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Everything posted by Baguakid

  1. Tai Chi Sword Lesson #1 by Me

    Tassels are there for several reasons.. Adds a sense of balance to the sword, helps to feel the flow of circles while practicing, and is there to be used to confuse the enemy. I learned a double gim, long tasseled set many years ago and in that form the tassels are essential. Dao have sashes, spears have red hair tassels, army swords have rings, etc, all of these are there to add an element for confusing the enemy.
  2. Why do you believe in qi?

    There is a simple method to satisfy this question. Find an honest, sincere, Qigong Master and spend a little time with him/her. This question will be answered. And a whole new set will appear.
  3. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Some folks call "Embrace the tree" Wuji. That's why I define my posts that way.
  4. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    An added benefit of Wuji (hands down by sides) is detoxification. Damp, cold Qi is led out of the body through Yong Quan point. Have a look at this teacher (one of mine in China). z-7X6QnnLH0 The whole purpose of his art is to detoxify and build qi. He taught me what he called Embryonic Zhan Zhuang. A static position for the purpose of detoxifying and building internal strength. Oh, more about this guy. He would show me his feet on occasion when I came to class and you could see the damp garbage which was coming out of his body through his feet. Very interesting.
  5. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    When you say Wuji, there are also different positions which come to mind. Wuji with the arms raised, wuji with the arms lowered, wuji with the feet at shoulder width and wuji with a narrower stance. The theory behind the practice is most important to understand. Wuji is Zhan Zhuang. Agree with your statement on Tim
  6. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    This may be applicable if we are talking about Zhan Zhuang with the arms up, embrace the tree, or other martial type ZZ. However, in the Wuji posture, with hands at their sides, this is an incorrect statement. There are many, many types of Zhan Zhuang training. I have some I can hold only for just over a minute, others (martial) just about 2 minutes, each with a different training purpose in mind. But Wuji standing (with hands at their sides), which I am most familiar, does not adhere to the above diminishing return statement. I've stood with my teacher for 1 hour and 20 min. My teacher told me to practice for an hour, walk around and do the after practice routine, then practice for another hour, every day. The purpose of Wuji in this case is as a Qigong practice, not a martial one. An energetic exercise, not a physical one. So, we are building Qi, opening Channels, and tonifying kidneys, stomach and spleen. In the case of Wuji as above described, more is better.
  7. Green tea vs Black tea

    Jasmine tea is composed of Green tea and Jasmine flowers: So, it would largely be similar to Green tea I would think.
  8. Create a Qi Field

    Recently I've seen some Master's text on various web sites about creating a Qi field and that it was a Taoist Art. The purpose being the ability to better help their students. Can anyone comment on this?
  9. Create a Qi Field

    Ya Mu, thank you for your reply. Based on what I've heard so far I believe you to be a very good teacher. You are able to articulate clear and logical responses to ppls' queries. Very rare in this field. I'm, at this time, not so much interested in Waiqi expressions as I am building up my own qi level and clearing blockages, and building health. Then later can think about Waiqi. Thanks again.
  10. Green tea vs Black tea

    Green tea is colder in nature while black tea is warming. I've read recently that Chinese farmers are using a lot of pesticides on their teas and as such the residues are coming over on processed teas. Be discriminating in your tea selections.
  11. Create a Qi Field

    Little1, profound reply minkus, not hardly the same thing. Ya Mu, Thanks for your reply. It seems it's largely a meditative technique, yes? I've been in several classes, all different teachers, where this was done. All in California. The problem was that the effect dissipated as time past from being in that class. But, in each instance I felt nearly immediately the effects of the changed Qi state where most, if not all of the other students did not.
  12. Create a Qi Field

    Thank you for the reply Ya Mu. Can I ask more about this? Is this technique taught in a Master/Disciple lineage situation or is it open to all students after they reach a certain level? Does one need to be at a certain level before being able to apply this technique (create a Qi field)? Would it mean, since a Master can manifest a Qi field, that that Master's Qi level is such that he/she would not feel a benefit from the resulting Qi Field? On a different note, In Medical Qigong, how would one approach gall stone removal? Is Medical Qigong effective in such cases? Thanks in advance,
  13. Bagua exercise is considered moderate?
  14. Cultivation for longevity

