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Everything posted by h.uriahr

  1. Differentiating Yin and Yang in your body

    Well hey there Jah Nigga, how are you? It's very ignorant to make assumptions, as they saying goes, and I know you know it very well, you make an ASS out of U and ME. I can make this assumption with 100% accuracy, someone named Jah Nigga has never even had any experience or contact with anyone of the Mo Pai. There are reasons for things being said and done a certain way, one reason is to keep people like yourself from making any contact with Sifu. I'm not psychic but neither are you seeing as how far off you are but I can say with confidence that you are young and with your specific immaturity comes ignorance. Nice chatting you JN
  2. Practicing qigong and yoga

    I'm not sure what type of yoga you are doing but , and I mean no disrespect, but if it's similar to qigong then all youre doing is circulating chi and it's not at all dangerous. I've met one person and only one person that has gotten sick but that was by his own stupidity. Nothing is really dangerous. Unless you do something so rare and off path you will be completely fine no matter what you do. Danger is part of the myth and secrecy. Out of all the myths, the only one I've found of any value, and I'm sure everyone will disagree now, is converving your semen. Semen converts to chi, semen is the refined jing, the most pure jing there is, which is why it's important to conserve. Unless you are a woman..then sorry Disregard the danger myth, use your head and use common sense, you'll be fine, seriously.
  3. Body Temperature Meditation

    Clear Light of Bliss is decent
  4. Differentiating Yin and Yang in your body

    My guess is that it's a form of control. They were probably asking for money aswell. If you sit down and think about it, using common sense, what can you think of that can possibly be dangerous in ANY meditation? I dont want any weird mystical answers from anybody. Your body, unless injured, knows what to do when in trouble. Physically and metaphysically. Take hypothermia for example, your body shuts down other organs to conserve energy and heat. Your body know what to do. No danger. For those who actually know the Mo Pai levels, there is no danger.
  5. Differentiating Yin and Yang in your body

    If you're responding specifically about the Mo Pai then you are definitely of course. The only danger involved is in the advanced levels but by then you know what you're doing so it's no more dangerous than a trained carpenter hanging drywall or framing a door. I'm not sure I understand why anyone would ever think that any kind of training would actually be dangerous.
  6. Myth Busting

    You can look at something behind a glass case all day long but isnt it better to hold it and study it without the glass? The same thing applies to Tao and chi. You can read books and understand the way it works but isnt it better to feel it? Experience it first hand? I remember the very first time I experienced a transmission from a master and that completely changed what I thought I had known. When you can experience and feel the force behind the Tao then that is a profound experience. These abilities are just a magnification of that experience. I'm all for personal enlightenment, never said I was against it, however I am pro abilities aswell. You can study one without the other and while that's ok I will say that both should go hand in hand.
  7. Myth Busting

    Do you really understand the reason for having a space program or do you understand the reason that people give you for having a space program? What is the point of being able to meditate for hours, days on end? What's the point of being able to project chi? What's the point of starting a fire without use of traditional things? Do you really understand what the purpose of starting a fire with just chi is? Control of chi maybe? I'm only asking because people arent giving any credit to any abilities and write them off as parlor tricks when in reality, these abilities come with mastery, obtaining and elevating to new levels. Someone who can project chi has obviously advance further than someone who cant. A good point however is that studying a science, so to speak, is different than religion or philosophy. You can study and develop understanding and what not by following the Tao but you may never develop any ability but understanding. If however you study a science then you can develop abilities. It's one thing to understand but another thing to know. I can understand where you are coming from but may never know.
  8. Myth Busting

    Well for starters how about this, you hunt down a master with such incredible abilities and then ask "Master, what's the point of having these abilities"? All opinions so far are from people without any ability except maybe healing.
  9. You're grounded

    Go outside right now and take a seat and meditate for awhile. Clear your mind and let the earth take your stress. Relax. Now, what are your thoughts right now?
  10. Myth Busting

    A good example of what I'm talking about when I say dropping or putting ego in it's place. Do you desire abilities beyond the norm? Abilities like throwing chi, creating fire, reading karma and mind, etc? Of course you do, nothing wrong with that either, however, do you want those abilities just to show off? I will agree with you when you say there is a difference between self-importance and ego although self-importance is still ego lol. If you want those abilities just so you know that you yourself are 'cool' then that's ego/self importance, which is on a different but same level as wanting to show off to your friends, etc. Showing off is a form of ego that isnt exactly healthy for you. It's fine to want and develop abilities, flaunting them for the sake of flaunting isnt exactly nice.
  11. Myth Busting

