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Everything posted by h.uriahr

  1. Yin chi number 3

    My question is why should the mo pai get "respect" anyhow? Especially when the number 1 promoter keeps barreling into every single thread that mentions yin chi and trolls it right off course into a land of no return? A student has no authority to teach, define, or speak for or about the system he is in UNTIL the master gives the magic wand wave soooooooo... That about sums it up oh and something to keep in mind is that if someone wants to direct the 'whole' then often times they will use extremes but those extremes usually don't stick when dealing with 1 on 1 teachings.
  2. Yin chi number 3

    Wow. Kosta pretty much nails it and ends the whole stupid yin debate. Wow. We can drop the whole yin bullshit argument and let this thread stay on topic.

    Smartphone posting doesn't make me look all that smart

    When in the media the issue is usually do we believe the accuser or the defendant. I've often times asked why someone so terrors of a possible tape would remove her panty liner? I'm still on the fence as to his guilt. Michael Jackson is another one. Was he not a true misician? I still say Michael was innocent and have had many strange conversations with people who think he was guilty. Idk. That's the problem with being in the spotlight.
  5. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    Compassion is great. Helping others is great especially when they turn around and help the next guy. I don't and never have downplayed that BUT , I'd also like to help heal other physically, in science defying ways...like making a blind man see, etc.
  6. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    There is to me at least a difference between say ridding someone of a cold or making joints move easier than a guaranteed ability to cure cancer 100% or restoring limbs.
  7. Salvation - Guaranteed or Not ?

    Please excuse my grammar errors. I'm smartphone posting.
  8. Salvation - Guaranteed or Not ?

    It has nothing to do with the mouth and throat. It is an actual Acceptance of Christ. Faith isn't a verbal thing. It's a Mighty Oak that roots deep into your Being. Confession only works if field by Faith aka Belief. With that actual Revelation comes a New Fire. This Fire fuels you. The old you has passed on while the New You wants to go out and help people, feed the homeless, donate to charity, stop cussing, etc. This is where the line between faux and Real separates and defines who the True Believers are. I'm sorry but this who simply think saying it IS IT, you didn't get it. Be you Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind.
  9. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    Oh I see now. Compassion heals cancer, restores limbs, restores sight etc. thanks Wong.
  10. My head hurts everytime I log on now. It's about time for me to burn the computers and smart phone.
  11. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    I'd personally walk from clinic to clinic healing people unaware. I'd minister to the needy and devote my life to helping others. If I could make level 72
  12. God is Love. The Bible says so in 1 John. Someone who says they know God but treats others as filth doesn't know God and is in fact a liar. We as a people have gotten far out of control. We are glued to our smart phones, TVs and other media. We watch shows instead of valuing our families, bodies and most importantly our relationship with God. Abortion is never justified. I think there is some sympathy for the woman who has been raped or the woman who is facing death if she continues her pregnancy but I'm not personally convinced that either scenario is actual justification. This is my opinion.
  13. I now understand Limits on Editing

    Standing qigong does suck though...I kid I kid. If someone quotes the OP then I think the actual post is here to stay, unless the guy doin the quoting edits it.
  14. What are you listening to?

    Right now I'm listening to the random sounds coming from my 2 week old baby boy. He's a bit spoiled so he doesn't sleep well unless mama or I are holding him Beats the crap out of any music I've heard...except maybe this but don't tell mama lol.
  15. Official topic response. I agree with the OP's conclusion. We as people tend to be selfish, which is why the majority of abortions are committed. Selfishness is weakness. The woman is the only vessel that can bare the child so if she wants to kill the child then it's her right I suppose. She is more than capable of researching the means and methods to commit this murder and she can perform it on her own. Any medical help is just an accomplice to murder and should be charged as such. The sin is shared at that point. This is no different than killing a death row inmate except that there was no trial for the child.
  16. Apech..obviously I'm not a cat person. I read right over your post with a desire to burn it...I apologize. However, I still don't like cats. Also, that's the ONLY post I glanced over in error of yours. I agree with the OP's conclusion. We as people tend to be selfish, which is why the majority of abortions are committed. Selfishness is weakness. The woman is the only vessel that can bare the child so if she wants to kill the child then it's her right I suppose. She is more than capable of researching the means and methods to commit this murder and she can perform it on her own. Any medical help is just an accomplice to murder and should be charged as such. The sin is shared at that point. This is no different than killing a death row inmate except that there was no trial for the child.
  17. These fifteen posts that I've made in a row here will normally just consolidate if they are one after another but for some reason they didnt this time....on my iPad.....sorry guys :|
  18. Poor Seth needs some Christian bully therapy
  19. Oh that's right...the issue is that the spark of life that has occurred in the womb does NOT belong to the woman. Although the negative effect of the abortion does. Also, I'd like to say that if a woman wants an abortion after the heartbeat has been established then she should be tried for premeditated murder. There is no difference.
  20. Why not let people do what they want to their bodies right? Suicide bombers have that right too.
  21. I disagree. The Bible says Joseph and Mary didnt make whoopie until after His Birth.
  22. So demon worship is off limits in this thread?
  23. Transfer of Chi

    Some of the internal energy transfers can make bruises appear and hand prints and bone prints. Excessive force isn't needed though.
  24. I suppose if you worship the demon molech then ritualistic abortion and child burning would earn you some credit...of some sort.