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Everything posted by h.uriahr

  1. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    I'm still confused by the whole "I cant save everyone" bit. What specifically is the salvation you speak of? Helping people to awaken? Instruction for spiritual and meditational growth? Unless a comet or WW3 breaks out, we will all be long gone by the time the earth naturally dies.
  2. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    Maybe we should start a completely new topic or forum called the TaobumsLegion of SuperDuper Survivalists! We can have get togethers on certain days of the week and drink lots of tea and then discuss how we can survive the destruction of the year 2012, or 2041 or whatever date each of us predict. I predict death by ignorance. I think the earth is going to implode due to the amount of ignorance around the world. Society will be similar to that of Idiocracy and then BOOM. Obviously there will always be war because humans suck right now. I just got off the phone with Mother Nature and she said she's not going to stop doing the whole hurricane thing until we learn our lesson. I'm not sure why but there's a long history of humans having a fascination with the end of the world prediction thing...crazier and crazier I tell yeah. If there is an 'end' I'm going to pull out a lawn chair and probably drink some beer.
  3. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    Eden....you must realize that if humans just disappeared then we would have all this crap left behind right? You can get rid of humans but you cant get rid of the crap. Nuclear reactors would probably go Chernobyl so that f's up alot of the world. FOR A VERY LONG TIME. What type of salvation are you trying to sell here? Salvation from your "disasters"? Are you saying that buying or trying that new dandy promo package you have will save people and grant immortality? Maybe your selling partially used bomb shelters, I dont know.
  4. Compare Dan Tien to Chakra?

    The 3 dantiens correspond (pretty much) with 3 of the chakras. I wouldnt dwell too much on it because it pretty much depends on your path. Im not too much into the chakra system but again, you say potato I say potahto. In reality, both systems probably compliment each other.
  5. Breatharianism

    I am in no way meaning to offend anyone but I think it's safe to say that people like the man on that link are few and far between. John Chang's and guys like the "goddess" in the link above and like the Iceman arent on every street corner. I've yet to meet anyone who doesnt need to eat because they can just absorb chi, not saying they arent out there just saying it's an ability that I dont think is easily obtained.
  6. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    I dont know you very well so I'm going to assume youre being funny. So hahahahaha that was a good one. Whew! Glad you were kidding when you said you could save people. I mean for a minute there I was scratching my head and wondering if good 'ol JC Himself had set up a membership at taobums lol, I mean WOW I'm not saying that salvation is through JC only and I'm not even speaking of that type of salvation either. I was speaking on more of being "saved" from typical thoughts and mentalities etc.
  7. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    Think they drink tea??
  8. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    Shhh, I think THEY are watching... Let's say the the US goes broke and Wall Street crashes and our whole economy collapses...then what? Is that the key to a great global flood or some comet or whatever? We crash and our collective negative energy brings upon the end of the world? Highly doubtful. Highly unlikely and highly illogical. The economy is pretty shakey right now but we are still standing. It's highly improbable that we will crash and even more improbable that we would crash and not recover. We can sit here and debate about it all day long but the fact of the matter is that we are still alive, atleast I think so, and soldiers arent running down the streets, atleast not now, and everyone is fine. You can try to predict ww3 and comets and floods and weird strange things and blah blah blah but all it is is a prediction that may or may not ever, EVER happen. The whole myan calendar thing gets alot of attention but has anyone ever stopped to ask what if it's meant to start over? What if it's like your watch and after 12 it goes to 1? Anyone, anyone?
  9. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Passing judgement on another is passing judgement on yourself. Obviously you have a need to feel superior to others. I wouldnt say it's sad that you judge others because their needs are different from yours, I'd just say your an Ahole. Nothing wrong with being an Ahole of course but remember, making fun of others doesnt do yourself nor them any good. I believe Sifu Chang is real. I'm trust worthy so until he's proven a fraud, I will believe. I've also experienced abilities first hand from a member on this forum so abilities are real.
  10. How can we survive the coming disasters?

    I'm feeling like I'm on a conspiracy forum. For starters, not meaning any kind of insult but there are many, MANY false prophecies. The leader of the Jehovah Witness church did exactly that, and I only use that example because I'm tired and it's readily available. If you worry about an apocalypse all the time you kinda miss the point of life and the enjoyment of life. Also, seeing as how I'm Kryptonian I worry not about disasters.
  11. Breatharianism

    Immortals aside, long fasting cannot be good for you physically right? Spiritually I can see how you can gain insight from long fasting but I mean it's not something your average joe should do. I'd think that it would take a real, REAL undestanding of the body and qi for you not to degrade physically
  12. Breatharianism

    Calories are energy Qi is energy I'm sure that it's possible to go days, maybe weeks without food and water if you just understand how to feed yourself with qi instead of food but then there's a slight problem. We have physical and spiritual bodies right? Your stomach and intestines still have physical funtions like breaking up the food so that it can be easily absorbed so then doesnt your organs that have physical functions suffer? Isnt it on the same lines as saying that you dont need your heart to beat and pump blood or your lungs to breath because of qi?
  13. Sheep Herding!

    It's not a doctored Chriss Angel type show is it?
  14. For those of you still chasing "abilities"

    I'm not sure that there's a problem with wanting abilities just so long as they arent the only reason you train. I'd be a bit worried if I met someone who trains for the soul purpose of insane chi projection, cavity presses, etc, just because it seems a bit on the aggressive side. Personally I'd like to let my body develop as far as it can along with my mind. I think itd be a bit scarey to have so much power that I could strike someone and have my chi flow so powerfully that they die from it because I'm still human and I still get angry and still get physical from time to time although I havent been in a fight for a LONG LONG TIME, the thought is still scarey. I dont want to kill anybody, ever. My main personal reason for training is because I want to freak out my family by living to be 150 yrs old and not ONE TIME VISIT THE DOCTOR!!! lol. Qigong is a lifestyle choice, IMO. I'm loving every minute of everyday now. I can thank a very special teacher and system for that.
  15. Why I left facebook

    I'm sure alot of people would join
  16. Why I left facebook

    What about MYSPACE? Lol.
  17. For those of you still chasing "abilities"

    Healing is an ability. I'd like to gain that ability...so am I chasing abilities???
  18. is reserving jing even necessary?

    LOL..I'm not quite sure if you're serious or joking. Unless of course she lied, I have tasted blood from a virgin and didnt feel anything different. What can I say, I eat my steak raw so why not my wo...
  19. I've had a distinct taste in my mouth after prolonged periods of sex and then having an intense orgasm. What am I tasting?
  20. Hallo

  21. Hello!

  22. Greetings

    Talk to Hundun
  23. Hey

    Looks can be deceiving