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Everything posted by Baguakid

  1. Edit

    The costs are reasonable for what? We still don't know what will be taught.
  2. Edit

    From his bio he's a closed door disciple of Wang liping, a former student of John Chang, Da Zhen (who is Da Zhen?).. From the Seminar page I have absolutely no idea what this seminar will teach.
  3. Burning Palm System

    Thanks Spirit Ape, Are there requirements such as semen retention? My understanding (perhaps wrongly, please correct me) was that because you're creating a lot of heat energy there is the danger that a practioner would need to be careful of damaging his/her yin aspect and hurting oneself (the reason I asked about semen retention). Also, if someone lived in a Hot environment, would special care be needed? Thank you,
  4. Burning Palm System

    Spirit Ape, can you talk a little about how much time needs to be set aside for practice and what lifestyle changes need to be followed when practicing this gong. From what I understand it's pretty intense and also could be dangerous to the practitioner if not followed correctly. Thanks,
  5. Frankly Ken, for someone who's supposed to be a devoted follower of something as high level as Longmen Pai, you respond like a beginner who has no control over his emotions. You could have taken a different path when responding here, one of information, patience. But no, you respond like an uncontrollable 10 year old. Vortex, I completely agree with you on the policies and acts of the past of the West. Within the US look at the American Indians, Mexicans, Blacks, etc..
  6. Burning Palm System

    Thanks for that informational post HupGerk and thanks to Spirit Ape for releasing this to the public.
  7. Again, I agree with vortex.. I would have loved to go to this seminar but unfortunately the notice time was short so I didn't have enough time to prepare. If Kathy has another one with ample notice I would be interested in going.
  8. I agree with Vortex. When I was in China I taught English on the side and when I say taught I mean conversed. What they wanted was to speak to someone who's English is their first language. My students would pick out things that I said and then ask me about it. I made fairly good money for the time I taught (2 to 4 hours a week). Now, regarding Chinese teachers teaching English in China, for the most part I found flaws in their grammar and word usage. In addition, I found it very difficult to find an English instruction book in Shanghai that didn't have errors. So, I think that's why the demand for Laowai English teachers is as it is. Having said that, I've met some pretty ratty English teachers in Shanghai.
  9. Actually, It'a much cheaper to live in China as a Laowai IF you know how to do it. When I lived in China from 06 to 08 I was paying about 135 a month for an apartment in Shanghai but I could speak Chinese and could negotiate my price. In China when the Chinese see a laowai the price immediately gets jacked up. So you either need to be a very good negotiator or have a local buy for you. My point is if I don't need the room, I don't need the bodyguard, and I don't need the translator then why am I being charged the higher price.
  10. Well, I for one would be interested in an unbiased review of this seminar at completion. How much time is spent with Master Wang Liping (percentage of overall seminar), the quality of the translators and the ability of the participant to clearly understand while two people are talking at the same time (Wang Liping and translator). Also, how much was learned vs how much was expected. I hope this doesn't turn out to be a "vacation" event for the Laowai.
  11. yep, it's like I was told when I was young. The "fair" only comes once a year.
  12. well sure, and what about demographics? Should they give ethnic groups who are consider more poor a bigger break? Maybe they should ask for your W2 to determine how much they should charge you.
  13. Burning Palm System

    Is this the same as: Tibetian Lama Burning Palms? Actually, I think this is cool and I'm interested in a copy.
  14. yes, there are many countries who's per capita income is greater than that of the US. Dubai for example. If we did the same thing to them it would be outrageous. BTW, among my friends, I don't know anyone making over 30k a year.
  15. 3500/7 = 500 USD. 3500 USD (non-Chinese) 500 USD (Chinese) 3500 + ~1000+ Air Fare = 4500.00 China Visa: 130.00 Total approximate non-Chinese Seminar Coat: 4630.00
  16. What I was trying to say was I've learned from Masters (not Internet) who's kind heart requested No money for passing on their teaching. And thus, I upped the kind heart volly and gave them more than I could afford at the time. Ken doesn't get it.
  17. Hey Ken, good post.. I'm not sure what you mean by GDP unless it's Gross Domestic Product? Here's the numbers from Wiki: US: 14,264,600 China: 4,401,614 Still have no idea what this means in your argument as I have met very rich in China and very poor. So your argument lacks... How about looking at it in a different way? What does this say about Taoist Master Wang Liping? The man obviously is famous and most likely wealthy. Why does he charge so much for both Chinese and laowai? I have absolutely no problems with my financial planning and to be honest, I don't want to find a way because I don't want to go. I've been down that path before and it's not fun. A few crumbs here, a few crumbs there and after 20 years and a sick wallet you have a bag full of crumbs. Listen, I have met Masters over the last 25 years both in the US and China where I lived and without a doubt, without a single doubt it's the ones who asked for nothing or charged little and were the ones with the highest quality material I've learned.
  18. You should go as a local Chinese... or better yet, why not pay a local Chinese to go and record the event? Sorry, as long as their pricing is as it is I'm definitely not interested and I think it shows poor judgment on the Wang Liping organizers. It has been argued that people in the West make much more than local Chinese, not necessarily true. It's because of that argument that it's felt that people in the west can easily afford such costs, Not True. People in the west have to pay for Visas, Air Fair, Hotel, Time off from work, etc. This is an Imbalanced price schedule.
  19. 2 to 4 hours a day of Wuji Standing Meditation depending on work schedule.
  20. Man don't you see how perfectly logical that is? This is what I have been saying for years and is what's wrong with religion IMO. Move toward the positive, don't focus on the negative (sin). This way one practice wipes away everything else. Simplicity, Elegance. There are very few real taoist masters that I know of. Sher K. Lew being one of them.
  21. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    My suggestion here is this. More explanation from Kathy as what to expect from her seminars (if something will be canceled then let them know that possibility) and that she needs to understand her student base (Americans/Westerners) At the same time, understanding from the students as to the cultural teaching methods of Chinese (especially Qigong Masters). People in the west are to the point. What does this do and why. Chinese like to talk around something and if you get it you get it. If you don't, well, you're not ready for it. Two different cultures which have their own ways. If each would strive to meet the other half way there would be much less problems.
  22. Video- What is this Sword Form?

    Sure, here's a video with my Bagua teacher in Shanghai: Here's another one of my teachers in Shanghai doing a Neigong Taiji form. He taught me a standing form he called embryotic Neigong... Heavy focus on downward pressure. Tell me what you think of him: Sorry, I don't have any sword forms.. I have a bunch of weapons sitting in my closet. I prefer empty hand these days.
  23. Video- What is this Sword Form?

    Xia Pan = Lower part of the body... root. JiBenGong = Basics. Zhan Zhuang = Standing practice. Anyone wanting to be good at this art should practice at least an hour a day of standing practice. Two hours is best. This develops root and more. Just my objective opinion developed through practice. Sorry, not trying to be insulting, just constructive comments. I too have been in the arts for over 20 years and I can tell you as I'm sure you may know, it doesn't matter about quantity (how long) but quality. I've been under some Chinese teachers who only teach form and are happy to take your money and time and teach poorly, others I've found didn't charge much but taught very good stuff. Oh, and I agree, farting freely is a good thing. Peace,
  24. Video- What is this Sword Form?

    Looks to me like creeky old man trying to retain butt gas while doing a sword form .. ha ha ha.. Sorry man, just messing with ya. But these movements are basic sword form movements. I don't know if it's the room or what but I would say you need to work on your Xia Pan through Zhan Zhuang or other jibengong exercises. Ask your teacher to show you more jibengong and not only form. If you're just confined in the room then disregard my comments. Best,