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Everything posted by Baguakid

  1. Baguazhang

  2. Baguazhang

    Hey mjjbecker, I always thought Yin style used a sliding step rather than a measured step (if we're talking about the same thing). I, personally, am not a fan of the back weighted sliding style of walking. Anyway, you are right. Each sees what they see in the art they've been attracted to.
  3. RIP, Doc!

    Dang... I love this guy's music. Sorry to hear the news. Thanks for posting. RIP Doc.
  4. Dabbling in bagua zhang

    No, I mean Tiger's mouth.. the part of the hand between the thumb and first finger. I mean sitting back and sliding the advancing foot while circle walking. I just am absolutely not a fan of this style of circle walking. Maybe Gerard's right.. I just don't understand why they do that. Looks "wushu" like to me.
  5. Dabbling in bagua zhang

    No problem.. I like what I like. Why would, in bagua, keep the fingers together rather than apart? Maybe there's something you're missing?
  6. Dabbling in bagua zhang

    Not a fan... a couple things I don't care for in this video.. Back weighted circle walking (all back weighted circle walking styles) and the palms, only the tiger mouth is open.
  7. suggestion

    Weird... why do we need a Christian subforum on a Taoist board? The place I live I'm in a sea of Christians... I could certianly do without that on this board.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sigh... Sillum, it appears you wish to cast doubt upon the students of Terry and show you have the real stuff and not Terry Dunn in regards to the FP Heavenly Meditations. For us, all who are not indoor students of GM Doo Wai, what do you want of us? Stop having interest in these meditations? Stop following Terry and start following you? What is your purpose? For us, at least myself, it is exhausting to be pulled this way, pulled that way, so that nothing is really clear. I suggest you invite GM Doo Wai to make a small video to proclaim you as the real knowledgible individual in these practices so we can once and for all have a clear direction to follow. Otherwise, it's all just hot air... so to speak. When you post, understand that the rest of us have not had the opportunity that you say you have had learning personally with GM Doo Wai. We are working stiffs out there that have a hunger for knowledge and just want to learn and grow because we love the Chinese Martial and Internal Arts. If you cannot provide better instruction, and only want to say "I know better than Terry but I cannot teach you or give you an opportunity to learn" then of what use are you for us. I'm 53 this year and have spent a better part of my adult life in and around the Chinese martial arts and qigong. I would like to add quality meditations to my Bagua and ZhanZhuang pratices and don't have time for petty crap-o-la... so I only have one thing to say. Either Shit or Get off the Pot! With all respect, Bill
  9. White Tiger Heavenly Healing System "72 levels"

    Sifu Garry, I sent it to your Gmail account... burning palms.... Best, Bill
  10. White Tiger Heavenly Healing System "72 levels"

    FYI, I received those teachings around 1995 before the internet was so available and it was taught to me by someone who knew "that guy". I have no dealings with him nor do I wish to... I'm only trying to see if it is the same exercise set that Sifu Garry is teaching as in the topic of this thread.. Thanks for your concern though...
  11. White Tiger Heavenly Healing System "72 levels"

    Sifu Garry, I don't know if you remember but I sent you a copy of seated qigong exercises which were called "Five Elders Qigong for Qi cultivation and mental clarity". There are 14 seated exercises plus one lying down. Question is, is what I sent you the same as the White Tiger HHS "72 Levels" or is that something totally different. Thank you! Bill
  12. Actually I learned it from Qinway Qigong. It's similar to what I've seen on the web (youtube) but with larger circles.
  13. I have found the perfect complement to wuji zhan zhuang is swimming dragon. One hour wuji, 20 min SD.
  14. Wasn't it Lao Tzu who said something to the effect... "My way is simple and easy" ??? Simplicity is elegance.
  15. Yeah, I found the other thread after posting on this one. That said, I've never, ever heard of WGQG being referred to as a medical qigong.
  16. Wait a minute.. let's back up. Are we listing Qigong systems/exercises that are healing when practiced by the individual with the affliction/health problem? or A Qigong system which is Medical in nature where the practitioner treats individuals to an end to cure their affliction? I could say fully that Wuji qigong is clearly a healing exercise for someone that practices it - But - is NOT a medical qigong as listed above. Most people I know would not give the time it takes for that qigong exercise to be affective and thus would need the services of someone who could "treat" them with Medical (external) Qigong.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hey Fudog, not to hijack this thread but we're probably talking about the same guy (TT). I've yet to purchase the FP Qigong vids on DVD.. hope to try it soon. Thanks!
  18. Closed Door Krapola?

