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Everything posted by turbo

  1. Japanese Acrobats

  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/28/magazine...amp;oref=slogin
  3. why is crime so low these days?

    Dunno where youre getting your numbers, but these show that most types of crimes are increasing.
  4. Lucid Dreaming techniques

    To have lucid dreams: 1. Get a notebook and a pen, put them beside your bed. 2. Every morning write down what you can remember about your dreams. 3. A few times everyday say to yourself "Am I dreaming?" 4. Repeat 2 & 3 until you wake up in a dream. It should not take more than a few weeks. The longer you practice this the easier they become. If you stop practicing the ability to have these dreams will fall off.
  5. Increasing Breast Size...

    Ok, so I'm inspired to reload my Dr. Lin CD and start practicing. But isn't his breathing technique just the micro-cosmic orbit? Whats the status of the MCO? Good, bad, impossible, nonexistent?
  6. Ideagasms

    I found that the video was informative, but poorly produced. I found much better information for free in the "Sex is Fun" podcast, episode 5, titled "G Spot and Female Ejaculation" (available from iTunes). No doubt massaging all the knots out of your body will help your sexual response tremendously, however there is more to know than what is offered in the Ideagasms video. Also, vaginal muscle tone seems to be an important factor. The Gyneflex tool looks like it will be an effective tool. Thanks to Witch for informing us about it.
  7. Meditation and Retention

    Its hardly an extreme view, its a fact of spiritual cultivation. I agree that repression of sexual urges will cause them to manifest in a negative way. However, a spiritual cultivator deals with these urges with more skill than simply repressing them. Bodri has an article on it. He also mentions somewhere else the look of people who have taken vows of celibacy without sublimating their energy spiritually is much different than those who have.
  8. Meditation and Retention

    Celibacy and the destructive nature of sexual activity are mentioned throughout Buddhist sutras and their commentaries. The taoist Kuang Ch'eng Tzu said that merely thinking lustful thoughts will disturb your jing. So its not limited to Buddhists or monks. Sexual misconduct is a very vague term and is subject to many interpretations. Surely rape is sexual misconduct. How about sex outside of marriage? How about sex without the intent to procreate?
  9. Meditation and Retention

    It is ridiculous to think that women are without sexual desire. I think that there is some confusion about the term jing. Physically jing is semen. However for spiritual purposes it is sexual energy, not the physical substance. Buddhists say that the elimination of sexual desire is the the key to spiritual transformation, along with meditation and other things. So "preserving the jing" while having sex is most difficult, because it would require you to not desire sex, yet engage in it. While I am nowhere near the level of not desiring sex, the act just described would seem nearly impossible. So then women must sublimate their sexual desire into spiritual transformation as well. Huai-Chin states that menses will decline then stop all together after enough realization. I think that it is sexist and silly to think that women are incapable or somehow hindered in their ability to progress spiritually. However there are some unique issues that apply to women according to Huai-Chin.
  10. Meditation and Retention

    Yes. Absolutely. Beyond any doubt. The mere thought of sex arouses desire which disturbs the jing, not to mention the actual loss of semen. Regarding Yogani's approach, it is not the same as the buddhist approach that Bodri and his teacher Nan Huai-Chin teach. I believe that Buddha said that there is nothing on the path that he taught that is not necessary. Thus by implication retention is necessary. Nan Huai-Chin says that retention is so difficult that not one in ten thousand are able to achieve enlightenment. The Yogani approach is a pure yogic approach and is different from the buddhist approach. While I currently evaluating the differences between the approaches, it seems like in terms of reaching true enlightenment Huai-Chin/Bodri have the correct teaching. Yogani says that his approach and the goal of AYP and all other schools of cultivation is "purification of the nervous system." This seems like a preliminary step in the Bodri approach. But, as far as using meditation for your goals of then it depends on how much of these you want.
  11. All that I've seen from Chia's system is energy manipulation. This is not the same spiritual cultivation. Moving energy around the body may take some degree spiritual cultivation, but that is not whats important. The hallmark of spiritual cultivation is purification of the mind. By playing with energies in your body, chi channels, or even out of your body you further attach yourself to your body and do not purify your mind. The criticisms of Chia are what created this community. Look around, read some posts, check out Plato's blog. If Chia had a complete and viable system of spiritual cultivation then things would be a lot different. Further, Pop Taoism is short for popular taoism. This implies that it is the popular take on it. True spiritual cultivation takes perseverance, discipline, and sacrifice (among other things), these are ideas that are not popular. Hence, it can be inferred that (lacking the aforesaid concepts) Pop Taoism lacks any real merit. And that has been the realization for me and some others here. That said, but for finding one of Chia's sexual cultivation "manuals" in a martial arts bookstore I might not be posting this.
  12. Hilarious Fundagelical Preacher Video

