganda and cherry picked documents will change what is occurring at this very moment in the environment. Thanks for posting!
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Scale-Universal-Innovation-Sustainability-Organisms/dp/1594205582
  10. do you lock your doors?

    'The Dude' demonstrates how to properly lock a door.
  11. Tree Appreciation

    I was citing Dr. Dirr as a reference who was influenced by L.H. Bailey (Cornell University) who wrote 'Hortus III', as to why the term shrub is used by botanists. As you know, taxonomists classify botanical species according to morphology and other criteria. https://www.amazon.com/Hortus-Third-Concise-Dictionary-Cultivated/dp/0025054708
  12. Tree Appreciation

    I refer you to Dr. Michael Dirr's 'Manual of Woody Landscape Plants' in which he describes the genus Rhododendron habit, as a shrub.
  13. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    How does one precisely define 'divine nature'?
  14. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Absolute or so called real truth is an illusion in the minds of true believers.
  15. Great Pacific Garbage Patch

    In the mind of some, nature will just take care of whatever waste the human species carelessly disposes of. I have read many stories that certain microbes will remediate radioactive waste. That is hardly the case in the Canyons surrounding Los Alamos (Los Alamos National Labs) NM where post Manhattan Project cleanup is proceeding at a snails pace. Plutonium, tritium and other radioactive toxic waste remain in extremely large quantities. Until proven other wise, plutonium and other radioactive materials have ranges of short half life to a very long half life. http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/los-alamos-will-never-be-clean/article_a3cc7ce1-8af0-5113-8f38-5d4aa673fd7a.html http://www.lasg.org/
  16. Aaand... another election

    Since the topic of religion has surfaced, here is the problem with fundamentalist religion, in general. Right wing fundamentalist Christianity is a real problem here in the US. https://www.democraticunderground.com/10141765777
  17. Aaand... another election

    Given your penchant to use political discourse as a means to inflate your ego at others expense, I will not be participating. Intellectual acrobatics are only the tip of the iceberg of a far greater human experience.
  18. Aaand... another election

    You just proved my point.
  19. Aaand... another election

    The problem with discussing these issues with Brian is that his sole purpose is not one of reasonable discourse, but one of creating doubt in his opponent's mind and therefore discrediting one's argument in this public venue. I was introduced to this little book when I was studying for my degree and it has remained useful when anyone attempts to wow me with statistical analysis. https://www.amazon.com/How-Lie-Statistics-Darrell-Huff/dp/0393310728
  20. Aaand... another election

    Your irrational statement that all Muslims must be deported is way out of line with reason.
  21. Aaand... another election

    The singling out is usually from fundamentalist Christians and I believe Aetherous is one according to a post he made several years ago. And, as we all know Christians have never done anything wrong in the name of a higher power/cause. There are some Christians that actually believe that last statement I made.
  22. What are you listening to?

    These guys are really good! I thought Steven Stills was long retired, but here he is again. I saw Steven Stills and Manassas at the Philadelphia Spectrum during the summer of 1972. Will never forget that long hot summer!
  23. Aaand... another election

    I guess all these persons listed here should be deported even though their families have been here for generations and most of these persons converted to Islam? Shaguille O'Neill, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar should be thrown out of the USA? These are just two examples of thousands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_Muslims
  24. This scene is not just a piece of science fiction fantasy, but is meant as a transmission.
  25. Positing from an intellectual point of view is inherently limited. However, direct experience with phenomena and what is not phenomena is an entirely different matter, which transcends all belief systems. Has anyone reading this felt space? If so, what are the implications of such a feeling? Feeling is not an emotion.