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Everything posted by MatthewQi

  1. Dowsing

    No problem at all Yen Hui. Um, here is a pic of what it looks like (minus the wood handle - and assuming I correctly posted the pic). I got it at a spiritual store in my town. I think there is one left there if you are interested in it. I am sure you can find them around where you are hopefully. As with crystals, I have found that the pendulum found me after I put it out to the universe that I was interested in another one that I could work with better. Best, Matt
  2. Dowsing

    Also check this site out for the American Society of Dowsers. You can see if there is a local chapter nearby. If anyone is in the VT area this summer, check out the convention programs. There is an inner alchemy workshop as well as a lot of other interesting stuff... Regards, Matt
  3. I came across this site and it has a really good free seminar on the Theta state and it's power for multi's and other purposes so I thought I would share it here for anyone interested. I can't remember if I saw this on this site or another one but thought some people might get something out of it and it is free. It is teleseminar #3... Best, Matt
  4. I took Winn's dream class on CD a few years ago and did the practice for a while. Looking back now, I got more out of it than I realized. As of late... I went to a class with Robert Moss - - in addition to dream teachings, we did some shamanic journeying (much like what is taught in Chia's K&L or by Kenneth Meadows, and others). So the class has got me keeping a dream journal again which has brought the necessary focus to it to be able to get back in touch with this amazing practice. Moss' work imo is more practically oriented (but doesn't have to be necessarily) vs using the practice for deep spiritual awareness. Which, by the way I feel can be facilitated with a zen like koan meditated on prior to going to sleep - something like "what is always there whether I am asleep or awake?" perhaps do it every night and see! when you wake up in the middle of the night, ask yourself again, keep focus on it, and be aware. A friend of mine did a practice that required setting an alarm clock to wake up at intervals to help to get in touch with being lucid or into another state somewhere between awake and asleep. This can take you also to "what is always there whether I am asleep or awake?" Sweet dreams all! Matt
  5. The Tao of Music

    Spectrum, You might like the book "The World is Sound - Nada Brahma" by Joachim-Ernst Berendt. Regards, Matt
  6. Dowsing

    Hi Yen Hui, According to the book "Pendulum Power" dowsing was known pretty much everywhere in ancient times, including China. The Pendulum vs. Rods seems to be a more recent tool. I just found a nice hematite pendulum to work with. I wasn't satisfied with the wooden one I had been using before. I am also re-reading the above mentioned book. It is quite comprehensive and has a bibliography of almost 4 pages so if you are looking for more info it might be useful to you. Regards, Matt
  7. Chat anyone?

    Send a sound if you come in...
  8. GT, He came to NYC last fall. I didn't make it to see him. I have one of his books, "Desire: The Tantric Path to Awakening" and I really enjoyed it. Link to his site: Later, Matt
  9. Guru

    This is pretty goood...
  10. Chat anyone?

    Anyone up for live chat tonight? I will be in there... send a sound if you come in so it will get my attention.
  11. For those interested, there is going to be a total lunar eclipse on Saturday night...
  12. Stern Yogis

    Hey GT! Glad to offer any insights that may come to me but need a bit more info... Are you saying that he is inflexible to your perspectives? is he bullying you? or is this more a thing that has to do with being academic vs. being spiritual? I guess I am asking you to elaborate more... Later, Matt
  13. Prostate Massage

    Partly hilarious yet totally educational...
  14. Taoist roots of Zen???

    I came across this interesting book cover on Amazon... Is that Lao-tzu riding on the bull?
  15. Chat?

  16. Chat anyone?

  17. Virtue

    I thought I would share this. It is something I wrote down out of one of Cleary's Taoist Classics many years ago... "Tao is based on meditation; Te is rooted in cultivation. Meditation is for the body/mind whereas cultivation is a treatise on virtue and conscious mind. To meditate is to gather and circulate chi; to cultivate is to abandon the ego and to purify the consciousness."
  18. Quakers

    Hi GT! My mom and dad became quakers later in life. I went to at least one meeting. If I recall correctly, anyone can stand up and speak as they feel moved and they are obviously about peace in the world as a lot of the war protesters that I have seen have been quakers. I guess I don't really know much about it other than recalling my mom telling me that if there was a draft I could consider conscientious objector status by becoming affiliated with a group like the quakers (and this was many years before she became one). I didn't get the sense that there was any mystical aspect that regular members where experiencing. But, hey, ya never know. I will have to ask my dad about it. Please do let us know if you find anything out about this tradtion. Later, Matt
  20. Book recommendation for MCO

    Grover, I would recommend David Twickens' "Spiritual Qigong". It has the MCO (referred to as Heavenly Orbit) in the book in a very simpy uncomplicated way that you can get right down to practicing as well as other practices should you choose to do them. Regards, Matt
  21. Clip chakra kundalini by Alex Gray

    This one gives more background...
  22. Chat anyone?

  23. Live Chat?

    Heading in....
  24. Comet McNaught visible at dawn next few days

    Hi Michael, I didn't see it. I wonder if it will be coming back into visibility in the Northern Hemisphere. Anyway, there are some more pics on this site. You can also sign up to get emails of news of signifigant space related events. Later, Matt