    This guy is great too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDU7rKleDFY
  13. RUSH and electronic drums...

    Sure many have failed and "lost their race to rats" or have been "caught in ticking traps" and seek the comfort of the familiar suburbs. But not everyone has. Then there are those that work in the system but live without it. That seems to be a better approach. Keep a low profile, own everything you've got, don't exceed your means, and you can live a life in the suburbs as long as you have to, then escape to the dreams of your restless youth. Then there are those with enough talent or drive or circumstances that get away with not having to participate in the "system", never have to put their dreams on hold and never have to return to "lighted streets on quiet nights". It takes a certain drive, motivation, or instinct to be like this and some of these folks are fueled by things outside the norm, as I find Rush to be. Maybe they would not disclaim them. And then there are those who have found the lyrics to be true yet have failed...they "sold their dreams for small desires", or otherwise fulfilled the warnings mentioned in Subdivisions and are reaping the consequences. I wouldn't blame them for not liking the messenger, or the reminder, even if they once hailed them as a kick as band with awesome lyrics.
  14. RUSH and electronic drums...

    Rush is fucking awesome! Perhaps the best band ever, definitely one of the most influential in rock music (still). Check out the bands Mastodon and Umphrey's McGee two modern rock bands definitely influenced by them. A couple of greats from over the years are Metallica and Primus. Dunno what Rush fans failed at... Here is one guy with some interesting opinions about Rush and some other things.
  15. Medicinal Plants

    Hey I know there are some people here interested in this stuff so I thought I'd share. http://www.swsbm.com/homepage/
  16. American Personal Income tax

    The video posted above and linked to here is called "Theft by Deception" relies on regularization 1.861-8 in stating that individuals may not owe income tax. Here is a link a revenue ruling on the IRS website stating (in part): So that approach will not work and will likely land you in prison.
  17. American Personal Income tax

    Its not audits that will get you in trouble. If you have a job then your employer has to issue you a W-2 or a 1099 depending on whether or not you are a contract laborer. A copy of this is sent to the IRS. When the IRS receives your tax return they check it against these amounts and if they do not match, you get a letter in the mail, notifying you a deficiency. And sometimes penalties and interest. This is not an audit, this is just the IRS checking your return. Should you decide to operate without W-2s and 1099s you may be able to "fly under the radar" to a certain extent, but will generally have to pay a minimum amount of taxes (banks and lending institutions will always have to issue 1099s). However should you try to deduct enormous amounts as interest on your home or for other things this will raise flags with the IRS. Enough flags and you are at higher risk for an audit. There are two ways to approach a tax issue with the IRS. 1) pay it and sue them to get it back and 2) sue them without paying and hope you win. 1) is the superior approach, b/c you won't have to pay penalties and interest on the amount if you lose, also you don't go to tax court, which as you can imagine, may be a bit biased. Anyhow, as far as income taxes being legal or not, the fact is that they are the law. If you choose not to pay your assets will be seized and you will be taken to prison. Which is good enough reason for me to pay in full and on time.
  18. Kinda along the same lines, has anyone tried one of these "Chi Swings"?
  19. orgonite

