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Everything posted by MatthewQi

  1. Anyone up for Chat?

    Heading to Chat...
  2. Video of African Shaman Levitating

    Levitation is something that has been reported across the globe and time. Here is a link to some interesting info... Yes, saints in the catholic tradition were canonized for this as well as at least one example of someone who they considered being full of the devil becuase when holy water was springled on the person levitating they fell to the ground. Jeesh, maybe it was just the water startling the person out of their state. Regardless of tradition, there are consistent reports about a state of "religious" ecstacy that is entered when this phenomenom occurs. If you have experienced this, then you may know that this is totally possible and don't get overly excited about it becuase you have probably experienced some miracle(s) yourself. The bizarre thing I found in researching this interesting topic, is that many of these saints practice self inflicted pain techniques, so did the Mayans, to reach Spirit. Wisdom has it that although levitation may be something that happens to someone on the path, it is not what is being sought but a side effect so to say. I am not going to comment on this particular video though, lol... Best, Matt
  3. Northeast USA Winter Sky

    If your in the Northeast, excellent night to view the Winter Sky if you can bring yourself outside in this very cold weather. Sirius is twinkling Red and Blue, Mars is extremely bright, etc. Nice time to see if any star calls to you and do some connecting... Matt
  4. Northeast USA Winter Sky

    Hi Joe, Have you tried this site? Just enter your zip code (or follow instructions for international city). Once you see the map, you can adjust what you want to see, date/time, view from E, W, N, S, etc. If you click on a star it gives you more technical info (I don't use that though). It should get you pretty close as far as aiming goes. Later, Matt
  5. Ayahuasca Medicine

    Hi Immortal, Yes I have heard of it. A friend of mine was called by it and found it helped him on his path. It is not for everyone but it is for those who are called by it and is a valid "path" as I am sure you have researched. A church in the US won a legal battle to be able to use it in their ceremonies. Outside of that, it is illegal in the US and although there still may be opportunities, outside of the legal aspects, it is important to do this with a true Shaman who is skilled and knowledgable. Interestingly, an anthropologist who resided with an indigenous group (don't recall his name off hand but he wrote a book about it - try a search if interested) asked how it came to be known. Just to back up, there are two plants if I recall correctly that must be brewed together in order for the DHT to be able to be absorbed in a person. He said the plants taught them (originally). The Spirit in the plants that is. And thus the universal experiences, energies, and symbols that are encountered. I know that you can arrange for a trip to places where you can work with a Shaman. Best, Matt
  6. Interesting little similarity here, I was reading about Taoist Immortals when a Toltec practicing friend emailed me the place they were going to in Mexico which talked about Quetzacoatl so I did a quick Wiki look up. As if the words aren't enough, check out the pics at the links. What to my wondering eyes should appear, but a feathery snake like beast like those used to ring in the new year! Quetzalcoatl (pronounced [ketsalˈkoːaːtɬ] in Nahuatl) is an Aztec sky and creator god. The name is a combination of quetzal, a brightly colored Mesoamerican bird, and coatl, meaning serpent. Quetzalcoatl is often referred to as The Feathered Serpent and was connected to the planet Venus. Source: The earliest representations of Chinese immortals, dating from the Han Dynasty, portray them flying with feathery wings (the word yuren 羽人 "feathered person" later meant "Daoist") or riding dragons. Source: Oh yea as qouted in the subtitle, "Surfin' Bird" by the Ramones... If anyone had the time to read the Daoist Immortal description, interested in discussing... Best, Matt
  7. Sorry, I just reread the way I phrased what I was interested in discussing and realized I didn't articulate it clearly at all. I already know what they look like I am interested in discussing the stories or qoutations in the Taoist Link that I posted. Many of these have different spins on them then what I have read in the past. For example, one level immortal was a person who faked his own death left his family and life and then might thought to have been seen in other provinces. But this type of immortal was alive, but just picked up and left, a fake one, lol. Matt
  8. Kriyas

    Hi Yoda, Funny, I was just on his site tonight as some people have been talking about it for a while on a Kundalini group site I am on. Here is the website: Not sure if you have seen it or if someone posted it here before. Lots of stuff in there if you look around. Best, Matt
  9. Kunlun Question

    Heya, Finally checked out Kunlun. Sounds very much like transmission based activation also known as Shaktipat (ooo, even the name makes me bliss out, lol). Just wondering if anyone knows why Max says that it is not the same as Kundalini at this site: Is it that he is equating Kundalini to sexual energy alone? or that he is refering to what is also known as Shakti? Matt
  10. Jed Mckenna on bliss