    I often read of people posting "I'm a closed door student of this master", and "I'm a closed door student of that master".. to which I ask why? I someone is a closed door student, meaning that they are learning something that no one else can seem to get, then why post it? Is it to create some kind of draw to learn from the person posting? That he/she has the special stuff so everyone should beat a path to his/her door to get it? When I read something like this it burns me to no end. I feel like that person is thumbing his/her nose in my face saying see what I got? You can't have any, ok? So go away and play with something else. I was a student of a kung fu master at one time. I paid good money, I worked hard, and I always heard rumors that we (the student body) were getting played with regarding content. Good content was being held back from us even though we worked hard and had the desire to learn like anyone else. Then along comes that master's child who wrote in a magazine article, "I'm learning the secret stuff from my father". This was 20 years ago and it still irks me to this day. Sorry for this rant.. am I wrong? Does this not bother anyone else?
  19. Closed Door Krapola?

    <smile>... I've been there before too... In a school I was at you were expected to take seminars whether you wanted to or not.. It wasn't said but it was felt if you didn't take the seminar.. Of course, seminars had a dollar value attached to them. It was said, half kidding, half true, just wave some cash under Sifu's nose and he'll teach you whatever you want (maybe real, maybe something he made up).. Sad but true. I don't know Sifu Garry other than on this board and youtube videos. If we were in person I'm sure we'd be fine. He's said a lot in the past few posts which gets me to know him better.. Gaining admiration and respect to you Sifu Garry. Thanks for responding that we get to know you a little better, Bill
  20. Closed Door Krapola?

    First of all, no one's saying that higher level material shouldn't be protected and reserved for those who deserve it. Not at all. I'm just saying I've been burned before and burned hard with this stuff. I'm a serious practitioner, not for play and my time and money is worth a lot to me. If I head down a road I want to know that that road has a conclusion and not a deviation for political or other horse$hit reasons. Think about it like this... Joe Smo has the inner circle teachings of Master XYZ.. . I spend 10+ years training with Joe Smo who advertises that he's an inner circle student of XYZ. So, when I get to the door of the inner world, Joe Smo tells me that'll be 10k please for this opportunity. After I get up from passing out on the floor, Joe Smo tells me this stuff is golden and no one else has it. It's acually worth 20k so I'm getting a bargin. Can anyone see this point? I'm not saying Garry is this way or GMDW. Now, let me put it a different way. If, for example, Sifu Garry said, you are going to learn the burning palms system. This will cost you about ~xx.xx dollars and if you can succeed in this training and you are of good character then I will teach you the inner teachings of this system and that will cost you xx.xx dollars for that. You are not allowed to teach anyone else and blah blah blah... That I can accept. Two different flavors.
  21. Closed Door Krapola?

    The problem with Closed Door is the wording... Closed Door. If it was Inner Circle, then that I could relate to and strive for. Closed door has the feeling of "butt out, this is our club, you're not invited".. or "no matter how good you are or how hard you work, you ain't never gonna get it". On the other hand, if Inner Circle was used, again, then that would be something to strive for. Something to hold up and say, damn, I worked hard, refined myself, my teacher appreciates that and respects my efforts and diligence. Sees my refinement and asperations of being the best in every way. Recognises my respect for the art and it's purity. The Golden Circle... now that has a feeling of... wonder, joy, pride. Closed Door gives the feeling of Darkness, Secrets, Negativity. Sorry, my take on the subject.
  22. Closed Door Krapola?

    If you're teaching that out Garry then that's great. I've had the unfortunate luck to be around quite a few A-holes in this business and am extremely gun shy anymore. I value my time and money. Especially my time. I hate to be taken down the yellow brick road only to find a pile of bricks on the other side. On the other side I've met some very good people, good hearted. Otherwise I would have left this stuff to take up walking or something. The point of this is usually everyone wants to be their best in the arts (and I know there are jerks in the student body who don't deserve higher learning). People I've met before held us back for political (this is my family stuff, nobody gets it) or money reasons (e.g. if I give you my secret material you're going to take all my business). So, when someone mentiones closed door I (right or wrong) immediately turn the other way. It gives the feeling that I'm going to get burned in this school. Since you've said you teach everything out to those that work for it then I have a greater respect and admiration. This isn't about you per se, it's been a long time irritation and your post just set me off after a long day/late night day.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Cool... Congrats on the post and keeping the 100 day schedule. My first Kung Fu teacher, you probably know who it is on Goldenrod road in Orlando, in the early 80s would say, "there's no day off for Kungfu". Meaning, when you are working to transform your body/mind you do not take a day off. Hence the Kung or in pinyin "Gong" of Kung fu. A gong, in Qigong, or Gongfu is something you work at every day like adding a grain of sand to create a small pile and more and more. After a lifetime you have a large pile, thus results. To add some contrast, a practioner I know works his schedule around his Gongfu/Qigong, putting that first and work second. He has developed incredible changes through his practice. Would be hard to post here in words to describe it. In short, this stuff is golden and can bring you back through a portal and transform you to feel better than you ever had before. Best