    Anybody had any luck with this (from warriormatrix.com):
  20. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Of course there is...what is mediation? Why do you meditate, if not to achieve some goal? And what is that goal if not enlightment? The buddha used a particular meditation technique to walk to path to enlightenment. Without this technique he would never have realized enlightnement. No technique = no enlightenment. Further, he taught that adherence to the technique would cause enlightenment in those who practiced it. "technique for enlighenment" may not be the proper description, how about "technique that causes enlightenment". it turns out to be more of a lifestyle than just a procedure of the mind, once you consider the 4 truths and the noble 8 fold path.
  21. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Perhaps the philosophy is the same, I can't say as I haven't done the research. However, the meditation technique(s) taught by the buddha to attain enlightment are different those described in Pantajali's yoga sutras. So if Siddartha applied the yogic techniques (it is said that he tried every available technique) and found them insufficent to reach full enlighenment then it follows others should find the same. If it is the collective goal of this community to achieve enlightenment, then perhaps it is in the best interest of the group to abandon yogic techniques and to apply said buddhist ones. In the text "Autobiography of a Yogi" there is a description of Lahiri Mahasaya and his incredible spiritual progress and the powers he possessed. If I remember correctly he manifested a palace for someone to help them fulfill their karma, then made it disappear. Perhpas Siddartha did not encounter kriya yoga. But if he did then according to buddhists he found it insufficient to achieve full enlighenment. From the Wikipedia: The Yoga SÅ«tras probably date around BC 200. Again from Wikipedia on Buddha: The time of his birth and death are unclear; most modern texts date his lifetime between 563 BCE and 483 BCE, though some recent research may point to a date about a century later than this. While the wikipedia is not the final authority and the dates can not be known with precision, it would appear that the buddha predates the sutras. Meaning that he did not test the efficay of the sutras as Patanjali "authored" them. The thing is that these ideas were not new and Patanjali did not bring them down from the mountian for eveyone to see for the first time. According to the wikipedia: The Yoga Sutras are built on a foundation of Samkhya philosophy and the Bhagavad Gita. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali prescribes adherence to eight "limbs" or steps (the sum of which constitute "Ashtanga Yoga", the title of the second chapter) to quiet one's mind and merge with the infinite. These eight limbs not only systematized conventional moral principles espoused by the Bhagavad Gita, but elucidated the practice of Raja Yoga in a more detailed manner. So then Siddartha must have come in contact with at least some form(s) of yoga practice which he found insufficient to achieve enlightenment. Well, I guess that does not answer the question, but its Friday Night and that all the research I'm willing to do for now. Cheers.
  22. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Hard Work.
  23. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Thats a great question. Sunshine: There is sufficient practice info in the sutras, at least the transations I've read. However, it is not as explicit or encouraging as the lessons over at AYP. Pantjali goes through and explains the eight limbs of yoga, and to do so he has to cover meditation techniques....as far as asanas go he does not describe actual postures, but you can find those just about anywhere. Regarding powers. I think they will develop no matter what, in fact the development of several of them are milestones and roadmarks along the path. Not all of them are bad either. If you can radiate love to your surroundings then this is probably a good thing. However, if you get caught up in the game of "I have to acquire the power to levitate" then this is a perversion of yoga and you will suffer as a resuilt. As far as powers strengthening your faith in your school, I think this is bad. Peace of mind, calmness, relaxed awareness, and eventually a kundalini awakening are all signs your are progressing on a valid spiritual path. For more examples and explanation see Bodri's book on Measuring Meditation. Using powers as a sign to yourself of your deeping spiritual attainment is probably not too good. However using it to show others the path is common, especially in Zen schools.
  24. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Well, the "taoist" methods you refer to do require 3 hours of meditation per day and 3 sessions of qigong per week at an hour each. That is some serious dedication to the path. While the "powers" are not or at least should not be the goal, (and according to the sutras they can not if you want to go all the way) they are an indication of achievement. And what better way to prove that a method works than to display the fruits thereof. After reading the sutras it seems like its best to stay away from them at all, lest you be caught up in them. However, one has to wonder whether when you acheive such a high level of cultivation if they seem like powers at all, or just your ordianry reality. Dunno about being brave to practice yoga. You need some sense and a lot more devotion than bravery. Also, what about buddhism vs yoga. It is said that Siddartha surveyed all the yogas present at the time (2000bc) and found them all lacking. The sutras were written before his time. Thus he must have come in contact with and practiced them...does that mean that they are not the way to go?