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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. do dragons exist?

    in your guises practices have you ever met a dragon? or heard of people meeting dragons? Thanks
  2. Bone Healing

    What about the tunning fork things? The only "scientific documentary" i have seen on them was an episode of bullshit. Here is the link if anyone is interested.
  3. Bone Healing

    vibration you serious? is there any hard scientific data to back up the claim of vibration? Qigong Also i just cant see it healing bones, in my estimation it is a great preventative medicine but nothing beats a western doctor if you are having a heart attack ect. On that qigong site i did not see any sources sitted ect of the people and there studies.
  4. I became enlightened

    good one bucket axe lol.
  5. Goes with my other thread on conspiracy theories. So how insane and funny can you get in making up your own consipracy theory. My theory says that the secret world leaders actually wana fatten us up and turn us all into gummi bears so that there leaders the reptilian aliens can eat us. source
  6. I loves me the internet. Thoughts?
  7. ..........

  8. make up your own conspiracy theory.

    I dont know weather you are serious or not but um thanks and good luck with your path hope to meet you on the top of the moutain soon.
  9. conspiracy theories...........

    close i actualy work for the IBP or iowa beef processing. lol That is a joke btw.
  10. do dragons exist?

    nope not in the sence that i am talking about although i have met people in online chat rooms that claim to have the souls of a dragon. but also one person from the same chat room said that lawnmowers could talk so yeah.
  11. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

  12. What is your oppinion on the hua hu ching? like is it real fake? is the words real but the story that lao tzu wrote it fake? I know i will get a million different answers but am willing to try this again. Thanks
  13. hua hu ching real fake?

    never heard that story before anyone have any more info on this?
  14. What reincarnates?

    In zen there is no self but if the body is just made up of the five elements what reincarnates?
  15. I wanna learn chi kung

    go to your local book store and pick up a book on chi gong or order 1 online I recommend 8 pieces of silk brocade you can't just feel chi overnight well maybe you can but it took me 5 years
  16. So the way i see it there are two camps the i can do it with out teachers and the i need a teacher camps. Which one are you and why? I am a without teacher aproah cause to me books and meditation are all one needs. also being in south dakota near wyoming meens little in the way of teachers. Thanks
  17. Any other Anime fans out there?

    code geass is awsome but um i would go with japanese lion king Or haruhi suzumiya or mabye buddha Wow i edited this like 5 times remebering more and fixing errors in the hyoperlinks lol.
  18. Anymore info please i am very curious about this story?
  19. It is a mewtwo and a renamon my two favorite charecterss.
  20. its times like tjis that i love this forum.
  21. I love worshiping the great god santa and his fearsome claws. Who is this jesus i worship santa. Lol sarcasm is awsome. anywho we need to get back to being a spiritual holiday to the high masters such as jesus buddha lao tzu excetera. Have i posted this before? seth mcfarlane rulz.
  22. yes lao tzu existed the aliens told me about him. see when his mother gazed upon the falling star it was really an alien craft and an alien empregnated his mother and the boy became lao tzu. LOL i crake myself up sometimes. but in reality i think lao tzu might of existed or might not of does it really matter? are his words more or less true if he did or did not exist? Thanks
  23. So i was wondering what an average taobum day looks like? You know at what times do you practice, When do you get up eat sleep.that sort of stuff. For me i get up around nonish and go to bed around 1 amish. My day does not really have a schedule i eat and stuff when i am hungry and such. My pracitce includes doing 30 minuts of a qigong form i developed. I dont meditate that often but when i do i usually do it for about 2 hours at a whack. I would say i do the 2 hour meditate about once every 2 weeks. But that is basicaly what my day looks like. What about yours?
  24. with or without teachers?

    very nicley put. I like it.
  25. so how should one do it? show they show respect and such or treate them like joe six pack down the street or both or neither? I ask cause i saw this video on youtube. He is treating him with respect but the joke fals flat and it kind of borders on cultural incesitivity to me.