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  1. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    If anyone wants the YAN XIN QIGONG PRACTICE AUDIO CASSETTE TAPE go to http://www.stores.ebay.com/yanxinqigong
  2. Yan Xin Qigong - Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong Audio Tape

    I don't really choose to promote one method over the other. I have experienced great results with only the first tape. The others are too powerful and they kept them closely gaurded and only students that were around for a while got to keep those tapes. Read my article again and you should be able to see if the visualizations match the ones on the cd you have. Some people still teach but not openly because it is too powerful if you practice it everyday. I am not talking about people that practice once a week. If you practice everyday you will have great result. The result are different for everyone. You have to experience it yourself. some people say good and bad things about falun gong, but I know for a fact that falun gong practicioners develop psychic abilities. I like Yan Xin Qigong because there are no side effects.
  3. Yan Xin Qigong - Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong Audio Tape

    Did you read the whole article about how the Dr Yan Xin can send chi through his voice and audio tapes ? Have you practiced the tape before ? If not you should because it is the foundation. I cant imagine anyone teaching you advanced techniques before you learn the foundation. Go to my article and click on the link to my store and read the information there. But if your teacher does practice and teach advanced techniques good luck, but you are not supposed to teach a technique until you have mastered it yourself. I still wish you good luck, let us know how it goes. If your teacher knows advanced techniques he must be in the inner circle, where are you located ? Keep in touch and let me know how it goes.
  4. Yan Xin Qigong - Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong Audio Tape

    I am pretty sure it is the same, although the tape is 60 minutes long and goes through different visualizations. This is the only tape most people use, you would have had to practice that tape for a long time before you get to the next level. I personally attended meetings that is why I know. If you read the article I posted over gain you will see that we probably have the same tape. If you send me one of your CDs I will send you my tape so that we can compare.
  5. Yan Xin Qigong

    You can find information on the Yan Xin Qigong - Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong Audio Tape here http://www.stores.ebay.com/yanxinqigong
  6. Yan Xin Qigong - Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong Audio Tape

