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About Mandrake

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    Dao Bum

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  1. One meal a day

    They do not. The rules that regulate the lives of ordained people state that you are not allowed to eat after noon. Before that you can have breakfast AND lunch. Regarding what you eat or not, that depends on the tradition. M
  2. This is grossly wrong. M
  3. Dzogchen and Dr Yannis Toussulis

    Why is Dr Yannis Toussulis important? There are tons of people who migrate between all kinds of teachings. Some people join Daesh or suicide cults in the end. We are free to believe and follow whatever we want, and change our minds - for better or worse. Sometimes we don't understand what we are dealing with - or we believe we do when in reality we don't. The most important passage in your post is " I currently feel more inclined to ... teachings ... as they make more sense to me." Understanding is important, and insight is important, and you seem to be in a better place practice-wise now. Best of luck with your path! M
  4. Use cannabis to build Chi

    J*sus Christ.
  5. Hair loss?

    How old are you? Is it all over the scalp or merely spots? Do you have baldness in your family? Brothers and the males, at what age did they begin to thin out? M
  6. Shout out if you find out. I'd love to have it as a poster : )
  7. @Taomeow Hey I love this one! Where is it from? M
  8. This is as vague as it can get. Before any advice can be dispensed, what are your goals? What is your background? What are you going to practice and study, and why? In the spiritual traditions/sciences a reatreat is a specific thing, and not something that is improvised. But maybe what you are looking for is more of a break in order for you to allow for time to study, reflect, and deepen your general knowledge? M
  9. Life is suffering.

    This is not what the original Buddhist scriptures say. I assume you associate your conclusions with Buddhism as we are in this subforum. But in reality, these are just bad, mangled misinterpretations that came along with Buddhism's entry into the Western world in the 19-20th century, because people didn't understand the tenets well enough, nor were good translators. M
  10. Indian Palm Leaf / Naadi Astrology

    I'm sorry that you interpret it this way - which wasn't my intention at all. I've spent my fair shair of money on worthless stuff myself. But you're not the arbiter neither of my moral sentiment nor my compassion. And notice that I asked previously in a post above for the name of the providers to which you yourself didn't react, so I equally abstain. M
  11. Indian Palm Leaf / Naadi Astrology

    I had an entirely different experience during my own reading, and was told details that's not possible to find in anyway online. All of the esoteric sciences attract quacks because of immoral money hunters. But also, in the end one has to have the merit to find the great masters. The real feng shui is beyond mesmerizing and powerful, a master of astrology can tell you details about your life without even seeing you - and tell you what date you experience precise stuff - and so on. This is not something the ordinary ken has earned, and will ever find. M
  12. Indian Palm Leaf / Naadi Astrology

    @Nuralshamal Thanks a lot for sharing, and letting us know about both your thoughts before and after. May I ask, who were the providers? What's the name of the home page? If you're not comfortable sharing it publicly you're welcome to DM me. M
  13. How to become awakened

    I went to the guy's website. That was enough - precisely because I don't "believe everything you read from the internet". Grand claims require grand evidence - especially so in these arts. Many of us have a firm grounding and even decades of practice in the systems this guy believe's he is a master in, and we see how his claims deviate and go counter to the techniques, lineages, and theory of these systems. It may be the case that he doesn't consciously try to delude others, but that he actually believes his own thoughts and image about himself. That's not the first time it happened on this planet. He may also teach things that makes sense and gives people experiences. That's not unique either. But it is not enough. M
  14. How to become awakened

    J*sus, I thought I had seen it all but this has to constitute the most ridiculous thing I've seen. M
  15. Vegetarianism

    I think it could be a good idea in maybe in this thread or in the future to split away the philosophical side to a different thread as there are a lot of hard positions there that get people engaged. Barnaby's query is more interesting for me, and more prone to novel reflections. In the end I think Barnaby wanted input and advice from personal experience that would help in cultivation, and not any grandstanding in mouth-based moral systems. I would have responses in both categories but prefer to stay away as it is now.