    I never said anything about "Massive" qi flow, I said full, meaning unobstructed. Taoist Master Sher K. Lew is in his 90s now and has very high Qi skills, Ho Nanjie (Tony Ho) is in his 70s and has very High Qi skills. I think your comment is no where close to being on the mark, sorry.
  15. Yiquan standing meditation

    Depends on the end goal I guess as to how it can be described? When I practice ZZ I feel my Stomach contract (physically) in a tonifying manner, I feel the same with my intestines, I feel digestive gurgling, activity, I feel Qi move my body, and I experience greater energy throughout the day. But the focus of my practice is to open channels and build qi. Yi Quan is a Martial art so it's approached from a different training viewpoint.
  16. FiveElement, Totally agree. I've met my share of EGOCENTRIC Masters, both Chinese and American. I agree with your Grounding and Humility post.
  17. There's a way to heal, help others while maintaining your own health and well being.. I've seen this once and the potential in another. That is, to boost your own qi level to such an extent that people close to you will benefit. I've only seen one person in my entire life and all that Master did was Standing Meditation.
  18. Cultivation for longevity

    Ok, this must be approached in a logical fashion with a sound theoretical foundation. There must be some facts we should know and follow. Here are some I believe to be true. 1. Kidneys must be strong and we need to keep them strong with internal exercises. 2. We need proper food and rest (avoid stress). 3. More Qi and full flow of Qi is essential. Feel free to add to this or comment on each.
  19. I think the problem with alternative avenues for good health is ignorance of what good health practices are. For example, I often spend a LOT of time trying to teach, introduce to people what something as simple as Standing Qigong is and how it can benefit them. I have yet to have one person ask to learn. So, as far as Eastern Modalities go, people are and happily remain ignorant. They only see the west as their magic pill and are happy to go under the knife to correct their problem. Throwing Pearls to the Swine comes to mind. People have no idea of Qi, Blood, 5 elements, etc from the Chinese view point, nor DO THEY CARE for the most part (my experience in my part of the US). In fact, in China, when I was there, there is a movement away from Chinese medicine by the youth. I hope not but that's the results I got from questioning them at English Corner events. So, I just continue to practice by myself. Recently I had a reaction from my standing practice, fluid erupted from my Left K1 point (yongquan). Most westerners would go to see a podiatrist to have that looked at where I see it as toxins coming out.
  20. East australia, new zeland and shang hai.

    Hey, is that Michael Jackson on their home page?
  21. Ho Shou Wu

    Cool.. yeah, I happened to fall upon a small multi-level mall in Shanghai with just herbs in it but it was mostly ginseng and the worm grass herb dong chong xia cao 冬虫夏草 Not a full selling of TCM herbs.
  22. Ho Shou Wu

    Ya Mu, what city was that herbal flea market in? I would love to see something like that. Ho Shou Wu is a tonic herb/concoction though and it is not recommended for people with spleen deficiency. (Has given me indigestion and dizziness after consuming).
  23. 1. I agree with YaMu 2. SereneBlue, you have the hottest avatar on the TBs... !! 3. I've always had trouble feeling my own Qi.. I can feel others, especially those of high levels, no problem. More practice for me.
  24. Female Orgasms and Energy Cultivation

    SereneBlue, Males have issues with Weakening kidneys (gonads are external kidneys in tcm), Females have issues with blood loss (monthly periods). Personally, I would dump all the sexual stuff for Wuji and swimming dragon practice. These two exercises reap excellent results.. just need to put time in to practice.
  25. Can you guess what my suggestion would be ?? I practice at the least an hour of Circle Walking a day. If I had more time from my day I'd do more. This is a great exercise. But you may not have a bagua teacher near you. Anyway, my 2 cents.