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Everything posted by exorcist_1699

  1. pushing the sexual energy to your head

    As long as it happens naturally, it is good.However judging from the words :"successful in pushing the sexual energy to my head." , likely it is a deliberate act, so it seems not good.
  2. 劉一明

    清代道人劉一明有著作 <悟真直指> , <修真辯難>等遺世. 其著作言人所不能言, 誠一大家也 . 其詩也甚佳, 其中有句云: "看破浮生一也无,单身只影走江湖。鸢飞鱼跃藏真趣,绿水青山是道图。大梦场中常觉我,千峰顶上视迷徒。终朝睡在鸿蒙窍。任的时人牛马呼 ". 其超逸如此 ,吾甚喜歡也. 近人陳攖寧說劉為一鄉愿 , 其著作都是新瓶舊酒 . 看來是看漏了眼.
  3. Stilling the mind

    If making a mind still has anything to do with Tao/Buddha Heart, then maybe you can grind a brick and turn it into a mirror for during that process, more likely you smother it to death than nourishing it ,let alone enabling the appearance of the moon ... In Buddhist writings ,our mind is always compared to a pool of water, a lake..etc., it is said that only by stopping the ripples arising that Enlightenment is possibe . In Taoism, mind is always referred as fire , only by by initializing "genuine water" that fire can be tamed, can be nourished ..in this sense, Taoist way is clearer and more practical .
  4. Immortality Poetry!

    或許被看成是某類傳教士, 又或許真的曲高和寡? 但我總覺得學了中文而不學點道家養生學 , 就如入寶山不帶點寶貝回來般可惜.
  5. Kill The Buddha: Sam Harris On Buddhism

    Some ideas : 1) It is only the Zen Buddhist masters dare to "kill the Buddha when coming across Him on road " or "burning a wooden Buddha statue in order to get warmth in snowing "(Of course there are Taoist influence ).Saying that all schools of Buddhism dare to do so definitely is a serious mistake. 2)The religious element of Buddhism can't be eliminated because attaining Buhhda defintely means solving life and death issue of human beings, and anything which can solve the eternal life issue ( whether in this life/world , Taoism and Buddhism , or in afterlife, all other religions )is unfortunately called religion. 3) Saying Buddha or Tao can be studied by science is a bullshit .Buddha /Tao is everywhere , hidden in nothingness/emptiness ; how can a trivial , little science studies a much bigger Mind exists everywhere in this universe ? Likely it is some kind of invention invented by some stupid monks to appease the similarly ignorant scientists who think that what they are studying is something in the brain .. 4) The more a religion can smash the formalities, the better, the more creative it is .And, the bigger its contribution to human civilization. Some religions which entangle people by at where , towards which direction , how many times in day that they should pray/worship their gods/Gods , of course is less creative ...
  6. Immortality Poetry!

    Hi, I am talking about something very realistic , really
  7. Mark Griffin video: Cognition

    Although desperately suppressing my urge to say anything, based on what I hear and see, I am still forced to say that such way of hair-splitting your mind leads you to nothing deep/high ....It once again re-confirm me the repeated saying that post-modern world people ,their understanding of Buddha/Tao , are really degenerating ...comparing with the clear-cut and simple style that the Taoist and Zen Buddhist ways provided , for example , Taoist's : 忘形以養氣 , 忘氣以養神 , 忘神以養虛 . (Forgetting any forms(physical) so that qi can be nourished ,forgetting qi so that spirit can be nourished , forgetting Spirit so that "emptiness" can be nourished ) A 3-step long jump, not simple ? Or see what the Zen Buddhist way says : 佛說一切法, 為除一切心 我無一切心, 何用一切法 ( Buddha talked about all different ways so that all different minds (pseudo ) can be eliminated; yet if I do not have any minds, what purposes of knowing all those ways ? ) At one stroke , you directly reach the hidden core...
  8. Immortality Poetry!

    佛 、道的詩, 的確是學中文的好途徑 。其實不單可從中學到語文的東西 , 還可學到些真功夫。以著名的禪詩為例 : 佛說一切法 , 為除一切心 我無一切心 , 何用一切法 這是何等的好功夫 ! 心練到這個地步 , 練氣還有困難嗎 ? 而道家的: "宇宙在乎手, 萬化歸乎身 " , 又是何等的氣魄?
  9. Immortality Poetry!

