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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. I ask this cause of how one says lion in each language simha and simba only one letter off. Anyone know of any documentaed proof of a connection between the languages?
  2. Why does master zhou use tinfoil and wet it with water and a paper towel? why not just use a wet paper towel or just his chi? Thanks
  3. master zhou why does he use tinfoil?

    in spanish if you translated it it is pronounced double v or double ve. anyways anyone else wana talk about master zhou?
  4. master zhou why does he use tinfoil?

    i believe that person was lieing cause i have seen in a short video by current tv that he let the people doing the documentary get there own water that he used to dip the tinfoil in.
  5. So i was wondering what are the different types of weapons in the different religions? Are they like the dorje and phurba or tibetan buddhism? Thanks
  6. AHIMSA meening non-violence. basicaly one firmaly established in non-violence will not have any violence directed twords them. it is said that animals living in the forest in witch one is cultivating ahimsa only kill when hungry. so a cow and a tigger could drink from the same watering hole at the same time.
  7. Can anyone recomend some books or such on african spirituality? Thanks
  8. So um i was hopeing to start a discution on what patanjali might of ment if you dont take the yoga sutras literaly. What if they were a metaphor? what if some siddhis were metaphor? What might the metaphor meen?
  9. So yeah i was wondering would you guys recomend a practise or something for safe journeys. like when i take the hour long trip to visit my buddhist sangha each week I wana make sure i am safe and that my family that is driving me is safe. So like any recomedations on practices that can basicaly keep us safe from bad weather and car crashes and such? Thanks
  10. well what i am mainly looking for is south african stuff like from the zulu peoples. I see you refrensed capoeira, do you play? I myself dont i have read some books about it.
  11. So i was wondering do you belive in siddhis like walking through walls or walking on water ect? The reason i ask this is because i was on a spiritual chat room and i asked about siddhis and a majority of the people in the room at the time said that walking thru walls was impocible and that they were parables. the only one they thought were possible were ones of the mind like reading other peoples mind and so on. Thanks
  12. siddhis do you believe in them?

    ok let me refraise that what if they were a metaphor what might the metaphor be?
  13. siddhis do you believe in them?

    so you guys believe in them. But what if they were some sort of metaphor not to be taken literaly?
  14. So i was meditating and well i had equilised the nostrals and i felt a sort of electric tingling sensation up my spine. Was this prana or kundalini? Also When i meditate i gte kind of a brain numbness that i dont want to move like oh ok my hands and feet are tired but it is ok they are fine where they are at. anyone else ever experience this? I also feel kind of like i am off kilter like i am leaning even though i know i am sitting straight. then sometimes my body will twitch.
  15. My Dantien is < 2% full

    post standing helps compress chi into the dantian. I think it does atleast. i could be wrong.
  16. So um i was watching youtube and saw the russian pyro was a fake and well thought what about the other masters out there. like john chang or master jo anyone ever debunk them? what about other ones i cant think of? Also if the western student of john chang still posts here may i ask why did you not proced and learn all you could from john chang? Sorry if this sounds rude i dont meen for it to.
  17. Teach me please.

    Ok so um some of you have said you could teach me. Well i am willing to take that advise. So where do we begin? Thanks
  18. trekcho or thogal?

    i did not ask for your advise hundun. i asked about thogal.
  19. the authenticity of masters?

    who eric i have never been to master zhou.
  20. So yeah i come back here after a day or so break. I come back with aprehention cause well i was called disgustingly fat in the teaching qigong thread. I kindly ask for an appoligy. But enough of that. this kind of stems from that thread. Do forms really matter? The way i see it you could be doing xingyiquan or baguazhang or taichiquan and the external forms does not matter but what does is the internal energy you are doing. If i am wrong would someone please kindly explain why so?
  21. I relise these things take time and such but they are kind of my goals so to speak. i was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to go about doing them? you know like two souls becomeing one and ascending to heaven alive.
  22. trekcho or thogal?

    oh ok i see.
  23. trekcho or thogal?

    I never said i was going to teach qigong. i was asking for your oppinion and since it was a resounding no then i was never going to do it. I find this rather funny.