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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Hillary and Trump

    Regarding immigrants, many come over the border legally as tourists with a visa and just stay. I talk to people all the time here in New Mexico and know what is going on. I have heard all the stories.
  2. Hillary and Trump

    We drove along the California/Mexico border years ago and border patrol trucks are every quarter of a mile going both ways. I haven't been to the border except down around Tucson in the last couple of years. I live in Santa Fe which is around 270 miles from the border.
  3. Hillary and Trump

    Those estimates are understated and I wonder if a civil engineer came up with that estimate. Are you for a wall?
  4. I didn't post it online here and I don't care for his remarks in the least. In regards to misogyny I have spoken at length here regarding Trump's behavior.
  5. Where did I give Jay-Z a pass? I didn't.
  6. I am not except in your mind. I make no racist statements whatsoever, and am tired of seeing Jews being blamed for myriad problems from banking to slavery in this country. I guess in your mind, one is supposed to let others post away without any response? BTW, I will oppose; racism, bullying and misogyny here. Also, I spent 5.5 years (1970-1975) of my life in the military which was not my choice, but the draft prevailed. However, you and the rest that are constantly opposing me here did not spend one minute serving in the armed forces. I happen to have a bit of a different view than some.
  7. Hillary and Trump

    One thing in regards to Trump selling the idea of a wall is that he is akin to a used car salesman and many bought the idea. To build a wall of that magnitude would cost in the 100's of billions and there is no guarantee that it will keep everyone out. Structurally the problems in building in solid rock and mountainous terrain makes the project exceedingly difficult. Further, I think Trump is really interested in the panopticon concept.
  8. I made that statement given the recent anti-Semitic threads that are over the top here. We have had enough inflammatory posts here.
  9. Actually you are trolling here. The video in question is inflammatory and to say my world is whacked is disingenuous. If you presented reasonable arguments as opposed to inflammatory videos and rhetoric, we then may have a discussion.
  10. More disinformation and there was an insinuation that Jews were slave holders, and the use of the 'N' word in the video is particularly offensive. For your enlightenment, I don't stand for institutionalized racism and to accuse me of such is a lie! To state that Egyptian Coptic Christians are white is nonsense.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    Ballsy? Hardly! The editing to purvey a certain point is blatantly obvious and besides he paid 100k to an injured part and so forth. I am not fooled by such bullshit!
  12. Hillary and Trump

    I was reading Nineteen Eighty Four long before you were born and I know very well what propaganda is and isn't. For you to see O'Keefe as some kind of hero speaks volumes. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/38913-2016-us-election/page-118#entry718096
  13. Hillary and Trump

    Walls in Europe are not part of this thread in any way which is off topic. Further, Trump has proven himself a racist towards any number of groups. E.g. the Trump University lawsuit in which he asked the presiding judge to recuse himself because of his Latino heritage. The judge was born in Indiana.
  14. Hillary and Trump

    Anti-personnel mines are illegal under the ICBL. Further, that is the most ridiculous statement in this thread.
  15. Hillary and Trump

    The border wall is the most insane policy proposal ever. A wall is one thing, but the footing structure below ground would need to be extremely deep to prevent tunneling. Absolute bullshit!!! His bigotry towards Mexicans is no different that what other demagogues have used over thousands of years.
  16. Hillary and Trump

    Paul Weyrich the founder of ALEC. His rhetoric says it all.
  17. Hillary and Trump

    More dog whistle politics from the Trumpster. There are some here that will fail to notice the veiled bigotry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaYdFMhEBmk
  18. Hillary and Trump

    What is it?
  19. Hillary and Trump

    Obsma? Exactly, what did he lose?
  20. Before the Flood

    What you are engaging is internet bullying in every thread I post in. I am asking you to stop it.
  21. Before the Flood

    Actually, it is boring discussing anything with you and Joeblast. You both are absolutely right and I am absolutely wrong in both of your minds. It is sad and unfortunate that the division is so vast.
  22. Before the Flood

    Has nothing to do with my own personal ideology, whatsoever. Yours was formed around a water cooler with scientists who have no skin in the game.
  23. Before the Flood

    Doesn't matter if he did or not. The science is well researched and emotional opinions matter not.
  24. Before the Flood

    That is just water cooler talk and it is climatologists that are conducting the research. Are any of the above mentioned involved in the research and have submitted papers? I happen to know several world class physicists at Los Alamos National labs in which I have discussed this problem, but they are not conducting research in this area.