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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. trekcho or thogal?

    so your saying alwayson does not know what the thogal practice is?
  2. trekcho or thogal?

    so the meditation of thogal would be? can you tell me more about thogal?
  3. trekcho or thogal?

    what am i missing?
  4. trekcho or thogal?

    what about thogal am i right in the aspect of the meditation for that?
  5. Plane of infinite awareness

    You think you could link us or tell us how one would do this? i am very interested in this.
  6. the authenticity of masters?

    20 Eric Zammitt // Oct 15, 2007 Hi Gyula, I have since discovered that “Master” Zhou is a fraud. I went to see him. I got a massage from him and he did his thing with the foil and wet paper towel. It got hot alright, but afterwards when he left the room to wash his hands I dipped my finger in the “water” that he used on the foil and touched it to my tongue. It burned! It tasted like something very caustic. Also, the water was milky white. I got to my car as quickly as possible and washed my mouth with water for a long time. I forgot about rinsing my finger, and later I must have rubbed my eye and it burned for hours. I didn’t confront Zhou at the time. He doesn’t speak English, and I wanted time to think. I did some research and discovered that Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH, commonly known as Lye, reacts with aluminum and generates great heat. Chronic exposure to this would also be consistent with the roughness of Zhou’s hands, and the fact that they are discolored very dark, kind of blackish purple. I called his other office where they speak English and told them what happened. They didn’t believe me (or were lying) but agreed to tell Zhou that I wanted to meet with him and have him prove to me that he actually has some kind of power. He agreed surprisingly, and I met with him yesterday. I brought my own materials (paper towels, foil, water, and container). He grabbed the material and began to prepare them on his glass-topped work table(why an auxiliary glass top? It’s just water, isn’t it? Conveniently chemical resistant. The Formica table it covered wouldn’t suffice) . He brought it to my shoulder and I could hear it sizzling as it passed my ear before he even put it on my shoulder and began to “put Qi into it”. I stopped him. I wiped my finger on the wet table and tasted it, and got that same chemical taste. I insisted that we prepare on his wood waiting table. I began to prepare the stuff myself and he said (this is all through an interpreter by the way) that he needed to touch the foil himself. I haggled with him about that, but he insisted that he had to touch the foil. I let him begin. He was getting his hands wet and splashing the water on the foil and paper towels and splashing on the table too. He put it on my shoulder and though it took a lot longer than usual, it began to sizzle and heat up. I then insisted that I taste his hands! And again, that same chemical taste. I then prepared the foil myself against his wishes, and put it on my shoulder, and he refused to try to heat it up. He said he gave me one chance and that was all he was going to give. Then I told him that I would let him prepare the materials again, but let me try to put Qi into it without him (I’m sure it would have heated up). Again he refused. I also asked him why he needed foil at all. I told him that I had been to several other QiGong doctors, and studied with a QiGong master (both true) and all of them directed Qi with their hands alone. He wouldn’t give me a straight answer. As we were speaking the water that he had splashed on the wood table had turned the finish white. I pointed that out and he tried to explain it away and shrug it off at the same time. I told him that I felt betrayed by him. The he attracted me under false pretenses and that he was only doing a cheap magic trick, and that I deserved my money back for my last visit. After a minute of haggling he agreed to give me half my money back because he thought he should be paid for the massage he gave me. If he were for real, he would have really let me prove his power (if he had, he would have had a loyal follower, and referrals to all my friends and family), and he never would have agreed to any kind of refund. I am not denigrating the practice of Qi Gong, or of Chinese medicine, I am denegrating Mr. Zhou. He is a fraud, stealing through deceit, from ailing people. If you still want his contact information, his number is 310.478.1798. But be warned. Eric Found this post online.
  7. Thank you very much otis, you expressed what i felt. You put it in better words then i could have. Thanks a million.
  8. Thak you very much sloppy zhang. you have answered my question in a way i like.
  9. See it is stuff like this that confuses me. The way i take it is that once you have studied the forms like for 60 ish year then they dont matter. But again i must be wrong.
  10. well where i got this idea was that there are a million different forms of taichi or qigong. and they all claim to do the same thing circulate chi. so yeah that is where i got my idea from. But apparently they ciculate different types of chi and such. so my theory must be wronbg.
  11. oh ok but could one like say meditate while doing taichi and say shift the energy around?
  12. teaching qigong?

    So um yeah i really wana teach qigong i have spent alot of time researching it and such. I have even kind of developed my own system. i was wonderind what you guys think it takes to teach qigong? Sorry if this sounds kind of noobish for lack of a better term. Thanks
  13. teaching qigong?

    yeah so um one more time in your guyses oppinoin do you think i should be teaching based on what you have gathered from asking me questions and such? i kind of get the feeling after seeing the video of me you guys are ok with me teaching do i have this right? Thanks
  14. teaching qigong?

    Again i came up with it after i learned that it does not matter what form you do externaly it matters what you do internaly. Besides grounding does anyone have any other things to do for someone experienceing a spiritual emergency/awakening?
  15. teaching qigong?

    I dont know taichi well enough to teach it i dont think. I do know my system of qigong well though.
  16. teaching qigong?

    you meen learn taichi starjumper7? why would i need a how to video on taichi?
  17. Stimulating Healthy Spiritual Transformation

    how are these things done phore?
  18. teaching qigong?

    That is the one reason i asked if i could teach on here cause of chi sicknesses and such. I know that grounding helps but what else can help? How does one guide one through a spiritual awakening?
  19. teaching qigong?

    I have great intuition. i could draw some what detailed diagrams with what i know about the energetic system. I can some what astral project in my dreams. I have not consulted my guides.
  20. teaching qigong?

    oh ok just a for warning i have not done the forms in a while so i am going to be rusty. i will tihnk about doing sunstly taichi and xing yi.
  21. teaching qigong?

    may i ask why you want to see me do sun style taichi and xingyi quan?
  22. A long time ago there was an article about this guy on here about his doing pyrokinesis well here is proof he is a fraud.
  23. the authenticity of masters?

    may i ask what siddhi you witnessed?