    I reached such a high level qigong state using the tape that I no longer need it either. That is how it is suppose to work.
  7. Yan Xin Qigong - Audio Cassette Tape Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong Step by Step instructions with the Voice of Dr. Yan Xin Rare collectors item. 60 minutes long. Perfect condition. No refunds allowed, Exchange Only, http://www.stores.ebay.com/yanxinqigong Yan Xin Qigong is a qigong that was developed from traditional Chinese qigongs by Dr. Yan Xin. Dr. Yan Xin is one of the most popular qigong masters in both China and the United States and is often credited with achieving seemingly "miraculous" feats. In addition to many healings he has participated in scientific experiments some of which are presented in this paper in the Literature Review chapter. Unlike many qigongs, Yan Xin qigong's Nine Step Child Longevity method utilizes an audio tape to accompany training that consists of Dr. Yan Xin instructing the proper steps and methods to take in entering the "qigong state." Most practitioners I have communicated with only do the first step of the nine step method. It can be practiced alone or in a group but, in group practice better results are believed to be obtained. In all cases the practice method consists of listening to the tape and following along (as Dr. Yan Xin is speaking Chinese in the background, while being simultaneously translated into English on the tape, this can be quite an interesting feat for non-Chinese speakers). The reason for this is that it is believed that Dr. Yan Xin can "transmit" qi and information via his voice which helps training progress faster. I participated in a Yan Xin Qigong practice at the University of Southern Mississippi on Good Friday, April 10, 1988, from seven p.m. to approximately ten-thirty that night. The fact that it was Good Friday was important to Yan Xin practitioners as they believe that when practicing in a group session on holidays better progress can be made as there are many people in approximate mental states or outlooks. The group was smaller than usual I was told, due to the holiday, and was composed of five people: two females and one male from Taiwan, one female from Thailand, and one older female white American (who was Catholic and had just gotten back from church) with the group being composed of people of various experience levels from beginner to many years. The session was led by the group leader, one of the females from Taiwan, and began with a discussion which consisted of us helping the girl from Thailand translate some of Dr. Yan Xin's speeches into Thai. We had copies of the speech in the original Chinese and a translation into English which was an interesting process and exercise in linguistics. The next phase of the session was listening to an audio recording of one of Dr. Yan Xin's qi-emitting lectures. These are lectures in which Dr. Yan Xin emits qi to those in the audience and he tailors each lecture to his specific audiences "needs" as he "senses" them and as well qi can be transmitted by the audio recording. I have serious reservations about the ability of qi to be transmitted by audio tape, however, as I have now been practicing qigong for a long enough time to sense or feel the manifestation that is called qi, I must admit that I did "feel" a strong qi presence or effect that was not there before or after the tape was played. Possibly this could have some relation to subliminal messages, the power of suggestion etc., which are widely believed to have an effect in people when they are implanted in audio recordings. The recording was in Chinese but the group leader translated it for us. For those of us who were non-Chinese speakers it was at times a humourous situation as Dr. Yan Xin likes to jump around to different topics, which often involved the tape being stopped so that we could be further informed of what exactly he was talking about. Next, we progressed to the practice of the first step of the Nine Step Child Longevity method and our group sat in a circle. The method involves the playing of an audio tape and following the instructions and visualizations. In this qigong you can stand, sit on the edge of a chair or sit or lie down on the ground. Then your hands are placed facing upwards in a specific manner depending on your sex. Your tongue is then placed in various locations in the mouth depending on certain diseases or health states. You are then led through a series of visualizations in which you are to imagine yourself as a young child at different ages depending on your sex. Then progressive visualizations are added. The process reminds me very much of deepening techniques in hypnosis (see 1964 Elman). Thus, if you wished to look at qigong as a form of self-hypnosis then Yan Xin Child Longevity Qigong would most likely produce one of the deeper and more profound states of self-trance when all nine steps are able to be visualized. The ending procedure slowly brings one out of the "qigong" state and involves some additional visualizations and rubbing and massage of the body. There is a supplementary closing exercise for those that are having trouble coming out of the state. When the closing was completed everyone in the group had a profound sensation of heat and one individual had even removed his shirt, which is not recommended by Dr. Yan Xin. The American female, a newcomer to the group, had told me before the session that she had never had any sort of sensations during practice, however, during this session she as well felt the profound heat. This was one of the more powerful qigong sessions I have personally "felt" or experienced during a first time practice of a method among the various qigongs I have practiced or been exposed to. Yan Xin (Yan Shin) Qigong: One of the most popular forms of qigong practice in China and worlwide. It represents the traditional Chinese qigong. It is an ideal art and technique to treat illness, preserve health, achieve longevity, improve efficiency, develop special human body functions, etc. There are hundreds of methods in Yan Xin Qigong, all have been refined over a long time and proven effective by millions of practitioners. Nine Step Method (Child Longevity Nine Step Qigong): A very popular method in Yan Xin Qigong, safe and practical. In modern China, millions have been practicing the method for years with promising results. Practicing it's first step is a starting point for the learning of all other Yan Xin Qigong methods. Yan Xin Qigong Advanced Methods: Master Yan Xin has conducted training workshops in which he taught many special advanced methods in very unique ways. Due to the unconventional energy level of these methods, workshop participants are required to keep these methods confidential. The Nine Step Method is a popularized version of an advanced method in traditional Chinese Qigong. Qigong (Chee- gong): A form of meditation and cultivation practice that is very popular in China. It is a holistic method for healing the body and the mind as well as for promoting the human potential. There are some similarities among qigong, tai-chi, martial arts, transcendental meditation, yoga, and zen. However, the true concept of qigong is beyond simple meditation. Qi: A Chinese character which means air, atmosphere, vapor, and gas such as oxygen. In qigong and traditional Chinese medicine, qi has a broader meaning, involving intangible substances and abstract concepts, and is considered to exist as an energy field in myriad of things. De: A Chinese character which literally means virtue and morality. De is a grounding concept in all qigong practice and cultivation. To make progress in and to keep the benefits of qigong practice, it is crucial to always hold the a moral standard. External Qi: Well trained qigong masters and practitioners can emit qi to others through special ways. Usually, this type of qi is very productive in qigong therapy and qigong training. Internal Qi: Qigong practitioners are able to feel certain substances flowing inside their bodies during practice and in other situations, which help the practitioners improve qi circulation among channels and acupuncture points. Channels or Meridians: In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the Qi and other substances circulate inside one's body through these certain routes. Many of them originate from internal organs and end at fingers, toes, or certain acupuncture points. Acupuncture points: Over a hundred of special points in human body that serve intricate functions and are critical in many acupuncture therapy. Many of them are located on the head and along the spine. Some examples are: Bai Hui (accumulation) acupuncture point: located on the top of the head, Tian Mu (heavenly eye) acupuncture point: located between the two eye brows, Shen Que (spirit's palace) acupuncture point: located at the navel, and Yong Quan (sprouting spring) acupuncture point: located at the center of the foot. Opening: Almost all methods have particular opening positions to prepare the mind and the body to enter a qigong state. It is important that the opening method is followed exactly to maximize the benefits of qigong practice. Lotus: An aquatic plant, native to southern Asia, having large leaves, fragrant, pinkish flowers, and a broad, round, perforated seed pod (The American Heritage Dictionary). The lotus flower has a long relationship to Chinese philosophy and is commonly used to symbolize virtue and morality. Spontaneous movements and sounds: During qigong practice, some people may feel that certain parts of the body have the tendency to move or may want to make sounds. The movements can be either gentle, such as stretching arms and waving hands, over very dynamic, such as running and trembling. The sounds can be either soft, such as whispering and singing, or very loud, such as laughing or crying. These qigong reactions are usual and helpful to the practitioners and their family members. It is very important to keep good thougths and positive attitudes should such reactions occur. Follow the spontaneous reactions naturally whenever the body perceived, and do not panic. However, do not use force to intentionally induce such movements and sounds. Thought Adjustment and Mind Cultivation: In qigong practice it is very important to keep good hopes, optimistic attitudes, considerate thoughts, benevolent wishes, etc. Constantly think of the good side of life, and forget all past regretful mistakes, unfortunate incidents, miserable experiences, and sorrowful feelings. Always forgive, pardon, understand, and sympathize other people and things, regardless of what happened in the past. Indeed, holding high virtue and morality is the fundamental principle of all qigong practice. Regarding everyone and everything as teachers and treating all as kins are criteria for thought adjustment and cultivation. Breath Adjustment: As in all other meditation methods, qigong practice also requires suitable breathing control. Deep, long, subtle, and smooth breathing is most favorable. When, at certain point, holding the breath is needed, it is extremely advantageous to hold the breath as long as possible. Other forms of breathing can be achieved radually with systematic training. Ending: This last part of a qigong method helps to maintain the effects of each practice. It cannot be neglected since it is an important part integrated into the method. Good results often come out during the ending procedures. It is also intended to seal the Qi energy inside the body and to protect the individual from any undesired feelings. http://www.stores.ebay.com/yanxinqigong