    抱歉我只會繁體輸入法 , 所以没法打簡體的 , 讓您易看點 。 其實您的中文已寫得很不錯啦 , 外國人能逹到這個水平 , 想必下過苦功 , 且資質甚佳 ; 不然 , 極難也 。 我没有讀過郭璞的原詩 , 但就字面來看, " 運流有代謝" 的意思應是 : " 人的命運總有起伏 "
  10. How to improve concentration

    Hi, Fizix, Thank you for your support .
  11. How to improve concentration

    Thank you very much .
  12. How to improve concentration

    Anyone who reads any of my recent years' posts on this forum know my style and opinion on this issue, so I wonder why someone raising such strange idea here... To me, what I repeat is just the traditional Zen's idea of how to initialize a Mind , which is crucial to arouse high-quality qi ,that many Taoists agree with or adopt. In fact, any concentration styled method / visualisation , although at inital stage , to some people , a little helpful , is far from the right way.
  13. Immortality Poetry!

    詩作為佛 、道二家思想的文學表逹方式 ,有其特殊意義 。 但一般現在多叫道詩, 不叫"仙詩" ; 這就好像佛教的詩 , 多叫作禪詩 , 不叫佛詩一樣 。 佛 、道的詩, 多言之有物 , 甚至把最關鍵的, 都全盤托出 。
  14. How to improve concentration

    Why emphasizing on concentration? It is detachment that should be emphasized. The arena of Tao is different what we do in daily life .Detached from all forms , all ways , all minds , including this mind thinking of detaching .... then the great Mind will come to you . With this great Mind , and with qi, Tao will be close by . Concentrating on or hair-splitting whatever minds can only lead you away from the right path ...
  15. Taoist Philosophy

    Hi, Marblehead Glad to talk with you again here . I think nowadays it is easier to be brainwashed to believing that no immortal and superman exist than believing their existence . Most people just succumb to their common sense and the so-called scientific knowledge ... only guys and ladies have a very sharp mind ( plus some actual experience ) , an ability of seeing through those illusions , can they believe in the existence of the truth on the other side ....yet nothing religious . I have to say, they are really the blessed people . Blessed not by God , but their intelligence and past karma, maybe...
  16. Taoist Philosophy

    These paragraphs clearly tell us that some kind of Taoist superman or immortal is already hidden in the book Laotze. Any accusations that the later Taoist advocate of immortality / omnipotence deviates from the original Taoist spirit is in fact groundless . Unfortunately in Laotze, the concept of qi , which is the basis of this hidden force, is not clearly expressed . And, without qi, Tao's greatness and power is by no means seen in this world. For example, it is with qi that we can have a shield built around our body to protect us from diseases. And it is only with qi, can we have a means inside us of healing illness ourselves . With qi grasped in hands , as these paragraphs tell us ,we can even fight off many fearful beasts and be free from many potential dangers. Without the concept qi and its practical force , Taoism will be limited to the arena of abstract theorization , as fragile and useless as many philosophical systems . And, it would not have become the foundation of the Chinese medicine for healing millions of patients and a major force of changing the Chinese history . In fact, not only in Taoism , but in Confucianism , the role of qi as a force against all our sufferings ,adversity and dangers is explicit . So, we have terms such as : 天地正氣 , 浩然之氣. ..where qi already has become some sort of mixture of moral ,medical and practical elements.
  17. Anti Aging Guy

