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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Suppressed By Facebook? Try Gab.ai

    I am tired of seeing George Soros being blamed for whatever you and anyone else dreams up.
  2. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    'The truth'? Your truth? I have done much research and written extensively about it on this forum. I just don't agree with you. Moreover, you post nothing of note, but personal opinion that you are right. I never claimed settled science and that in no way portends that the research is somehow flawed to the point of being disposed of.
  3. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    According to your narrative I am to take your word for it. I have much scientific curiosity and given your story line here the obvious conclusion is to be in complete with you. I don't agree with your conclusions at all!
  4. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    Trees have a limited uptake of carbon and that is a fact. I have studied this extensively and I am in agreement with the climate research in that humans are responsible for global warming (AGW). Complex non linear dynamics in which initial conditions are drivers for change.
  5. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    Just apply some confirmation bias and a couple of quick Google searches and anything is possible.
  6. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    I guess your rants are superior to mine?
  7. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    You are wrong Brian! Your little cabal in your former job are no climate scientists and never will be. The political agenda is via the corporate shills paying vast amounts of money to continue their agenda with media appearances and shouting down the scientific research. I just finished a month long retreat in the Mojave desert and am not interested in entertaining thinking that is not well informed!
  8. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    He is not even a climate scientist. Here was the extent of his research. He spent a day or so which proves nothing! https://skepticalscience.com/ivar-giaever-nobel-physicist-climate-pseudoscientist.html
  9. Inauguration Events

    There are many vets that don't agree with your point of view.
  10. Qigong deviation syndrome cure ?

    There are many causes of anxiety, and not just nutritionally based. Trauma which can be physical, mental and emotional is one example. PTSD.
  11. A hero in the civil rights movement.
  12. Off Topic Discussions

    Hate speech is fine with you as long as it is called free?
  13. Zionist rulers? Can you elaborate?
  14. The October 1973 Israeli Egyptian war almost resulted in a nuclear exchange. I was almost caught up in it when our entire base was going to be shipped to Tel Aviv. Scary stuff and this support of Israel as being a democratic state is nothing but propaganda. It is the religious seats in the Knesset that control all policy which is hardly a democracy. Trump has indicated that the US embassy should be moved to Jerusalem. Very bad move which will possibly incite radical Muslim factions to retaliate.
  15. More liens filed against Trump Hotel. Such an honorable business man. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/digger/wp/2017/01/06/third-lien-on-trump-hotel-brings-alleged-unpaid-bills-to-over-5-million/?postshare=1211483732803018&tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.7fc0eab2f084
  16. It appears that the US taxpayers will be funding the Great Wall of Trump and not Mexico. Promises, promises.
  17. Be glad you weren't in Navy Seal or Delta Force training. Insane!
  18. In what way? It can be proved genetically, anatomically, behaviorally, and by scaling principles.
  19. Homo sapiens are part of the animal kingdom and are more evolved primates.
  20. Here is a brief overview of homosexuality traits in the animal kingdom. http://www.yalescientific.org/2012/03/do-animals-exhibit-homosexuality/
  21. By posting the so called functional abnormality from Wikipedia and not quoting any substantive evolutionary science documents, you have only stated personal bias. What scientific basis are you positing that substantiates your point?
  22. That is a personal attack. I understand this subject well and you made remarks that have no basis regarding evolution and chose to post disparaging remarks against gay persons. I am typing on my phone in the middle of the Mojave desert and what I type is minimal! Since English is not your primary language there may be much lost in translation. As usual in his own sharply biased way, Brian approves of any remarks directed against me.
  23. Evolutionary theory does not make judgements regarding sexuality. In fact there are primate species that are homosexual and bisexual. Moreover, you must be referring to religious fundamentalist teachings that believe the universe is 6000 years old and sex was designed for procreation rather than pleasure.
  24. Are you stating that being gay is a functional abnormality?
  25. Here is one for starters. There are myriad articles. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/06/the-mind-of-donald-trump/480771/