    Hi guys, WYG, that isn't the type of bliss I equate to what is refered to as enlightenment, satori, nirvana, cloud of unkowing (which is christian btw), Tao, etc. This Bliss (with a captial B x 100,000,000,000 exponetial) is at the essence every spiritual tradition, yet it is not it totally either. I personally like the Hindu description becuase well I feel it describes it the best that it can be described (for me). It is not the description, but the experience. And when you have it and when it is integrated into your being, there isn't any question about it. OK, the intellect may still have questions but eventually they subside So here is the Hindu description: "This Supreme Cosmic Spirit or Absolute Reality called Brahman (not to be confused with the creator God Brahmā) is said to be eternal, genderless, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and ultimately indescribable in the human language. It can be at best described as infinite Being, infinite Consciousness and infinite Bliss. Brahman is regarded as the source and essence of the material universe." Source: Go look up other traditions if you don't believe me. But perhaps it is not recognizable what is being talked about until it is experienced directly. No tradition has a monopoly on it either only a context. Om, Matt
  11. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Hi Vantage, it is tough via posting to really understand each other sometimes. I just looked up what Katie teaches (albeit it was brief synopses) I do recall someone else telling me about her at one time. Good stuff! I'll try to remember to use her questions myself at times I am not sure I am clear with what your big picture intention is. Are you seeking the spiritual awakening that she had? if not, what are you looking for from her meditation techniques that you practice or why are you doing them then? You cold always ask her for her view on it. Best, Matt
  12. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Hi Vantage, Yes, I am talking about using sexual energy for enlightenment. If you look at all the suggestions and understand what there real purpose is, they are techniques for this. If you are not interested in that then I am not sure that they will help you without that potential for that happening anyway. I mean, yes, you may achieve your goals, but also far surpass them and go down a path you are not looking for at this time. So, you might try talking to your doctor about it. You may have something else going on or maybe that is just the way you are. For example, depression symptoms might affect one the way you describe. And if you have that, it is generally advised against spiritual practice (although some will say the opposite, but since you are not looking for that, I wouldn't advise it without understanding the risks). Sexual energy is very powerful and if you have no intentions of using these techniques and learning others to refine it for spiritual purposes, you are probably better served by looking at other options. This might include some types of practices like yoga or chigung but also western medicine. I would recommend finding someone who can spend the time needed to appropriately work with you. Best, Matt
  13. Hi Mal, Just curious about internal locking. Is that something you learned from M Winn? So it is sealing the energy in with the perineum? Best, Matt
  14. Hi Mal, Try the 3 finger approach. I have used that succesfully for years. It can be very awkward at first with your partner so master it on your own first. For me, this is all I have needed. Not saying that I now use it all the time but it is usually enough for the first "100" days. Best, Matt
  15. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Vantage, Traditionally in Taoist practice the following is the thought on this: 1) Working with unaroused Jing is safer but is a longer path 2) Working with aroused Jing can be more risky but can be a shorter path In Taoist history, this factor was at the heart of the split of the Complete Reality School of Taoism. The Northern school formed and believed in #1 above but starting as a young adult and cultivating then returning to society and starting a family life. The Southern school took the approach of fulfilling family and societal responsibilities first and then in retirement using #2 above (not as much time in later life and the risk was justifiable). From what I understand, practice #1 can take 12 years or even longer. Practice #2 can take a few years or more. In both cases, one may never obtain what they are seeking. I know of cases where people have not practice anything and have come to it and there are many other practices outside of Taoist that lead to the same place. Best, Matt
  16. Kunlun Question

    Well, thanks for the thoughts. After considering that the bliss is also a part of this and everything else adds up, I have no reason to believe that this isn't the universal source energy regardless of what someone calls it or the method for getting there. Best, Matt
  17. Tao and Carlos Castaneda

    I have read two Carlos books recently, The active side of infinity and journey to Ixtlan. Especially in journey his experiences with stopping the world and the description of merging with ones ally are experiences that myself and others I know have experienced (no-nothing to do with mind altering substances). I just got another one of his books out of the library and my wife was like, oh, nice to finally see that you are reading some fiction (I pretty much only read non-fiction- and I was like, huh? this isn't fiction it is real but his books are classified as fiction. One of the things that Don Juan said to Carlos was that both of these worlds were not real. This is like what Max was saying to me about both real life and god experiences both being illusory. I originally equated this other aspect as being the astral and not powerful in terms of energy, but this aspect is still part of Maya. In Hindu, and in Tao, the highest states are desribed as a sort of god consciousness. With the Supreme Reality being the ground that supports both real life and supra conscious experience but it is beyond that. It is consciousness itself which supports Maya, Kundalini, taichi, etc. Described in Hindu as Brahman, in Taoism as Tao, in Zen (can't tell you or you will know the answer ). Om, Matt
  18. the philosophy behind kunlun