    Some ideas : 1) Only Tao can solve the issue of longevity or everlasting life. And, it should not , in fact cannot , be sold . 2) In Western scientific context, it is unlikely to solve this issue, ie, breaking the limitation of human life span beyond 120 years . 3) Only high- quality qi , an expression of Tao in human body , can give us everlasting health and beauty.In most cases, we can only polish and upgrade it among the crowd, not on high mountain or deep forest ; just like we have to practice and polish our swimming skill in water , in danger and hardships, not on the land. 4) There is a clock, whatever you call it , in our body . The speed of it is not fixed , but inversely proportional to the quality of qi we can manipulate . The higher the quality of qi we can initialize , the slower this clock runs. After reaching certain point,we can even stop or reverse the proceeding of this clock . It is in this sense that Taoism always says "life is in our hands, not in the hands of Nature"( 我命在我, 不在天) . (Because a qualitative leap in manipulating qi did happen among ancient Taoist practitioners , we can see that after the times of the Han Dynasty , the passive , submissive attitude towards life in some old Taoist inclinations , which we find in the book ChuangTze , are later replaced by a more positive , nearly omnipotent , attitude towards life )
  18. 请人帮我找到一本书

    李或被某些人譏為守屍鬼 , 但從我輩看, 其成就已極不凡. 觀其無一言涉玄關 , 其未見耶? 其見而不能守耶? 其守而不能得耶? 不然, 駐世當不只區區二百餘年 .
  19. Chinese songs

    Some special Chinese songs : -Song 1 -Song 3 -Song 4
  20. Taoist Terms

    Dreaming or sleeping can be a criterion to verify how high you have upgrade your spirit in your cultivation : First : Your usual bad sleep becomes a good sleep; Second : You can detach from your sleep , you become some kind of bystander of your sleeping status Third: No dreaming arises in your sleep Fourth: No need to sleep Fifth : Your spirit can detach from your physical body at your own will..
  21. Chinese songs

    元曲是學習中文的好途徑, 如以下著名的一首 : 枯藤老樹昏鴉。小橋流水人家。古道西風瘦馬。夕陽西下。斷腸人在天涯. 是不是蠻好呢 ?
  22. Chinese music

    I would like to add melody from some Chinese musical instruments such as pipa, guzheng and erhu : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cctwUsknGhs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs7Bse4Q4BQ&feature=fvw Some does show you the temperament of Taoist immortals.
  23. 中国图书馆

    "淮南子" 是著名的道家著作 , 但它是古文, 書又厚, 意又深 , 恐怕難有譯本 .
  24. The wu-chi diagram

    It seems Buddhism does not talk about the 5-element-circle. My view on this post-heavenly status/ arrangement that entangles us , of course ,is based on the Taoist classics: " Yin Fu Jin" ("陰符經"), not any of my invention . It is a pity that there is no good English translation of this deep-sight book . Marx once said: " The point is about how to change the world, not just to explain why it is"; My attitude towards life is the same. Most Taoist masters repeatedly mention life is just "dew at dawn" or "foam and bubble on water" . People who aged more than 35 knows such sayings are nothing exaggerating . Especially you have a sick and unhealthy body...You especially understand and senses where Taoist power and value lies . When people are fallen in a deep narrow cavern and are in great danger , and you know about the simple , effective steps of rescuing them out from a Rescue Manual , of course, you just speak it out ,you do not argue about what version , what color or who writes this Manual...
  25. The wu-chi diagram

    Besides the concepts of pre-heavenly and post-heavenly , another concept "Reversion" ( "逆 ") is also important when studying the diagram of Taiji . All living things , being entangled in the five-element circle , their growing process ( post-heavenly ) is a vector , a sequence pointing towards death , no exception seems ever been seen . Can life be a reverse process towards endless upgrade and reborn , opposite to the time-series pointing towards decay , aging and death ? Taoism definitely says yes, not only in spiritual sense , but in physical.I think it is the only thinking system in human cultures that dares to make such a claim. Most other religions claim spiritual eternity , afterlife or whatever way , yet because there is no need/way to prove it , so all people are happy about it , more precisely speaking , helplessly succumbed to it. However, claiming physical eternity is nothing the same, nothing easy . Reversing our present, five-element-entangled status , back to Taiji , then to Wuji, is a great way that Taoism advocates . In fact, the process of refining jing to qi , reversing instead of releasing it outside, pushing it upward towards our head ( "還精補腦 " ) is already the start of stopping aging , the start of struggling against the lapse of time . Einstein's theory of Relativity already smashes our worship of absolute time in Physics , Taoist will not only smash the fetishism of time in our life , but also smash such worship to much a broader extent in biological sense .