    Here we go with the philosophical sayings Easily done with the right mindset desire to do so, however, on average, that wont happen. Good thoughts Go for it. I personally question everything. I believe in every ability there is, with the exception of changing into a flying pig and the sorts I dont however, believe anyone when and if they say they have abilities beyond that of healing, even though I KNOW other abilities exist, it's just most people dont cultivate them or pursue their meditation any further. Just be sure that your intent is in the right place. Do it for whatever reason, except the ego.
  12. Differentiating Yin and Yang in your body

    You never post trade secrets Concerning yin and yang, you cannot have one without the other. You will cultivate both just by your method of cultivation. However, what you feel first will be yang, not saying you wont ever feel yin, you just not need to concern yourself with yin right now, or even yang for that matter. I know that sounds a little odd and contradicting but in the beginning you should use the KISS method, Keep It Simple, Stupid. People want to draw things out and make everything complicated when it doesnt have to be, because it isnt. The only time it can get a little complicated is in the later stages but in the beginning, simple. Dont listen to anyone who says it's dangerous to train this way or that either, unless you train under power lines. Your body has a built in survival mode ok, unless something is wrong with your body, any blockages will dissapate and your chi is regulated constantly just on its own. There are many many myths about chi kung and nei kung. There are many myths surrounding nei kung and Sifu Chang aswell. I'm not saying that you wont ever get in trouble and need a healer, I'm simply saying that that will be in an extreme situation that's not at all normal.
  13. Myth Busting

    Does anyone have the ability to recognize and control ego? I only ask because there is this man who likes to makes challenges to people and is pretty annoying and aggressive about it too. His name is James Randi. This very ignorant and vendictive man likes to debunk people with the attitude that HE is always right and that things of the metaphysical sense arent real. Developing a test also brings up ego. A feeling of wanting to debunk for the purpose saying "Look, I exposed a fake". To deny this is deny the problem. The only 'ability' that's worth anything, in the end, is being able to build someone up who has fallen and then make them realize that you had nothing to do with it and that it was their own strength and will that made them rise from the ashes so to speak. All the other abilities are just great for showing people that the method you follow works. The abilities are great for personal markers aswell.
  14. Haiku Chain

    Relax now, live light! Never forgetting darkness Let harmony be
  15. Haiku Chain

    with these five aces i am triumphant you lose by losing you gain
  16. Greetings to all

    Thank you
  17. Myth Busting

    The amount of thought involved is roughly equal to that which is involved in urinating. This is a simple matter.
  18. Myth Busting

    By finding out if someone who talks skill but actually has none is finding out who is fake and who is not correct? No disrespect intended
  19. In the end everyone ends up sitting, meditating quitely. If you are able sit and meditate then do so IMO. The great big question is whether you want to store or circulate right now. Circulating your chi via qigong or other exercise is great to help tear down any blockages. Sitting, meditating, doing inner alchemy for lack of a better term is the end goal, for most anyway.
  20. Your views about DAN TIAN!

    The book you speak of says that the dantien is there already but you make it a solid physical mass after training. Putting the book aside, your energy meridians and centers are already there, like muscles, waiting to be used.
  21. Myth Busting

    Yes. Although I'm sure that your own BS meter will go off when you meet many of these so called 'masters' I hope that you do infact develop this testing because it will be a joke in itself just to see how many 'masters' take the test or simply refuse it. I've seen some things that make me scratch my head and ask why so many people would buy into it and it's beyond me. I wish the best of luck to you with development. Keep me updated
  22. how to close my account?

    Best bet is to just not come back to the site, I would imagine.
  23. Differentiating Yin and Yang in your body

    You can achieve great healing power from any number of other methods, qigong, reiki, etc. The Mo Pai training is misunderstood due to the amount of secrecy involved and then when you do hear about it it's from a book or 2 or from someone who 'thinks' they know what they are talking about. The Mo Pai isnt anymore dangerous than anyother method out there. The shrouded secrecy and mystery around it seems to give it positive and negative attention. The method is very simple in the beginning and can work for anyone who can follow simple instructions. Dont dwell on yin and yang right now however.
  24. Meditating somewhere haunted

    Your personal belief system and mental fortitude has alot to do with how little or how much you are affected by spirits. The saying goes that chi works no matter if you believe or not and while that is true, the effect may take longer for a disbeliever unless of course the person working the 'magic' is a real master then youre screwed but that's beyond the point here. It's best just to avoid a haunted place as far as meditational practice goes. Not for any reason other than it will probably distract you unless your goal is communication.
  25. What would you study?

    If by any school, etc you mean time aswell then I would study with Buddha and Jesus.