    When you experience what is being pointed to you will perhaps understand the Way and It's Power or maybe one might fall back on craving intellectual understanding, it is all ok though. The Bliss that is being talked about, regardless of tradition, is a universal experience and so powerful and beautiful that one has no questions Not just talking about feeling "good". Yes, find your own way! it is your life, your path. I have no idea what Kunlun is and never paracticed it but I know what I know from direct experience. Maybe it is a path for you and maybe something else is better. Regardless of what you choose, your intellect is going to be challenged beyond what you can fathom. I am not a fan of paths that are reliant on anything but giving one the tools to make their own discoveries. That is not to say that guru paths aren't legit but there is a whole nother potential for disappointment that isn't necessary in my opinion. Best, Matt
  19. TaoThinker, It doesn't matter at all. I have a friend who is gay and he is one of the more spiritually advanced people I know. It's rubbish, forget about what people say and do your practice with peace of mind. He has told me that he does go through periods of celibacy for spirtual purposes. Although it is recommended to draw in more Yin earth energy in the HT sexual practices if you have an excess of yang (due to yang - yang relations), the same thing is needed for heterosexual solo practitioners a lot of times as well. There is information on this topic in the "Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" book. Having a cousin who is a gay female and a spiritual friend who is a gay male, it is really disappointing the amount of discrimination that is directed against gay people and it is even perpetuated at times by spiritual people and leaders even. It is bizarre that people bring these false beliefs into something as sacred as ones divine right to know the Tao. In some shamanic traditions, there are what are called "soft men" who are shamans who wear female clothing, etc. For example, sometimes the adept is instructed to change sex by a spirit at the time their shamanic life starts to manifest. For more, see "Sex and Spirituality" by C. Bishop (I recommend to anyone who is interested in the topic of sex and spirituality, it is the most comprehensive book I have seen on the topic looking at traditions across the globe and over time). I hope I am clearly making a point and that you will find that a spiritual path is as much your right as anyone elses regarless of your sexual orientation or preferences. Mantak Chia says in one of his Alchemy tapes when talking about using aroused energy in alchemy, something like it doesn't matter if it is pink elephants that stimulate you, anything, just feel it and use it. Best to you! Matt
  20. Bumble bee sound

    Finally, the cat is out of the bag, lol! Usually no one knows what the hell I am talking about with the sound. I have felt alone on this on this site for a long time but have met other people who know this to so I my thoughts on this are below: I have found the most clearly articulated information on this topic in the context of Hindu or Yogic stuff, but it is there in other traditions but in very cryptic or difficult ways to understand what is being talked about unless you already know it and then recognize that it is what is being eluded to. For example, "In the beginning was the Word", read the Taoist writing "The 100 character tablet", look into the esoteric meaning of "Music of the Spheres", the list goes on and on. Here is a site that mentions it and provides what is a general theme about it: I recall that I read somewhere before about a bumble bee buzzing sound that is different than the constant sound (which can also be described as a bumble bee sound) and it is a common experience on the spiritual path as well before "hearing" the constant one or Ohm, etc. Even then there are lesser sounds that can be heard in a celestial concert and then there is the deepening of this sound into the Bliss. Some people will experiences these depths differently and experience the inner light instead or both. There are sometimes sounds of thunder, wooshing, and other things that might be part of ones journey. On sorta a non-traditional spiritual note, a friend of mine was telling me she heard the radio on at night before going to bed even when there was no radio on, had heard this for years. One night I found that "channel" if you will, and was absolutely amazed. So the next time I saw her I asked her if she heard the constant sound. She said no, didn't know what I was talking about, I said plug your ears and put your attention inward and listen for a high pitched, ehhhhhhhh. In a matter of seconds she found it. After that she was able to hear it and tell when there were periods of greater intensity and activity that matched my experiences. It opened up to me while meditating, doing greater kan and li. I had this overwhelming feeling that if I continued, there would be no going back. I went forward and wham, this sound and heightened awareness and sensitivity opened. I was like o my god, I am not in kansas anymore, lol. But it wasn't really a laughing matter at the time as I wasn't sure if I was going to die or something (and that wasn't the last time I thought I was going to never come back to this world). For a period after that I couldn't bear loud stuff and could hear the TV screaming a frequency. I have heard it ever since. Best, Matt
  21. Bumble bee sound

    Tao, that is funny I thought you were asking why about your experience, lol! I understand what you are saying and your response is pretty normal. Would you do the same thing if it happened some night in the future? If so, you might consider that perhaps you are limitting your spiritual development. These are serious opportunities but most people let their fear overcome them. Just be still, and if you are afraid, feel that fear and ask yourself what it feels like and realize it has no power over you! then some amazing things may occur, don't be afraid of yourself Best, Matt
  22. Bumble bee sound

    Becuase of fear. Eat or transform your fear (but not the fear that makes you get out of the way of physical danger). Realize it has no power over you except that which you allow it Best, Matt
  23. Bumble bee sound

    Hi MR, Are you asking becuase you are experiencing this or out of curiousity? Matt
  24. Coyote

    Hmm, that is an odd description for Coyote, aka Trickster. Check this out: (Btw a friend of mine and I have been talking about this very archetype over the past day or two...) Best, Matt