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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Trumpcare

    When I was in the military (1970-1975 I was hospitalized with a fever of 104.5 which for an adult, is serious. The fever lasted 3.5 days and the doctors were incompetent in that they offered no diagnosis except 'viral syndrome'. Offered no treatment protocols and criticized me for drinking water. WTF! All I could do was drink as much water as I could which finally broke the fever. I was beginning to be a bit delirious i.e, visual hallucinations which scared me. If it wasn't for my wits and daily yoga practice, I might not have made it.
  2. Trumpcare

    You narrative is absolutely bogus! Totalitarianism and treating people like animals? That is preposterous! All I said is that we are all part of a complex system of life in which the individual does not exist in a vacuum. Even the Buddhist's teach that. Get angry all you want, but when you claim there is no right to healthcare, that is a divisive issue.
  3. Trumpcare

    I heard an interview with him and his statements were very informative. What has not been brought to the attention is the inflated salaries/bonuses of insurance CEO's and how they get to decide what procedure one receives or not. Corporate bottom line is the driving interest.
  4. Trumpcare

    Public and not private. I stand by my statement that your belief is based on Social Darwinism and you can't refute that. Further, ER's are clogged with patients with conditions that preventative care would have alleviated and a little prevention with doctor visits would alleviate much of the burden place on the system. But, your legalistic argument that there is no universal right is quite disturbing.
  5. Trumpcare

    Therefor, only the wealthy or who can afford it have access? What about the poor and those in dire circumstances? Your statement is just more Social Darwinism in which the weak will be left to die while persons of means such as yourself thrive. We survive as a group and not as disconnected individuals in some mythical vacuum. See EO Wilson's work on biodiversity and biological altruism.
  6. Trumpcare

    What about full scholarships to all qualified pre-med students and if the medical school entrance exam is passed, then a full scholarship is given. That way there is no debt to be contended with after medical school and residency. The same offer should be given to all nursing students.
  7. Trumpcare

    I know your neoliberal ideology is against using public money for the needs of all, but that smacks of Social Darwinism, especially, where the poor are concerned. Just let the fittest survive and all is well. Vast amounts of money cures all ills. Is that your belief?
  8. Trumpcare

    I know what you are thinking and money does not equal competence.
  9. Trumpcare

    What we need is a medical/health care system that takes care of all. Basing this system on a neoliberal ideology of competition is a moot point and will never serve all persons equally. Physicians don't need to make 500k to millions a year, which makes money the priority, as opposed to upholding the Hippocratic Oath and serving those in need. Train physicians to practice real medicine, not pharmaceutical pill pushing. Opioids and anti-biotics are the worst forms of medical abuse. Also, stop the pharmaceutical ads for drugs every five minutes on TV! Self diagnosis only presents more problems.
  10. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    Perhaps some here remember freshman psychology classes in which the Milgram experiments were discussed. The experiment was conducted again in Poland and confirms what I have stated in that the humans species remains unevolved and willingly obedient to authority/authoritarianism. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/milgram-poland-experiment-recreated-authority-obedience-research-social-psychology-a7628981.html?cmpid=facebook-post
  11. Game of Thrones

    I haven't read the books and just viewed the first two episodes. Seems like a Medievel blood fest.
  12. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    Historical analysis of the traits of fascism are well documented and the real test is to how such traits are expressed on a national level and in this case, Trump. "Turning a blind eye"? Interesting choice of accusations which assumes that my analysis is one of a biased observer with very little intellectual curiosity. Your characterization of me on this point is way off.
  13. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    I suppose you are right and I am wrong? Further, I have compared and contrasted historical movements with present day political agendas and my conclusion is that in general the human species has not changed and expresses the same authoritarianism, nationalism, autocracy, hate, greed, penchant for wars, misogyny, group think and so forth. These same behaviors are displayed by the Trump administration as authoritarian agendas.
  14. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    I go by historians and excellent scholarship. Not personal opinion.
  15. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    I have thoroughly studied fascism and it is specific to the right.
  16. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    There are several threads from years back on TDB and I would suggest reading historical analysis and on this subject. Fascism as defined by historians is a right wing authoritarian ideology. E.g. German fascism and Italian fascism each expressed different characteristics. Sinclair Lewis wrote that when fascism comes to the USA it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Richard Hofstadter Wilhelm Reich Ian Kershaw This interview contains several references; http://therealnews.com/t2/story:18590:Empire-Files%3A-Chris-Hedges-%26-Abby-Martin---Trump%2C-Fascism-%26-the-Christian-Right
  17. Cannabis and Qi

    Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are excellent medicinal herbs when used correctly. Although, correctly is a bit of a broad term and relative to an individual's decision on what way best to proceed. What I found in my reading is that when humans began cultivating Cannabis, it developed THC and CBD's to fit the receptor sites in the endocannabinoid system in mammals. That to me is fascinating.
  18. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    Which part? I said may be working, as opposed to is working.
  19. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    Given the mess in the Trump WH, the spell may be working.
  20. Are Humans Solar Powered?

    I absolutely love the sun and when clouds move in for a few days I don't like it. Santa Fe is one of the sunniest places on the planet and cloudy days are rare since we have over 300 days of full sun/year.
  21. Are Humans Solar Powered?

    Perhaps this is where the practice of sungazing comes from. Don't recommend the practice.
  22. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    So far I have not seen any results. Must be the missing component.
  23. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    I was in a retreat with Norbu way back in 1989 and several since. I am not a wannabe or rookie at this stuff. All I presented was a way to understand a vital component that is above all traditions. Obviously you know it all anyway so why the attacks on my narrative?